Name Description Size
EnumTemplate.kt 869
FeatureManifestTemplate.kt An object for safely accessing feature configuration from Nimbus. This is generated. Before use to configure the application or any of its features, this class needs to be wired up to the SDK API. This is an object created by the application which connects to the Nimbus SDK and thence to the server. ``` val nimbus: Nimbus = connectToNimbusSDK() {{ nimbus_object }}.initialize(getSdk = { nimbus }) ``` Once initialized, this can be used to access typesafe configuration object via the `features` member. This class should not be edited manually, but changed by editing the `nimbus.fml.yaml` file, and re-running the `nimbus-fml` tool, which is likely already being used by the build script. 5491
FeatureTemplate.kt 644
ImportedModuleInitializationTemplate.kt 800
macros.kt 3059
ObjectTemplate.kt 753