Name Description Size 4699
core 7409 Utilities for recording when testing APIs have been called on specific metrics. Testing coverage is enabled by setting the GLEAN_TEST_COVERAGE environment variable to the name of an output file. This output file must run through a post-processor (in glean_parser's `coverage` command) to convert to a format understood by third-party coverage reporting tools. While running a unit test suite, Glean records which database keys were accessed by the testing APIs, with one entry per line. Database keys are usually, but not always, the same as metric identifiers, but it is the responsibility of the post-processor to resolve that difference. This functionality has no runtime overhead unless the testing API is used. 1776
database # Debug options The debug options for Glean may be set by calling one of the `set_*` functions or by setting specific environment variables. The environment variables will be read only once when the options are initialized. The possible debugging features available out of the box are: * **Ping logging** - logging the contents of ping requests that are correctly assembled; This may be set by calling glean.set_log_pings(value: bool) or by setting the environment variable GLEAN_LOG_PINGS="true"; * **Debug tagging** - Adding the X-Debug-ID header to every ping request, allowing these tagged pings to be sent to the ["Ping Debug Viewer"]( This may be set by calling glean.set_debug_view_tag(value: &str) or by setting the environment variable `GLEAN_DEBUG_VIEW_TAG=<some tag>`; * **Source tagging** - Adding the X-Source-Tags header to every ping request, allowing pings to be tagged with custom labels. This may be set by calling `glean.set_source_tags(value: Vec<String>)` or by setting the environment variable `GLEAN_SOURCE_TAGS=<some, tags>`; Bindings may implement other debugging features, e.g. sending pings on demand. 10913
dispatcher 4755 # Error Recording Glean keeps track of errors that occured due to invalid labels or invalid values when recording other metrics. Error counts are stored in labeled counters in the `glean.error` category. The labeled counter metrics that store the errors are defined in the `metrics.yaml` for documentation purposes, but are not actually used directly, since the `send_in_pings` value needs to match the pings of the metric that is erroring (plus the "metrics" ping), not some constant value that we could define in `metrics.yaml`. 8339
event_database 2603
glean.udl 19206 899
histogram 11534 2534 Glean is a modern approach for recording and sending Telemetry data. It's in use at Mozilla. All documentation can be found online: ## [The Glean SDK Book]( 48375 42025
ping # Metrics Ping Scheduler The Metrics Ping Scheduler (MPS) is responsible for scheduling "metrics" pings. It implements the spec described in [the docs]( 23631
storage Detect and expose `target_os` as a constant. Code adopted from the "platforms" crate: <>. 2856
upload 10750