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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import difflib
import filecmp
import os
import pathlib
import yaml
from mozversioncontrol import get_repository_object
from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
logger = PerfDocLogger()
ON_TRY = "MOZ_AUTOMATION" in os.environ
def save_file(file_content, path, extension="rst"):
Saves data into a file.
:param str path: Location and name of the file being saved
(without an extension).
:param str data: Content to write into the file.
:param str extension: Extension to save the file as.
new_file = pathlib.Path("{}.{}".format(str(path), extension))
with"wb") as f:
def read_file(path, stringify=False):
Opens a file and returns its contents.
:param str path: Path to the file.
:return list: List containing the lines in the file.
with"utf-8") as f:
return if stringify else f.readlines()
def read_yaml(yaml_path):
Opens a YAML file and returns the contents.
:param str yaml_path: Path to the YAML to open.
:return dict: Dictionary containing the YAML content.
contents = {}
with"utf-8") as f:
contents = yaml.safe_load(f)
except Exception as e:
"Error opening file {}: {}".format(str(yaml_path), str(e)), str(yaml_path)
return contents
def are_dirs_equal(dir_1, dir_2):
Compare two directories to see if they are equal. Files in each
directory are assumed to be equal if their names and contents
are equal.
:param dir_1: First directory path
:param dir_2: Second directory path
:return: True if the directory trees are the same and False otherwise.
dirs_cmp = filecmp.dircmp(str(dir_1.resolve()), str(dir_2.resolve()))
if dirs_cmp.left_only or dirs_cmp.right_only or dirs_cmp.funny_files:
logger.log("Some files are missing or are funny.")
for file in dirs_cmp.left_only:
logger.log(f"Missing in existing docs: {file}")
for file in dirs_cmp.right_only:
logger.log(f"Missing in new docs: {file}")
for file in dirs_cmp.funny_files:
logger.log(f"The following file is funny: {file}")
return False
_, mismatch, errors = filecmp.cmpfiles(
str(dir_1.resolve()), str(dir_2.resolve()), dirs_cmp.common_files, shallow=False
if mismatch or errors:
logger.log(f"Found mismatches: {mismatch}")
# The root for where to save the diff will be different based on
# whether we are running in CI or not
os_root = pathlib.Path.cwd().anchor
diff_root = pathlib.Path(os_root, "builds", "worker")
if not ON_TRY:
diff_root = pathlib.Path(PerfDocLogger.TOP_DIR, "artifacts")
diff_root.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
diff_path = pathlib.Path(diff_root, "diff.txt")
with"w", encoding="utf-8") as diff_file:
for entry in mismatch:
logger.log(f"Mismatch found on {entry}")
with pathlib.Path(dir_1, entry).open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
newlines = f.readlines()
with pathlib.Path(dir_2, entry).open(encoding="utf-8") as f:
baselines = f.readlines()
for line in difflib.unified_diff(
baselines, newlines, fromfile="base", tofile="new"
# Here we want to add to diff.txt in a patch format, we use
# the basedir to make the file names/paths relative and this is
# different in CI vs local runs.
basedir = pathlib.Path(
os_root, "builds", "worker", "checkouts", "gecko"
if not ON_TRY:
basedir = diff_root
relative_path = str(pathlib.Path(dir_2, entry)).split(str(basedir))[-1]
patch = difflib.unified_diff(
baselines, newlines, fromfile=relative_path, tofile=relative_path
write_header = True
for line in patch:
if write_header:
f"diff --git a/{relative_path} b/{relative_path}\n"
write_header = False
logger.log(f"Completed diff on {entry}")
logger.log(f"Saved diff to {diff_path}")
return False
for common_dir in dirs_cmp.common_dirs:
subdir_1 = pathlib.Path(dir_1, common_dir)
subdir_2 = pathlib.Path(dir_2, common_dir)
if not are_dirs_equal(subdir_1, subdir_2):
return False
return True
def get_changed_files(top_dir):
Returns the changed files found with duplicates removed.
repo = get_repository_object(top_dir)
return list(set(repo.get_changed_files() + repo.get_outgoing_files()))