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# Contribution Guidelines
There are two important questions to answer before adding new content to this book:
- Where to include this content?
- In which format to present it?
This guide aims to provide context for answering both questions.
## Table of contents
<!-- toc -->
## Where to add new content?
This book is divided in five different sections. Each section contains pages that are of a specific
type. New content will fit in one of these section. Following is an explanation on what kind of content
fits in each section.
### Overview
_Is the content you want to add an essay or high level explanation on some aspect of Glean?_
The overview section is the place to provide important higher level context for
users of Glean. This section may include essays about Glean’s views, principles,
data practices, etc. It also contains primers on information such as what are the Glean SDKs
### User Guides
_Is the content you want to add a general purpose guide on a Glean aspect or feature?_
This section is the place for Glean SDK user guides. Pages under this section
contain prose format guides on how to include Glean in a project, how to add metrics,
how to create pings, and so on.
Pages on this section may link to the API Reference pages, but should not
themselves be API References.
Guides can be quite long, thus we should favor having one page per SDK instead
of using tabs.
### API Reference
_Is the content you want to add a developer reference on a specific Glean API?_
This section of the book contains reference for all of Glean’s user APIs.
Its pages follow a strict structure.
Each API description contains:
- A title with the name of the API.
- It’s important to use titles, because they automatically generate links to that API.
- A brief description of what the API does.
- Tabs with examples for using that API in each SDK.
- Even if a certain SDK does not contain a given API, the tab will be included in
the tabs bar in the disabled state.
The API Reference pages should not contain any guides in prose format, they should all be linked from the User’s Guide when convenient.
### SDK Specific Information
_Is the content you want to add a SDK specific guide on a Glean feature?_
Different SDKs may require some dedicated pages, these section contains these pages.
Each SDK has a top level section under this section, specific pages live under these titles.
### Appendix
_Is the content you want to add support content for the rest of the content on book?_
The appendix contains support information related to the Glean SDKs or the content of this book.
## In which format to present content?
### General guidelines
#### Link to other internal pages and sections whenever that is possible
Each page of the book should be written as if it were the first page a user is visiting ever.
There should be links to other pages of the book wherever there is missing context in the
current page. This is important, because documentations are first and foremost reference books,
manuals. They should not be expected to be read in order.
#### Prefer using headers whenever a new topic is introduced
[mdbook]( (the tool used to build this book) turns
all headers into links. Which is useful to refer to specific documentation sections.
#### Favor creating new pages, instead of adding unrelated content to an already existing page
This makes it easier to find content through the Summary.
### Custom elements
#### Tabs
Tabs are useful for providing small code examples of Glean's APIs for each SDK.
A tabs section starts with the `tab_header` [include]( and ends with the `tab_footer` [include](
Each tab is declared in between these [include]( statements.
Each tab content is placed inside an html `div` tag with the `data-lang` and `class="tab"` attributes.
The `data-lang` attribute contains the title of the tab. Titles must match for different tabs on the
same SDK. Whenever a user clicks in a tab with a specific title, all tabs with that same
title will be opened by default, until the user clicks in a tab with a different title.
Every tab section should contain tabs for all Glean SDKs, even if an SDK does not
provide the API in question. In this case, the tab div should still be there without any inner HTML.
When that is the case that tab will be rendered in a disabled state.
These are the tabs every tab section is expected to contain, in order:
- Kotlin
- Java
- Swift
- Python
- Rust
- JavaScript
- Firefox Desktop
Finally, here is an example code for a tabs sections:
\{{#include ../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
Kotlin information...
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
Java information...
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
Swift information...
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
Python information...`
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
Rust information...
In this example, JavaScript and Firefox Desktop
would show up as disabled in the final page.
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab"></div>
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab"></div>
\{{#include ../../shared/}}
And this is how those tabs will look like:
{{#include ../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Kotlin" class="tab">
Kotlin information...
<div data-lang="Java" class="tab">
Java information...
<div data-lang="Swift" class="tab">
Swift information...
<div data-lang="Python" class="tab">
Python information...`
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab">
Rust information...
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab"></div>
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab"></div>
{{#include ../../shared/}}
#### Tab tooltips
Tabs in a disabled i.e. tabs that do not have any content, will show a tooltip when hovered.
By default, this tooltip will show the message `<lang> doe not provide this API`. The following `data-*` attributes can be used to modify this message.
##### `data-bug`
This attribute expects a Bugzilla bug number. When this attribute is added a link to the provided
bug will be added to the tooltip text.
##### `data-info`
This attribute expects free form text or valid HTML. Be careful when adding long texts here. If a text needs to be
too long, consider adding it as an actual section / paragraph to the page instead of as a tooltip.
This is how you can use the above attributes.
\{{#include ../../shared/}}
<!-- No attribute, default text will show up. -->
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab"></div>
<!-- data-bug attribute, default text will show up + link to bug. -->
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab" data-bug="000000"></div>
<!-- data-info attribute, free form text will show up. -->
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab" data-info="Hello, Glean world!"></div>
\{{#include ../../shared/}}
And this is how each tool tip is rendered.
{{#include ../../shared/}}
<div data-lang="Rust" class="tab"></div>
<div data-lang="JavaScript" class="tab" data-bug="000000"></div>
<div data-lang="Firefox Desktop" class="tab" data-info="Hello, Glean world!"></div>
{{#include ../../shared/}}
#### Custom block quotes
Sometimes it is necessary to bring attention to a special piece of information, or simply to provide
extra context related to the a given text.
In order to do that, there are three custom block quote formats available.
{{#include ../../shared/blockquote-info.html}}
##### Info quote
> An information block quote format, to provide useful extra context for a given text.
{{#include ../../shared/blockquote-warning.html}}
##### Warning quote
> A warning block quote format, to provide useful warning related to a given text.
{{#include ../../shared/blockquote-stop.html}}
##### Stop quote
> A stronger warning block quote format, to provide useful warning related to a given text in
> a more emphatic format. Use these sparingly.
To include such quotes, again you can use mdbook [include]( statements.
For the above quotes, this is the corresponding code.
\{{#include ../../shared/blockquote-info.html}}
##### Info quote
> An information blockquote format, to provide useful extra context for a given text.
\{{#include ../../shared/blockquote-warning.html}}
##### Warning quote
> A warning blockquote format, to provide useful warning related to a given text.
\{{#include ../../shared/blockquote-stop.html}}
##### Stop quote
> A stronger warning blockquote format, to provide useful warning related to a given text in a
> more emphatic format. Use these sparingly.
It is possible to use any level header with these special block quotes
and also no header at all.