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// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU8, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use crate::database::Database;
use crate::debug::DebugOptions;
use crate::event_database::EventDatabase;
use crate::internal_metrics::{AdditionalMetrics, CoreMetrics, DatabaseMetrics};
use crate::internal_pings::InternalPings;
use crate::metrics::{
self, ExperimentMetric, Metric, MetricType, PingType, RecordedExperiment, RemoteSettingsConfig,
use crate::ping::PingMaker;
use crate::storage::{StorageManager, INTERNAL_STORAGE};
use crate::upload::{PingUploadManager, PingUploadTask, UploadResult, UploadTaskAction};
use crate::util::{local_now_with_offset, sanitize_application_id};
use crate::{
scheduler, system, CommonMetricData, ErrorKind, InternalConfiguration, Lifetime, PingRateLimit,
static GLEAN: OnceCell<Mutex<Glean>> = OnceCell::new();
pub fn global_glean() -> Option<&'static Mutex<Glean>> {
/// Sets or replaces the global Glean object.
pub fn setup_glean(glean: Glean) -> Result<()> {
// The `OnceCell` type wrapping our Glean is thread-safe and can only be set once.
// Therefore even if our check for it being empty succeeds, setting it could fail if a
// concurrent thread is quicker in setting it.
// However this will not cause a bigger problem, as the second `set` operation will just fail.
// We can log it and move on.
// For all wrappers this is not a problem, as the Glean object is intialized exactly once on
// calling `initialize` on the global singleton and further operations check that it has been
// initialized.
if GLEAN.get().is_none() {
if GLEAN.set(Mutex::new(glean)).is_err() {
"Global Glean object is initialized already. This probably happened concurrently."
} else {
// We allow overriding the global Glean object to support test mode.
// In test mode the Glean object is fully destroyed and recreated.
// This all happens behind a mutex and is therefore also thread-safe..
let mut lock = GLEAN.get().unwrap().lock().unwrap();
*lock = glean;
/// Execute `f` passing the global Glean object.
/// Panics if the global Glean object has not been set.
pub fn with_glean<F, R>(f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&Glean) -> R,
let glean = global_glean().expect("Global Glean object not initialized");
let lock = glean.lock().unwrap();
/// Execute `f` passing the global Glean object mutable.
/// Panics if the global Glean object has not been set.
pub fn with_glean_mut<F, R>(f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&mut Glean) -> R,
let glean = global_glean().expect("Global Glean object not initialized");
let mut lock = glean.lock().unwrap();
f(&mut lock)
/// Execute `f` passing the global Glean object if it has been set.
/// Returns `None` if the global Glean object has not been set.
/// Returns `Some(T)` otherwise.
pub fn with_opt_glean<F, R>(f: F) -> Option<R>
F: FnOnce(&Glean) -> R,
let glean = global_glean()?;
let lock = glean.lock().unwrap();
/// The object holding meta information about a Glean instance.
/// ## Example
/// Create a new Glean instance, register a ping, record a simple counter and then send the final
/// ping.
/// ```rust,no_run
/// # use glean_core::{Glean, InternalConfiguration, CommonMetricData, metrics::*};
/// let cfg = InternalConfiguration {
/// data_path: "/tmp/glean".into(),
/// application_id: "".into(),
/// language_binding_name: "Rust".into(),
/// upload_enabled: true,
/// max_events: None,
/// delay_ping_lifetime_io: false,
/// app_build: "".into(),
/// use_core_mps: false,
/// trim_data_to_registered_pings: false,
/// log_level: None,
/// rate_limit: None,
/// enable_event_timestamps: true,
/// experimentation_id: None,
/// enable_internal_pings: true,
/// ping_schedule: Default::default(),
/// ping_lifetime_threshold: 1000,
/// ping_lifetime_max_time: 2000,
/// };
/// let mut glean = Glean::new(cfg).unwrap();
/// let ping = PingType::new("sample", true, false, true, true, true, vec![], vec![]);
/// glean.register_ping_type(&ping);
/// let call_counter: CounterMetric = CounterMetric::new(CommonMetricData {
/// name: "calls".into(),
/// category: "local".into(),
/// send_in_pings: vec!["sample".into()],
/// ..Default::default()
/// });
/// call_counter.add_sync(&glean, 1);
/// ping.submit_sync(&glean, None);
/// ```
/// ## Note
/// In specific language bindings, this is usually wrapped in a singleton and all metric recording goes to a single instance of this object.
/// In the Rust core, it is possible to create multiple instances, which is used in testing.
pub struct Glean {
upload_enabled: bool,
pub(crate) data_store: Option<Database>,
event_data_store: EventDatabase,
pub(crate) core_metrics: CoreMetrics,
pub(crate) additional_metrics: AdditionalMetrics,
pub(crate) database_metrics: DatabaseMetrics,
pub(crate) internal_pings: InternalPings,
data_path: PathBuf,
application_id: String,
ping_registry: HashMap<String, PingType>,
start_time: DateTime<FixedOffset>,
max_events: u32,
is_first_run: bool,
pub(crate) upload_manager: PingUploadManager,
debug: DebugOptions,
pub(crate) app_build: String,
pub(crate) schedule_metrics_pings: bool,
pub(crate) remote_settings_epoch: AtomicU8,
pub(crate) remote_settings_config: Arc<Mutex<RemoteSettingsConfig>>,
pub(crate) with_timestamps: bool,
pub(crate) ping_schedule: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
impl Glean {
/// Creates and initializes a new Glean object for use in a subprocess.
/// Importantly, this will not send any pings at startup, since that
/// sort of management should only happen in the main process.
pub fn new_for_subprocess(cfg: &InternalConfiguration, scan_directories: bool) -> Result<Self> {
log::info!("Creating new Glean v{}", GLEAN_VERSION);
let application_id = sanitize_application_id(&cfg.application_id);
if application_id.is_empty() {
return Err(ErrorKind::InvalidConfig.into());
let data_path = Path::new(&cfg.data_path);
let event_data_store = EventDatabase::new(data_path)?;
// Create an upload manager with rate limiting of 15 pings every 60 seconds.
let mut upload_manager = PingUploadManager::new(&cfg.data_path, &cfg.language_binding_name);
let rate_limit = cfg.rate_limit.as_ref().unwrap_or(&PingRateLimit {
seconds_per_interval: 60,
pings_per_interval: 15,
// We only scan the pending ping directories when calling this from a subprocess,
// when calling this from ::new we need to scan the directories after dealing with the upload state.
if scan_directories {
let _scanning_thread = upload_manager.scan_pending_pings_directories(false);
let start_time = local_now_with_offset();
let mut this = Self {
upload_enabled: cfg.upload_enabled,
// In the subprocess, we want to avoid accessing the database entirely.
// The easiest way to ensure that is to just not initialize it.
data_store: None,
core_metrics: CoreMetrics::new(),
additional_metrics: AdditionalMetrics::new(),
database_metrics: DatabaseMetrics::new(),
internal_pings: InternalPings::new(cfg.enable_internal_pings),
data_path: PathBuf::from(&cfg.data_path),
ping_registry: HashMap::new(),
max_events: cfg.max_events.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_MAX_EVENTS),
is_first_run: false,
debug: DebugOptions::new(),
app_build: cfg.app_build.to_string(),
// Subprocess doesn't use "metrics" pings so has no need for a scheduler.
schedule_metrics_pings: false,
remote_settings_epoch: AtomicU8::new(0),
remote_settings_config: Arc::new(Mutex::new(RemoteSettingsConfig::new())),
with_timestamps: cfg.enable_event_timestamps,
ping_schedule: cfg.ping_schedule.clone(),
// Ensuring these pings are registered.
let pings = this.internal_pings.clone();
/// Creates and initializes a new Glean object.
/// This will create the necessary directories and files in
/// [`cfg.data_path`](InternalConfiguration::data_path). This will also initialize
/// the core metrics.
pub fn new(cfg: InternalConfiguration) -> Result<Self> {
let mut glean = Self::new_for_subprocess(&cfg, false)?;
// Creating the data store creates the necessary path as well.
// If that fails we bail out and don't initialize further.
let data_path = Path::new(&cfg.data_path);
let ping_lifetime_threshold = cfg.ping_lifetime_threshold as usize;
let ping_lifetime_max_time = Duration::from_millis(cfg.ping_lifetime_max_time);
glean.data_store = Some(Database::new(
// Set experimentation identifier (if any)
if let Some(experimentation_id) = &cfg.experimentation_id {
.set_sync(&glean, experimentation_id.to_string());
// The upload enabled flag may have changed since the last run, for
// example by the changing of a config file.
if cfg.upload_enabled {
// If upload is enabled, just follow the normal code path to
// instantiate the core metrics.
} else {
// If upload is disabled, and we've never run before, only set the
// client_id to KNOWN_CLIENT_ID, but do not send a deletion request
// ping.
// If we have run before, and if the client_id is not equal to
// the KNOWN_CLIENT_ID, do the full upload disabled operations to
// clear metrics, set the client_id to KNOWN_CLIENT_ID, and send a
// deletion request ping.
match glean
.get_value(&glean, Some("glean_client_info"))
None => glean.clear_metrics(),
Some(uuid) => {
if uuid != *KNOWN_CLIENT_ID {
// Temporarily enable uploading so we can submit a
// deletion request ping.
glean.upload_enabled = true;
// We set this only for non-subprocess situations.
// If internal pings are disabled, we don't set up the MPS either,
// it wouldn't send any data anyway.
glean.schedule_metrics_pings = cfg.enable_internal_pings && cfg.use_core_mps;
// We only scan the pendings pings directories **after** dealing with the upload state.
// If upload is disabled, we delete all pending pings files
// and we need to do that **before** scanning the pending pings folder
// to ensure we don't enqueue pings before their files are deleted.
let _scanning_thread = glean.upload_manager.scan_pending_pings_directories(true);
/// For tests make it easy to create a Glean object using only the required configuration.
pub(crate) fn with_options(
data_path: &str,
application_id: &str,
upload_enabled: bool,
enable_internal_pings: bool,
) -> Self {
let cfg = InternalConfiguration {
data_path: data_path.into(),
application_id: application_id.into(),
language_binding_name: "Rust".into(),
max_events: None,
delay_ping_lifetime_io: false,
app_build: "Unknown".into(),
use_core_mps: false,
trim_data_to_registered_pings: false,
log_level: None,
rate_limit: None,
enable_event_timestamps: true,
experimentation_id: None,
ping_schedule: Default::default(),
ping_lifetime_threshold: 0,
ping_lifetime_max_time: 0,
let mut glean = Self::new(cfg).unwrap();
// Disable all upload manager policies for testing
glean.upload_manager = PingUploadManager::no_policy(data_path);
/// Destroys the database.
/// After this Glean needs to be reinitialized.
pub fn destroy_db(&mut self) {
self.data_store = None;
/// Initializes the core metrics managed by Glean's Rust core.
fn initialize_core_metrics(&mut self) {
let need_new_client_id = match self
.get_value(self, Some("glean_client_info"))
None => true,
Some(uuid) => uuid == *KNOWN_CLIENT_ID,
if need_new_client_id {
if self
.get_value(self, "glean_client_info")
self.core_metrics.first_run_date.set_sync(self, None);
// The `first_run_date` field is generated on the very first run
// and persisted across upload toggling. We can assume that, the only
// time it is set, that's indeed our "first run".
self.is_first_run = true;
/// Initializes the database metrics managed by Glean's Rust core.
fn initialize_database_metrics(&mut self) {
log::trace!("Initializing database metrics");
if let Some(size) = self
.and_then(|database| database.file_size())
log::trace!("Database file size: {}", size.get());
.accumulate_sync(self, size.get() as i64)
if let Some(rkv_load_state) = self
.and_then(|database| database.rkv_load_state())
.set_sync(self, rkv_load_state)
/// Signals that the environment is ready to submit pings.
/// Should be called when Glean is initialized to the point where it can correctly assemble pings.
/// Usually called from the language binding after all of the core metrics have been set
/// and the ping types have been registered.
/// # Arguments
/// * `trim_data_to_registered_pings` - Whether we should limit to storing data only for
/// data belonging to pings previously registered via `register_ping_type`.
/// # Returns
/// Whether the "events" ping was submitted.
pub fn on_ready_to_submit_pings(&self, trim_data_to_registered_pings: bool) -> bool {
.flush_pending_events_on_startup(self, trim_data_to_registered_pings)
/// Sets whether upload is enabled or not.
/// When uploading is disabled, metrics aren't recorded at all and no
/// data is uploaded.
/// When disabling, all pending metrics, events and queued pings are cleared.
/// When enabling, the core Glean metrics are recreated.
/// If the value of this flag is not actually changed, this is a no-op.
/// # Arguments
/// * `flag` - When true, enable metric collection.
/// # Returns
/// Whether the flag was different from the current value,
/// and actual work was done to clear or reinstate metrics.
pub fn set_upload_enabled(&mut self, flag: bool) -> bool {
log::info!("Upload enabled: {:?}", flag);
if self.upload_enabled != flag {
if flag {
} else {
} else {
/// Determines whether upload is enabled.
/// When upload is disabled, no data will be recorded.
pub fn is_upload_enabled(&self) -> bool {
/// Handles the changing of state from upload disabled to enabled.
/// Should only be called when the state actually changes.
/// The `upload_enabled` flag is set to true and the core Glean metrics are
/// recreated.
fn on_upload_enabled(&mut self) {
self.upload_enabled = true;
/// Handles the changing of state from upload enabled to disabled.
/// Should only be called when the state actually changes.
/// A deletion_request ping is sent, all pending metrics, events and queued
/// pings are cleared, and the client_id is set to KNOWN_CLIENT_ID.
/// Afterward, the upload_enabled flag is set to false.
fn on_upload_disabled(&mut self, during_init: bool) {
// The upload_enabled flag should be true here, or the deletion ping
// won't be submitted.
let reason = if during_init {
} else {
if !self
.submit_sync(self, reason)
log::error!("Failed to submit deletion-request ping on optout.");
self.upload_enabled = false;
/// Clear any pending metrics when telemetry is disabled.
fn clear_metrics(&mut self) {
// Clear the pending pings queue and acquire the lock
// so that it can't be accessed until this function is done.
let _lock = self.upload_manager.clear_ping_queue();
// There is only one metric that we want to survive after clearing all
// metrics: first_run_date. Here, we store its value so we can restore
// it after clearing the metrics.
let existing_first_run_date = self
.get_value(self, "glean_client_info");
// Clear any pending pings.
let ping_maker = PingMaker::new();
if let Err(err) = ping_maker.clear_pending_pings(self.get_data_path()) {
log::warn!("Error clearing pending pings: {}", err);
// Delete all stored metrics.
// Note that this also includes the ping sequence numbers, so it has
// the effect of resetting those to their initial values.
if let Some(data) = self.data_store.as_ref() {
if let Err(err) = self.event_data_store.clear_all() {
log::warn!("Error clearing pending events: {}", err);
// This does not clear the experiments store (which isn't managed by the
// StorageEngineManager), since doing so would mean we would have to have the
// application tell us again which experiments are active if telemetry is
// re-enabled.
// We need to briefly set upload_enabled to true here so that `set`
// is not a no-op. This is safe, since nothing on the Rust side can
// run concurrently to this since we hold a mutable reference to the
// Glean object. Additionally, the pending pings have been cleared
// from disk, so the PingUploader can't wake up and start sending
// pings.
self.upload_enabled = true;
// Store a "dummy" KNOWN_CLIENT_ID in the client_id metric. This will
// make it easier to detect if pings were unintentionally sent after
// uploading is disabled.
.set_from_uuid_sync(self, *KNOWN_CLIENT_ID);
// Restore the first_run_date.
if let Some(existing_first_run_date) = existing_first_run_date {
.set_sync_chrono(self, existing_first_run_date);
self.upload_enabled = false;
/// Gets the application ID as specified on instantiation.
pub fn get_application_id(&self) -> &str {
/// Gets the data path of this instance.
pub fn get_data_path(&self) -> &Path {
/// Gets a handle to the database.
#[track_caller] // If this fails we're interested in the caller.
pub fn storage(&self) -> &Database {
self.data_store.as_ref().expect("No database found")
/// Gets an optional handle to the database.
pub fn storage_opt(&self) -> Option<&Database> {
/// Gets a handle to the event database.
pub fn event_storage(&self) -> &EventDatabase {
pub(crate) fn with_timestamps(&self) -> bool {
/// Gets the maximum number of events to store before sending a ping.
pub fn get_max_events(&self) -> usize {
let remote_settings_config = self.remote_settings_config.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(max_events) = remote_settings_config.event_threshold {
max_events as usize
} else {
self.max_events as usize
/// Gets the next task for an uploader.
/// This can be one of:
/// * [`Wait`](PingUploadTask::Wait) - which means the requester should ask
/// again later;
/// * [`Upload(PingRequest)`](PingUploadTask::Upload) - which means there is
/// a ping to upload. This wraps the actual request object;
/// * [`Done`](PingUploadTask::Done) - which means requester should stop
/// asking for now.
/// # Returns
/// A [`PingUploadTask`] representing the next task.
pub fn get_upload_task(&self) -> PingUploadTask {
self.upload_manager.get_upload_task(self, self.log_pings())
/// Processes the response from an attempt to upload a ping.
/// # Arguments
/// * `uuid` - The UUID of the ping in question.
/// * `status` - The upload result.
pub fn process_ping_upload_response(
uuid: &str,
status: UploadResult,
) -> UploadTaskAction {
.process_ping_upload_response(self, uuid, status)
/// Takes a snapshot for the given store and optionally clear it.
/// # Arguments
/// * `store_name` - The store to snapshot.
/// * `clear_store` - Whether to clear the store after snapshotting.
/// # Returns
/// The snapshot in a string encoded as JSON. If the snapshot is empty, returns an empty string.
pub fn snapshot(&mut self, store_name: &str, clear_store: bool) -> String {
.snapshot(, store_name, clear_store)
.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from(""))
pub(crate) fn make_path(&self, ping_name: &str, doc_id: &str) -> String {
/// Collects and submits a ping by name for eventual uploading.
/// The ping content is assembled as soon as possible, but upload is not
/// guaranteed to happen immediately, as that depends on the upload policies.
/// If the ping currently contains no content, it will not be sent,
/// unless it is configured to be sent if empty.
/// # Arguments
/// * `ping_name` - The name of the ping to submit
/// * `reason` - A reason code to include in the ping
/// # Returns
/// Whether the ping was succesfully assembled and queued.
/// # Errors
/// If collecting or writing the ping to disk failed.
pub fn submit_ping_by_name(&self, ping_name: &str, reason: Option<&str>) -> bool {
match self.get_ping_by_name(ping_name) {
None => {
log::error!("Attempted to submit unknown ping '{}'", ping_name);
Some(ping) => ping.submit_sync(self, reason),
/// Gets a [`PingType`] by name.
/// # Returns
/// The [`PingType`] of a ping if the given name was registered before, [`None`]
/// otherwise.
pub fn get_ping_by_name(&self, ping_name: &str) -> Option<&PingType> {
/// Register a new [`PingType`](metrics/struct.PingType.html).
pub fn register_ping_type(&mut self, ping: &PingType) {
if self.ping_registry.contains_key( {
log::debug!("Duplicate ping named '{}'",
.insert(, ping.clone());
/// Get create time of the Glean object.
pub(crate) fn start_time(&self) -> DateTime<FixedOffset> {
/// Indicates that an experiment is running.
/// Glean will then add an experiment annotation to the environment
/// which is sent with pings. This information is not persisted between runs.
/// # Arguments
/// * `experiment_id` - The id of the active experiment (maximum 30 bytes).
/// * `branch` - The experiment branch (maximum 30 bytes).
/// * `extra` - Optional metadata to output with the ping.
pub fn set_experiment_active(
experiment_id: String,
branch: String,
extra: HashMap<String, String>,
) {
let metric = ExperimentMetric::new(self, experiment_id);
metric.set_active_sync(self, branch, extra);
/// Indicates that an experiment is no longer running.
/// # Arguments
/// * `experiment_id` - The id of the active experiment to deactivate (maximum 30 bytes).
pub fn set_experiment_inactive(&self, experiment_id: String) {
let metric = ExperimentMetric::new(self, experiment_id);
/// **Test-only API (exported for FFI purposes).**
/// Gets stored data for the requested experiment.
/// # Arguments
/// * `experiment_id` - The id of the active experiment (maximum 30 bytes).
pub fn test_get_experiment_data(&self, experiment_id: String) -> Option<RecordedExperiment> {
let metric = ExperimentMetric::new(self, experiment_id);
/// **Test-only API (exported for FFI purposes).**
/// Gets stored experimentation id annotation.
pub fn test_get_experimentation_id(&self) -> Option<String> {
.get_value(self, None)
/// Set configuration to override the default state, typically initiated from a
/// remote_settings experiment or rollout
/// # Arguments
/// * `cfg` - The stringified JSON representation of a `RemoteSettingsConfig` object
pub fn apply_server_knobs_config(&self, cfg: RemoteSettingsConfig) {
// Set the current RemoteSettingsConfig, keeping the lock until the epoch is
// updated to prevent against reading a "new" config but an "old" epoch
let mut remote_settings_config = self.remote_settings_config.lock().unwrap();
// Merge the exising metrics configuration with the supplied one
// Merge the exising ping configuration with the supplied one
remote_settings_config.event_threshold = cfg.event_threshold;
// Update remote_settings epoch
self.remote_settings_epoch.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Persists [`Lifetime::Ping`] data that might be in memory in case
/// [`delay_ping_lifetime_io`](InternalConfiguration::delay_ping_lifetime_io) is set
/// or was set at a previous time.
/// If there is no data to persist, this function does nothing.
pub fn persist_ping_lifetime_data(&self) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(data) = self.data_store.as_ref() {
return data.persist_ping_lifetime_data();
/// Sets internally-handled application lifetime metrics.
fn set_application_lifetime_core_metrics(&self) {
self.core_metrics.os.set_sync(self, system::OS);
/// **This is not meant to be used directly.**
/// Clears all the metrics that have [`Lifetime::Application`].
pub fn clear_application_lifetime_metrics(&self) {
log::trace!("Clearing Lifetime::Application metrics");
if let Some(data) = self.data_store.as_ref() {
// Set internally handled app lifetime metrics again.
/// Whether or not this is the first run on this profile.
pub fn is_first_run(&self) -> bool {
/// Sets a debug view tag.
/// This will return `false` in case `value` is not a valid tag.
/// When the debug view tag is set, pings are sent with a `X-Debug-ID` header with the value of the tag
/// and are sent to the ["Ping Debug Viewer"](
/// # Arguments
/// * `value` - A valid HTTP header value. Must match the regex: "[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}".
pub fn set_debug_view_tag(&mut self, value: &str) -> bool {
/// Return the value for the debug view tag or [`None`] if it hasn't been set.
/// The `debug_view_tag` may be set from an environment variable
/// (`GLEAN_DEBUG_VIEW_TAG`) or through the [`set_debug_view_tag`] function.
pub(crate) fn debug_view_tag(&self) -> Option<&String> {
/// Sets source tags.
/// This will return `false` in case `value` contains invalid tags.
/// Ping tags will show in the destination datasets, after ingestion.
/// **Note** If one or more tags are invalid, all tags are ignored.
/// # Arguments
/// * `value` - A vector of at most 5 valid HTTP header values. Individual tags must match the regex: "[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}".
pub fn set_source_tags(&mut self, value: Vec<String>) -> bool {
/// Return the value for the source tags or [`None`] if it hasn't been set.
/// The `source_tags` may be set from an environment variable (`GLEAN_SOURCE_TAGS`)
/// or through the [`set_source_tags`] function.
pub(crate) fn source_tags(&self) -> Option<&Vec<String>> {
/// Sets the log pings debug option.
/// This will return `false` in case we are unable to set the option.
/// When the log pings debug option is `true`,
/// we log the payload of all succesfully assembled pings.
/// # Arguments
/// * `value` - The value of the log pings option
pub fn set_log_pings(&mut self, value: bool) -> bool {
/// Return the value for the log pings debug option or [`None`] if it hasn't been set.
/// The `log_pings` option may be set from an environment variable (`GLEAN_LOG_PINGS`)
/// or through the [`set_log_pings`] function.
pub(crate) fn log_pings(&self) -> bool {
fn get_dirty_bit_metric(&self) -> metrics::BooleanMetric {
metrics::BooleanMetric::new(CommonMetricData {
name: "dirtybit".into(),
// We don't need a category, the name is already unique
category: "".into(),
send_in_pings: vec![INTERNAL_STORAGE.into()],
lifetime: Lifetime::User,
/// **This is not meant to be used directly.**
/// Sets the value of a "dirty flag" in the permanent storage.
/// The "dirty flag" is meant to have the following behaviour, implemented
/// by the consumers of the FFI layer:
/// - on mobile: set to `false` when going to background or shutting down,
/// set to `true` at startup and when going to foreground.
/// - on non-mobile platforms: set to `true` at startup and `false` at
/// shutdown.
/// At startup, before setting its new value, if the "dirty flag" value is
/// `true`, then Glean knows it did not exit cleanly and can implement
/// coping mechanisms (e.g. sending a `baseline` ping).
pub fn set_dirty_flag(&self, new_value: bool) {
self.get_dirty_bit_metric().set_sync(self, new_value);
/// **This is not meant to be used directly.**
/// Checks the stored value of the "dirty flag".
pub fn is_dirty_flag_set(&self) -> bool {
let dirty_bit_metric = self.get_dirty_bit_metric();
match StorageManager.snapshot_metric(,
) {
Some(Metric::Boolean(b)) => b,
_ => false,
/// Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming active.
/// This functions generates a baseline ping with reason `active`
/// and then sets the dirty bit.
pub fn handle_client_active(&mut self) {
if !self
.submit_sync(self, Some("active"))
log::info!("baseline ping not submitted on active");
/// Performs the collection/cleanup operations required by becoming inactive.
/// This functions generates a baseline and an events ping with reason
/// `inactive` and then clears the dirty bit.
pub fn handle_client_inactive(&mut self) {
if !self
.submit_sync(self, Some("inactive"))
log::info!("baseline ping not submitted on inactive");
if !self
.submit_sync(self, Some("inactive"))
log::info!("events ping not submitted on inactive");
/// **Test-only API (exported for FFI purposes).**
/// Deletes all stored metrics.
/// Note that this also includes the ping sequence numbers, so it has
/// the effect of resetting those to their initial values.
pub fn test_clear_all_stores(&self) {
if let Some(data) = self.data_store.as_ref() {
// We don't care about this failing, maybe the data does just not exist.
let _ = self.event_data_store.clear_all();
/// Instructs the Metrics Ping Scheduler's thread to exit cleanly.
/// If Glean was configured with `use_core_mps: false`, this has no effect.
pub fn cancel_metrics_ping_scheduler(&self) {
if self.schedule_metrics_pings {
/// Instructs the Metrics Ping Scheduler to being scheduling metrics pings.
/// If Glean wsa configured with `use_core_mps: false`, this has no effect.
pub fn start_metrics_ping_scheduler(&self) {
if self.schedule_metrics_pings {