_includes |
appendix |
book.toml |
680 |
chart-distributions-ui.js |
6721 |
chart-distributions.js |
Build and replace the previous chart with a new one.
@param {String} kind The kind of histogram that should be build, possible values are "functional", "exponential" or "linear"
@param {Object} props The properties related to the given histogram, keys differ based in the kind
@param {String} dataOption The chosen way to build data, possible values are "normally-distributed", "log-normally-distributed", "uniformly-distributed" or "custom"
@param {String} customData In case `dataOption` is "custom", this should contain a String containing a JSON array of numbers
@param {HTMLElement} legend The HTML element that should contain the text of the chart legend
@param {HTMLElement} chartSpace The HTML element that should contain the chart
@param {function} transformation Option function to be applied to generated values
21881 |
chart.min.js |
173077 |
glean.jpeg |
116026 |
highlight.js |
48749 |
language-bindings |
# Introduction |
4863 |
reference |
6404 |
user |