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# Memory Distribution
Memory distributions are used to accumulate and store memory sizes.
Memory distributions are recorded in a histogram where the buckets have an exponential distribution, specifically with 16 buckets for every power of 2.
That is, the function from a value \\( x \\) to a bucket index is:
\\[ \lfloor 16 \log_2(x) \rfloor \\]
This makes them suitable for measuring memory sizes on a number of different scales without any configuration.
> **Note** Check out how this bucketing algorithm would behave on the [Simulator](#simulator).
## Recording API
### `accumulate`
Accumulates the provided sample in the metric.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Memory
fun allocateMemory(nbytes: Int) {
// ...
Memory.heapAllocated.accumulate(nbytes / 1024)
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Memory;
fun allocateMemory(nbytes: Int) {
// ...
Memory.INSTANCE.heapAllocated().accumulate(nbytes / 1024);
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
import Glean
func allocateMemory(nbytes: UInt64) {
// ...
Memory.heapAllocated.accumulate(nbytes / 1024)
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
def allocate_memory(nbytes):
# ...
metrics.memory.heap_allocated.accumulate(nbytes / 1024)
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
use glean_metrics::memory;
fn allocate_memory(bytes: u64) {
// ...
memory::heap_allocated.accumulate(bytes / 1024);
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab">
import * as memory from "./path/to/generated/files/memory.js";
function allocateMemory() {
// ...
memory.heapAllocated.accumulate(nbytes / 1024);
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab">
#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
mozilla::glean::memory::heap_allocated.Accumulate(bytes / 1024);
Glean.memory.heapAllocated.accumulate(bytes / 1024);
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
#### Recorded errors
* [`invalid_value`](../../user/metrics/ If recording a negative memory size.
* [`invalid_value`](../../user/metrics/ If recording a size larger than 1 TB.
## Testing API
### `testGetValue`
Gets the recorded value for a given memory distribution metric.
Returns a struct with counts per buckets and total sum if data is stored.
Returns a language-specific empty/null value if no data is stored.
Has an optional argument to specify the name of the ping you wish to retrieve data from, except
in Rust where it's required. `None` or no argument will default to the first value found for `send_in_pings`.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Memory
// Get snapshot
val snapshot = Memory.heapAllocated.testGetValue()
// Does the sum have the expected value?
assertEquals(11, snapshot.sum)
// Usually you don't know the exact memory values,
// but how many should have been recorded.
assertEquals(2L, snapshot.count)
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Memory;
// Get snapshot
val snapshot = Memory.INSTANCE.heapAllocated().testGetValue();
// Does the sum have the expected value?
assertEquals(11, snapshot.sum);
// Usually you don't know the exact memory values,
// but how many should have been recorded.
assertEquals(2L, snapshot.getCount());
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
// Get snapshot
let snapshot = try! Memory.heapAllocated.testGetValue()
// Does the sum have the expected value?
XCTAssertEqual(11, snapshot.sum)
// Usually you don't know the exact memory values,
// but how many should have been recorded.
XCTAssertEqual(2, snapshot.count)
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
# Get snapshot.
snapshot = metrics.memory.heap_allocated.test_get_value()
# Does the sum have the expected value?
assert 11 == snapshot.sum
# Usually you don't know the exact memory values,
# but how many should have been recorded.
assert 2 == snapshot.count
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
use glean::ErrorType;
use glean_metrics::memory;
// Get snapshot
let snapshot = memory::heap_allocated.test_get_value(None).unwrap();
// Does the sum have the expected value?
assert_eq!(11, snapshot.sum);
// Usually you don't know the exact timing values,
// but how many should have been recorded.
assert_eq!(2, snapshot.count);
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab">
import * as memory from "./path/to/generated/files/memory.js";
// Get snapshot
const snapshot = await memory.heapAllocated.testGetValue();
// Does the sum have the expected value?
assert.equal(11, snapshot.sum);
// Usually you don't know the exact memory values,
// but know how many should have been recorded.
assert.equal(2, snapshot.count);
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab">
#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
// Does it have an expected values?
const data = mozilla::glean::memory::heap_allocated.TestGetValue().value().unwrap()
ASSERT_EQ(11 * 1024, data.sum);
const data = Glean.memory.heapAllocated.testGetValue();
Assert.equal(11 * 1024, data.sum);
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
### `testGetNumRecordedErrors`
Gets the number of errors recorded for a given memory distribution metric.
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Memory
// Did this record a negative value?
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
import org.mozilla.yourApplication.GleanMetrics.Memory;
// Assert that no errors were recorded.
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
// Did this record a negative value?
XCTAssertEqual(0, Memory.heapAllocated.testGetNumRecordedErrors(.invalidValue))
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
from glean import load_metrics
metrics = load_metrics("metrics.yaml")
# Did this record a negative value?
assert 0 == metrics.memory.heap_allocated.test_get_num_recorded_errors(
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
use glean::ErrorType;
use glean_metrics::pages;
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab">
import * as memory from "./path/to/generated/files/memory.js";
import { ErrorType } from "@mozilla/glean/<platform>";
// Did this record a negative value?
await memory.heapAllocated.testGetNumRecordedErrors(ErrorType.InvalidValue)
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab"></div>
{{#include ../../../shared/}}
## Metric parameters
Example memory distribution metric definition:
type: memory_distribution
memory_unit: kilobyte
description: >
The heap memory allocated
expires: 2020-10-01
### Extra metric parameters
#### `memory_unit`
Memory distributions have an optional `memory_unit` parameter, which specifies the unit the incoming memory size values are recorded in.
The allowed values for `memory_unit` are:
* `byte` (default)
* `kilobyte` (`= 2^10 = 1,024 bytes`)
* `megabyte` (`= 2^20 = 1,048,576 bytes`)
* `gigabyte` (`= 2^30 = 1,073,741,824 bytes`)
## Limits
* The maximum memory size that can be recorded is 1 Terabyte (2<sup>40</sup> bytes).
Larger sizes will be truncated to 1 Terabyte.
## Data questions
* What is the distribution of the size of heap allocations?
## Reference
* [Swift API docs](../../../swift/Classes/MemoryDistributionMetricType.html)
* [Python API docs](../../../python/glean/metrics/index.html#glean.metrics.TimingDistributionMetricType)
* [Rust API docs](../../../docs/glean/private/struct.MemoryDistributionMetric.html)
## Simulator
<div id="custom-data-modal-overlay">
<div id="custom-data-modal">
<p>Please, insert your custom data below as a JSON array.</p>
<textarea rows="30"></textarea>
<div id="simulator-container">
<div id="histogram-chart-container">
<div id="histogram-chart"></div>
<p id="histogram-chart-legend"><p>
<div id="data-options">
<h3>Data options</h3>
<div class="input-group">
<label for="normally-distributed">Generate normally distributed data</label>
<input name="data-options" value="normally-distributed" id="normally-distributed" type="radio" />
<div class="input-group">
<label for="log-normally-distributed">Generate log-normally distributed data</label>
<input name="data-options" value="log-normally-distributed" id="log-normally-distributed" type="radio" checked />
<div class="input-group">
<label for="uniformly-distributed">Generate uniformly distributed data</label>
<input name="data-options" value="uniformly-distributed" id="uniformly-distributed" type="radio" />
<div class="input-group" id="custom-data-input-group">
<label for="custom">Use custom data</label>
<input name="data-options" value="custom" id="custom" type="radio" />
<div id="histogram-props">
<div class="input-group hide">
<label for="kind">Histogram type</label>
<select id="kind" name="kind" disabled>
<option value="functional" selected>Functional</option>
<div class="input-group hide">
<label for="log-base">Log base</label>
<input id="log-base" name="log-base" type="number" value="2" disabled />
<div class="input-group hide">
<label for="buckets-per-magnitude">Buckets per magnitude</label>
<input id="buckets-per-magnitude" name="buckets-per-magnitude" type="number" value="16" disabled />
<div class="input-group hide">
<label for="maximum-value">Maximum value</label>
<input id="maximum-value" name="maximum-value" type="number" value="1099511627776" disabled />
<div class="input-group">
<label for="memory-unit">Memory unit (<code>memory_unit</code>)</label>
<select id="memory-unit" name="memory-unit">
<option value="byte" selected>Byte</option>
<option value="kilobyte">Kilobyte</option>
<option value="megabyte">Megabyte</option>
<option value="gigabyte">Gigabyte</option>
> **Note** The data _provided_, is assumed to be in the configured memory unit. The data _recorded_, on the other hand, is always in **bytes**.
> This means that, if the configured memory unit is not `byte`, the data will be transformed before being recorded. Notice this, by using the select field above to change the memory unit and see the mean of the data recorded changing.