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# Timespan
Timespans are used to make a measurement of how much time is spent in a particular task.
Irrespective of the timespan's `lifetime`, both `start` and `stop` must occur within the same application session.
To measure the distribution of multiple timespans,
see [Timing Distributions](
To record absolute times, see [Datetimes](
It is not recommended to use timespans in multiple threads,
since calling `start` or `stop` out of order will be recorded as an `invalid_state` error.
## Recording API
### `start`
Starts tracking time. Uses an internal monotonic timer.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth
fun onShowLogin() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth;
void onShowLogin() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
func onShowLogin() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
def on_show_login():
# ...
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
use glean_metrics::auth;
fn show_login() {
// ...
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab">
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js";
function onShowLogin() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab">
#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
void OnShowLogin() {
// ...
function onShowLogin() {
// ...
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
#### Recorded errors
* [`invalid_state`](../../user/metrics/
If the metric is already tracking time (`start` has already been called and not `cancel`ed).
#### Limits
* The maximum resolution of the elapsed duration is limited by the clock used on each platform.
* This also determines the behavior of a timespan over sleep:
* On Android, the
function is used, so it is limited by the accuracy and performance of that timer.
The time measurement includes time spent in sleep.
* On iOS, the
function is used, so it is limited by the accuracy and performance of that timer.
The time measurement does not include time spent in sleep.
* On Python 3.7 and later,
On earlier versions of Python,
which is not guaranteed to have nanosecond resolution.
* On other platforms
[`time::precise_time_ns`]( is used,
which uses a high-resolution performance counter in nanoseconds provided by the underlying platform.
### `stop`
Stops tracking time.
The metric value is set to the elapsed time.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth
fun onLogin() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth;
void onLogin() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
func onLogin() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
def on_login():
# ...
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
use glean_metrics::auth;;
fn login() {
// ...
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab">
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js";
function onLogin() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab">
#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
void OnLogin() {
// ...
function onLogin() {
// ...
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
#### Recorded errors
* [`invalid_state`](../../user/metrics/
Calling `stop` without calling `start` first,
e.g. if the `start` happened on a previous application run.
### `cancel`
Cancels a previous `start`.
No error is recorded if there was no previous `start`.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth
fun onLoginCancel() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth;
void onLoginCancel() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
func onLoginCancel() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
def on_login_cancel():
# ...
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
use glean_metrics::auth;
fn login_cancel() {
// ...
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab">
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js";
function onLoginCancel() {
// ...
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab">
#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
void OnLoginCancel() {
// ...
function onLoginCancel() {
// ...
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
### `measure`
Some languages support convenient auto timing of blocks of code.
`measure` is treated as a `start` and `stop` pair for the purposes of error recording.
Exceptions (if present in the language) are treated as a `cancel`.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth
Auth.loginTime.measure {
// Process login flow
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth
Auth.INSTANCE.loginTime().measure() -> {
// Process login flow
return null;
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
Auth.loginTime.measure {
// Process login flow
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
with metrics.auth.login_time.measure():
# ... Do the login ...
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab"></div>
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab"></div>
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab"></div>
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
### `setRawNanos`
Explicitly sets the timespan's value.
Regardless of the time unit chosen for the metric, this API expects the raw value to be in **nanoseconds**.
{{#include ../../../shared/blockquote-warning.html}}
## Only use this if you have to
> This API should only be used if the code being instrumented cannot make use of
> `start`, `stop`, and `cancel` or `measure`.
> Time is hard, and this API can't help you with it.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth
fun afterLogin(loginElapsedNs: Long) {
// ...
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth;
void afterLogin(long loginElapsedNs) {
// ...
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
func afterLogin(_ loginElapsedNs: UInt64) {
// ...
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
def after_login(login_elapsed_ns):
# ...
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
use std::time::duration;
use glean_metrics::auth;
fn after_login(login_elapsed: Duration) {
// ...
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab">
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js";
function onAfterLogin(loginElapsedNs) {
// ...
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab">
{{#include ../../../shared/blockquote-warning.html}}
## These are different
> Firefox Desktop's `setRaw` uses the units specified in the metric definition.
> e.g. if the Timespan's `time_unit` is `millisecond`,
> then the duration parameter is a count of milliseconds.
#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
void AfterLogin(uint32_t aDuration) {
// ...
function afterLogin(aDuration) {
// ...
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
#### Recorded errors
* [`invalid_value`](../../user/metrics/ if attempting to record a negative elapsed duration.
* [`invalid_state`](../../user/metrics/ if this method is called after calling `start` or this method is called multiple times.
* [`invalid_type`](../../user/metrics/ if a negative, floating point or non-number value is given.
## Testing API
### `testGetValue`
Get the currently-stored value.
Returns the timespan as a integer in the metric's time unit if data is stored.
Returns a language-specific empty/null value if no data is stored.
Has an optional argument to specify the name of the ping you wish to retrieve data from, except
in Rust where it's required. `None` or no argument will default to the first value found for `send_in_pings`.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth
assertTrue(Auth.loginTime.testGetValue() > 0)
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth;
assertTrue(Auth.INSTANCE.loginTime().testGetValue() > 0);
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
XCTAssert(Auth.loginTime.testGetValue() > 0)
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
assert metrics.auth.login_time.test_get_value() > 0
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
use glean_metrics::auth;
assert!(auth::login_time.test_get_value(None).unwrap() > 0);
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab">
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js";
assert(await auth.loginTime.testGetValue() > 0);
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab">
#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
ASSERT_GE(mozilla::glean::auth::login_time.TestGetValue().unwrap().value(), 0);
// testGetValue will throw NS_ERROR_LOSS_OF_SIGNIFICANT_DATA on error.
Assert.ok(Glean.auth.loginTime.testGetValue() > 0);
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
### `testGetNumRecordedErrors`
Gets the number of errors recorded during operations on this metric.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Auth;
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
XCTAssertEqual(0, Auth.loginTime.testGetNumRecordedErrors(.invalidValue))
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
assert 0 == metrics.auth.local_time.test_get_num_recorded_errors(
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
use glean_metrics::auth;
assert_eq!(1, auth::login_time.test_get_num_recorded_errors(ErrorType::InvalidValue));
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab">
import * as auth from "./path/to/generated/files/auth.js";
import { ErrorType } from "@mozilla/glean/error";;
await auth.loginTime.testGetNumRecordedErrors(ErrorType.InvalidValue)
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab" data-info="Firefox Desktop uses testGetValue to communicate errors"></div>
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
## Metric parameters
Example timespan metric definition:
type: timespan
description: >
Measures the time spent logging in.
time_unit: millisecond
expires: 2020-01-01
- interaction
For a full reference on metrics parameters common to all metric types,
refer to the [metrics YAML registry format](../yaml/ reference page.
### Extra metric parameters
#### `time_unit`
Timespans have an optional `time_unit` parameter to specify the smallest unit of resolution that the timespan will record.
The allowed values for `time_unit` are:
* `nanosecond`
* `microsecond`
* `millisecond` (default)
* `second`
* `minute`
* `hour`
* `day`
Consider the resolution that is required by your metric,
and use the largest possible value that will provide useful information so as to not leak too much fine-grained information from the client.
{{#include ../../../shared/blockquote-warning.html}}
## Values are truncated
> It is important to note that the value sent in the ping is truncated down to the nearest unit.
> Therefore, a measurement of 500 nanoseconds will be truncated to 0 microseconds.
## Data questions
* How long did it take for the user to log in?
## Reference
* [Swift API docs](../../../swift/Classes/TimespanMetricType.html)
* [Python API docs](../../../python/glean/metrics/index.html#glean.metrics.TimespanMetricType)
* [Rust API docs](../../../docs/glean/private/struct.TimespanMetric.html)