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//! Storage snapshotting.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use serde_json::{json, Value as JsonValue};
use crate::coverage::record_coverage;
use crate::database::Database;
use crate::metrics::Metric;
use crate::Lifetime;
// An internal ping name, not to be touched by anything else
pub(crate) const INTERNAL_STORAGE: &str = "glean_internal_info";
/// Snapshot metrics from the underlying database.
pub struct StorageManager;
/// Labeled metrics are stored as `<metric id>/<label>`.
/// They need to go into a nested object in the final snapshot.
/// We therefore extract the metric id and the label from the key and construct the new object or
/// add to it.
fn snapshot_labeled_metrics(
snapshot: &mut HashMap<String, HashMap<String, JsonValue>>,
metric_id: &str,
metric: &Metric,
) {
let ping_section = format!("labeled_{}", metric.ping_section());
let map = snapshot.entry(ping_section).or_default();
// Safe unwrap, the function is only called when the id does contain a '/'
let (metric_id, label) = metric_id.split_once('/').unwrap();
let obj = map.entry(metric_id.into()).or_insert_with(|| json!({}));
let obj = obj.as_object_mut().unwrap(); // safe unwrap, we constructed the object above
obj.insert(label.into(), metric.as_json());
impl StorageManager {
/// Snapshots the given store and optionally clear it.
/// # Arguments
/// * `storage` - the database to read from.
/// * `store_name` - the store to snapshot.
/// * `clear_store` - whether to clear the data after snapshotting.
/// # Returns
/// The stored data in a string encoded as JSON.
/// If no data for the store exists, `None` is returned.
pub fn snapshot(
storage: &Database,
store_name: &str,
clear_store: bool,
) -> Option<String> {
self.snapshot_as_json(storage, store_name, clear_store)
.map(|data| ::serde_json::to_string_pretty(&data).unwrap())
/// Snapshots the given store and optionally clear it.
/// # Arguments
/// * `storage` - the database to read from.
/// * `store_name` - the store to snapshot.
/// * `clear_store` - whether to clear the data after snapshotting.
/// # Returns
/// A JSON representation of the stored data.
/// If no data for the store exists, `None` is returned.
pub fn snapshot_as_json(
storage: &Database,
store_name: &str,
clear_store: bool,
) -> Option<JsonValue> {
let mut snapshot: HashMap<String, HashMap<String, JsonValue>> = HashMap::new();
let mut snapshotter = |metric_id: &[u8], metric: &Metric| {
let metric_id = String::from_utf8_lossy(metric_id).into_owned();
if metric_id.contains('/') {
snapshot_labeled_metrics(&mut snapshot, &metric_id, metric);
} else {
let map = snapshot.entry(metric.ping_section().into()).or_default();
map.insert(metric_id, metric.as_json());
storage.iter_store_from(Lifetime::Ping, store_name, None, &mut snapshotter);
storage.iter_store_from(Lifetime::Application, store_name, None, &mut snapshotter);
storage.iter_store_from(Lifetime::User, store_name, None, &mut snapshotter);
// Add send in all pings client.annotations
if store_name != "glean_client_info" {
storage.iter_store_from(Lifetime::Application, "all-pings", None, snapshotter);
if clear_store {
if let Err(e) = storage.clear_ping_lifetime_storage(store_name) {
log::warn!("Failed to clear lifetime storage: {:?}", e);
if snapshot.is_empty() {
} else {
/// Gets the current value of a single metric identified by name.
/// # Arguments
/// * `storage` - The database to get data from.
/// * `store_name` - The store name to look into.
/// * `metric_id` - The full metric identifier.
/// # Returns
/// The decoded metric or `None` if no data is found.
pub fn snapshot_metric(
storage: &Database,
store_name: &str,
metric_id: &str,
metric_lifetime: Lifetime,
) -> Option<Metric> {
let mut snapshot: Option<Metric> = None;
let mut snapshotter = |id: &[u8], metric: &Metric| {
let id = String::from_utf8_lossy(id).into_owned();
if id == metric_id {
snapshot = Some(metric.clone())
storage.iter_store_from(metric_lifetime, store_name, None, &mut snapshotter);
/// Gets the current value of a single metric identified by name.
/// Use this API, rather than `snapshot_metric` within the testing API, so
/// that the usage will be reported in coverage, if enabled.
/// # Arguments
/// * `storage` - The database to get data from.
/// * `store_name` - The store name to look into.
/// * `metric_id` - The full metric identifier.
/// # Returns
/// The decoded metric or `None` if no data is found.
pub fn snapshot_metric_for_test(
storage: &Database,
store_name: &str,
metric_id: &str,
metric_lifetime: Lifetime,
) -> Option<Metric> {
self.snapshot_metric(storage, store_name, metric_id, metric_lifetime)
/// Snapshots the experiments.
/// # Arguments
/// * `storage` - The database to get data from.
/// * `store_name` - The store name to look into.
/// # Returns
/// A JSON representation of the experiment data, in the following format:
/// ```json
/// {
/// "experiment-id": {
/// "branch": "branch-id",
/// "extra": {
/// "additional": "property",
/// // ...
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// If no data for the store exists, `None` is returned.
pub fn snapshot_experiments_as_json(
storage: &Database,
store_name: &str,
) -> Option<JsonValue> {
let mut snapshot: HashMap<String, JsonValue> = HashMap::new();
let mut snapshotter = |metric_id: &[u8], metric: &Metric| {
let metric_id = String::from_utf8_lossy(metric_id).into_owned();
if metric_id.ends_with("#experiment") {
let (name, _) = metric_id.split_once('#').unwrap(); // safe unwrap, we ensured there's a `#` in the string
snapshot.insert(name.to_string(), metric.as_json());
storage.iter_store_from(Lifetime::Application, store_name, None, &mut snapshotter);
if snapshot.is_empty() {
} else {
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::metrics::ExperimentMetric;
use crate::Glean;
// Experiment's API tests: the next test comes from glean-ac's
// ExperimentsStorageEngineTest.kt.
fn test_experiments_json_serialization() {
let t = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let name = t.path().display().to_string();
let glean = Glean::with_options(&name, "org.mozilla.glean", true, true);
let extra: HashMap<String, String> = [("test-key".into(), "test-value".into())]
let metric = ExperimentMetric::new(&glean, "some-experiment".to_string());
metric.set_active_sync(&glean, "test-branch".to_string(), extra);
let snapshot = StorageManager
.snapshot_experiments_as_json(, "glean_internal_info")
json!({"some-experiment": {"branch": "test-branch", "extra": {"test-key": "test-value"}}}),
let empty_snapshot =
StorageManager.snapshot_experiments_as_json(, "glean_internal_info");
fn test_experiments_json_serialization_empty() {
let t = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let name = t.path().display().to_string();
let glean = Glean::with_options(&name, "org.mozilla.glean", true, true);
let metric = ExperimentMetric::new(&glean, "some-experiment".to_string());
metric.set_active_sync(&glean, "test-branch".to_string(), HashMap::new());
let snapshot = StorageManager
.snapshot_experiments_as_json(, "glean_internal_info")
json!({"some-experiment": {"branch": "test-branch"}}),
let empty_snapshot =
StorageManager.snapshot_experiments_as_json(, "glean_internal_info");