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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
from gecko_taskgraph.util.attributes import match_run_on_projects
from manifestparser import TestManifest
from mozperftest.script import ScriptInfo
from perfdocs.doc_helpers import TableBuilder
from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
from perfdocs.utils import read_yaml
logger = PerfDocLogger()
This file is for framework specific gatherers since manifests
might be parsed differently in each of them. The gatherers
must implement the FrameworkGatherer class.
class FrameworkGatherer(object):
Abstract class for framework gatherers.
def __init__(self, yaml_path, workspace_dir, taskgraph={}):
Generic initialization for a framework gatherer.
self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
self._yaml_path = yaml_path
self._taskgraph = taskgraph
self._suite_list = {}
self._test_list = {}
self._descriptions = {}
self._manifest_path = ""
self._manifest = None
self.script_infos = {}
self._task_list = {}
self._task_match_pattern = re.compile(r"([\w\W]*/[pgo|opt]*)-([\w\W]*)")
def _build_section_with_header(self, title, content, header_type=None):
Adds a section to the documentation with the title as the type mentioned
and paragraph as content mentioned.
:param title: title of the section
:param content: content of section paragraph
:param header_type: type of the title heading
heading_map = {"H2": "*", "H3": "=", "H4": "-", "H5": "^"}
return [title, heading_map.get(header_type, "^") * len(title), content, ""]
def _get_metric_heading(self, metric, metrics_info):
Gets the heading of a specific metric.
:param str metric: The metric to search for.
:param dict metrics_info: The information of all the
metrics that were documented.
:return str: The heading to use for the given metric.
for metric_heading, metric_info in metrics_info.items():
if metric == metric_heading or any(
metric == alias for alias in metric_info.get("aliases", [])
return metric_heading
if metric_info.get("matcher"):
match =["matcher"], metric)
if match:
return metric_heading
raise Exception(f"Could not find a metric heading for `{metric}`")
def get_task_match(self, task_name):
return, task_name)
def get_manifest_path(self):
Returns the path to the manifest based on the
manifest entry in the frameworks YAML configuration
:return str: Path to the manifest.
if self._manifest_path:
return self._manifest_path
yaml_content = read_yaml(self._yaml_path)
self._manifest_path = pathlib.Path(self.workspace_dir, yaml_content["manifest"])
return self._manifest_path
def get_suite_list(self):
Each framework gatherer must return a dictionary with
the following structure. Note that the test names must
be relative paths so that issues can be correctly issued
by the reviewbot.
:return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
"suite_name": [
raise NotImplementedError
def build_metrics_documentation(self, yaml_content):
Each framework that provides a page with descriptions about the
metrics it produces must implement this method. The metrics defined
for the framework can be found in the `yaml_content` variable.
The framework gatherer is expected to produce the full documentation
for all the metrics defined in the yaml_content at once. This is done
to allow differentiation between how metrics are displayed between
the different frameworks.
:param dict yaml_content: A dictionary of the YAML config file for
the specific framework.
:return list: A list of all the lines being added to the metrics
raise NotImplementedError
def build_command_to_run_locally(self, framework_command, title):
Each framework has specifics to running it locally. This command
passes arguments to this function to ensure we can construct those
commands consistently, and return it so it can be in the mozilla source docs.
:param str framework_command: A string that has the framework specific
commands needed to run tests
:param str title: A string of the test name, added on after the framework
specific commands (see above framework_command param:)
:return str: Returns the command to run locally, this output is added to
the mozilla source docs, and is formatted
command_to_run_locally = " * Command to Run Locally\n\n"
command_to_run_locally += " .. code-block::\n\n"
command_to_run_locally += f" ./mach {framework_command} {title}\n\n"
return command_to_run_locally
class RaptorGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
Gatherer for the Raptor framework.
def get_suite_list(self):
Returns a dictionary containing a mapping from suites
to the tests they contain.
:return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
"suite_name": [
if self._suite_list:
return self._suite_list
manifest_path = self.get_manifest_path()
# Get the tests from the manifest
test_manifest = TestManifest([str(manifest_path)], strict=False)
test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
# Parse the tests into the expected dictionary
for test in test_list:
# Get the top-level suite
s = os.path.basename(test["here"])
if s not in self._suite_list:
self._suite_list[s] = []
# Get the individual test
fpath = re.sub(".*testing", "testing", test["manifest"])
if fpath not in self._suite_list[s]:
return self._suite_list
def _get_ci_tasks(self):
for task in self._taskgraph.keys():
if type(self._taskgraph[task]) is dict:
command = self._taskgraph[task]["task"]["payload"].get("command", [])
run_on_projects = self._taskgraph[task]["attributes"]["run_on_projects"]
command = self._taskgraph[task].task["payload"].get("command", [])
run_on_projects = self._taskgraph[task].attributes["run_on_projects"]
test_match ="[\s']--test[\s=](.+?)[\s']", str(command))
task_match = self.get_task_match(task)
if test_match and task_match:
test =
platform =
test_name =
item = {"test_name": test_name, "run_on_projects": run_on_projects}
self._task_list.setdefault(test, {}).setdefault(platform, []).append(
def _get_subtests_from_ini(self, manifest_path, suite_name):
Returns a list of (sub)tests from an ini file containing the test definitions.
:param str manifest_path: path to the ini file
:return list: the list of the tests
desc_exclusion = ["here", "manifest_relpath", "path", "relpath"]
test_manifest = TestManifest(
[str(manifest_path)], strict=False, document=True, add_line_no=True
test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
subtests = {}
for subtest in test_list:
subtests[subtest["name"]] = subtest["manifest"]
description = {}
for key, value in subtest.items():
if key not in desc_exclusion:
description[key] = value
# Add searchfox link
key = list(test_manifest.source_documents.keys())[0]
if (
and subtest["name"] in test_manifest.source_documents[key].keys()
description["link searchfox"] = (
+ pathlib.Path(manifest_path).as_posix()
+ "#"
+ test_manifest.source_documents[key][subtest["name"]]["lineno"]
# Prepare alerting metrics for verification
description["metrics"] = [
for metric in description.get("alert_on", "").split(",")
if metric.strip() != ""
if (
description.get("gather_cpuTime", None)
or "cpuTime" in description.get("measure", [])
or suite_name in ["desktop", "interactive", "mobile"]
subtests[subtest["name"]] = description
self._descriptions.setdefault(suite_name, []).append(description)
self._descriptions[suite_name].sort(key=lambda item: item["name"])
return subtests
def _get_metric_heading(self, metric, metrics_info):
Finds, and returns the correct heading for a metric to target in a reference link.
:param str metric: The metric to search for.
:param dict metrics_info: The information of all the
metrics that were documented.
:return str: A formatted string containing the reference link to the
documented metric.
metric_heading = super(RaptorGatherer, self)._get_metric_heading(
metric, metrics_info
return f"`{metric} <raptor-metrics.html#{metric_heading.lower().replace(' ', '-')}>`__"
def get_test_list(self):
Returns a dictionary containing the tests in every suite ini file.
:return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
"suite_name": {
if self._test_list:
return self._test_list
suite_list = self.get_suite_list()
# Iterate over each manifest path from suite_list[suite_name]
# and place the subtests into self._test_list under the same key
for suite_name, manifest_paths in suite_list.items():
if not self._test_list.get(suite_name):
self._test_list[suite_name] = {}
for manifest_path in manifest_paths:
subtest_list = self._get_subtests_from_ini(manifest_path, suite_name)
return self._test_list
def build_test_description(
self, title, test_description="", suite_name="", metrics_info=None
matcher = []
browsers = [
test_name = [f"{title}-{browser}" for browser in browsers]
for suite, val in self._descriptions.items():
for test in val:
if test["name"] in test_name and suite_name == suite:
if len(matcher) == 0:
"No tests exist for the following name "
"(obtained from config.yml): {}".format(title)
raise Exception(
"No tests exist for the following name "
"(obtained from config.yml): {}".format(title)
result = f".. dropdown:: {title}\n"
result += f" :class-container: anchor-id-{title}-{suite_name[0]}\n\n"
result += self.build_command_to_run_locally("raptor -t", title)
for idx, description in enumerate(matcher):
if description["name"] != title:
result += f" {idx+1}. **{description['name']}**\n\n"
if "owner" in description.keys():
result += f" **Owner**: {description['owner']}\n\n"
if test_description:
result += f" **Description**: {test_description}\n\n"
for key in sorted(description.keys()):
if key in ["owner", "name", "manifest", "metrics"]:
sub_title = key.replace("_", " ")
if key == "test_url":
if "<" in description[key] or ">" in description[key]:
description[key] = description[key].replace("<", r"\<")
description[key] = description[key].replace(">", r"\>")
result += f" * **{sub_title}**: `<{description[key]}>`__\n"
elif key == "secondary_url":
result += f" * **{sub_title}**: `<{description[key]}>`__\n"
elif key == "link searchfox":
result += f" * **{sub_title}**: `<{description[key]}>`__\n"
elif key in ["playback_pageset_manifest"]:
result += (
f" * **{sub_title}**: "
f"{description[key].replace('{subtest}', description['name'])}\n"
elif key == "alert_on":
result += (
f" * **{sub_title}**: "
+ ", ".join(
self._get_metric_heading(metric.strip(), metrics_info)
for metric in description[key]
.replace("\n", " ")
.replace(",", " ")
+ "\n"
if "\n" in description[key]:
description[key] = description[key].replace("\n", " ")
result += f" * **{sub_title}**: {description[key]}\n"
if self._task_list.get(title, []):
result += " * **Test Task**:\n\n"
for platform in sorted(self._task_list[title]):
self._task_list[title][platform].sort(key=lambda x: x["test_name"])
table = TableBuilder(
widths=[30] + [15 for x in BRANCHES],
headers=[["Test Name"] + BRANCHES],
for task in self._task_list[title][platform]:
values = [task["test_name"]]
values += [
if match_run_on_projects(x, task["run_on_projects"])
else "\u274C"
for x in BRANCHES
result += f"{table.finish_table()}\n"
return [result]
def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
return self._build_section_with_header(
title.capitalize(), content, header_type="H4"
def build_metrics_documentation(self, parsed_metrics):
metrics_documentation = []
for metric, metric_info in sorted(
parsed_metrics.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]
metric_content = metric_info["description"] + "\n\n"
metric_content += (
f" * **Aliases**: {', '.join(sorted(metric_info['aliases']))}\n"
if metric_info.get("location", None):
metric_content += " * **Tests using it**:\n"
for suite, tests in sorted(
metric_info["location"].items(), key=lambda item: item[0]
metric_content += f" * **{suite.capitalize()}**: "
test_links = []
for test in sorted(tests):
f"`{test} <raptor.html#{test}-{suite.lower()[0]}>`__"
metric_content += ", ".join(test_links) + "\n"
metric, metric_content, header_type="H3"
return metrics_documentation
class MozperftestGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
Gatherer for the Mozperftest framework.
def get_test_list(self):
Returns a dictionary containing the tests that are in perftest.toml manifest.
:return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
"suite_name": {
for path in list(pathlib.Path(self.workspace_dir).rglob("perftest.toml")):
if "obj-" in str(path):
suite_name = str(path.parent).replace(str(self.workspace_dir), "")
# If the workspace dir doesn't end with a forward-slash,
# the substitution above won't work completely
if suite_name.startswith("/") or suite_name.startswith("\\"):
suite_name = suite_name[1:]
# We have to add new paths to the logger as we search
# because mozperftest tests exist in multiple places in-tree
# Get the tests from perftest.toml
test_manifest = TestManifest([str(path)], strict=False)
test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=True)
for test in test_list:
si = ScriptInfo(test["path"])
self.script_infos[si["name"]] = si
self._test_list.setdefault(suite_name.replace("\\", "/"), {}).update(
{si["name"]: {"path": str(path)}}
return self._test_list
def build_test_description(
self, title, test_description="", suite_name="", metrics_info=None
return [str(self.script_infos[title])]
def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
return self._build_section_with_header(title, content, header_type="H4")
class TalosGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
def _get_ci_tasks(self):
with open(
pathlib.Path(self.workspace_dir, "testing", "talos", "talos.json")
) as f:
config_suites = json.load(f)["suites"]
for task_name in self._taskgraph.keys():
task = self._taskgraph[task_name]
if type(task) is dict:
is_talos = task["task"]["extra"].get("suite", [])
command = task["task"]["payload"].get("command", [])
run_on_projects = task["attributes"]["run_on_projects"]
is_talos = task.task["extra"].get("suite", [])
command = task.task["payload"].get("command", [])
run_on_projects = task.attributes["run_on_projects"]
suite_match ="[\s']--suite[\s=](.+?)[\s']", str(command))
task_match = self.get_task_match(task_name)
if "talos" == is_talos and task_match:
suite =
platform =
test_name =
item = {"test_name": test_name, "run_on_projects": run_on_projects}
for test in config_suites[suite]["tests"]:
self._task_list.setdefault(test, {}).setdefault(
platform, []
def get_test_list(self):
from talos import test as talos_test
test_lists = talos_test.test_dict()
mod = __import__("talos.test", fromlist=test_lists)
suite_name = "Talos Tests"
for test in test_lists:
self._test_list.setdefault(suite_name, {}).update({test: {}})
klass = getattr(mod, test)
self._descriptions.setdefault(test, klass.__dict__)
return self._test_list
def build_test_description(
self, title, test_description="", suite_name="", metrics_info=None
result = f".. dropdown:: {title}\n"
result += f" :class-container: anchor-id-{title}\n\n"
result += self.build_command_to_run_locally("talos-test -a", title)
yml_descriptions = [s.strip() for s in test_description.split("- ") if s]
for description in yml_descriptions:
if "Example Data" in description:
# Example Data for using code block
example_list = [s.strip() for s in description.split("* ")]
result += f" * {example_list[0]}\n"
result += "\n .. code-block::\n\n"
for example in example_list[1:]:
result += f" {example}\n"
result += "\n"
elif " * " in description:
# Sub List
sub_list = [s.strip() for s in description.split(" * ")]
result += f" * {sub_list[0]}\n"
for sub in sub_list[1:]:
result += f" * {sub}\n"
# General List
result += f" * {description}\n"
if title in self._descriptions:
for key in sorted(self._descriptions[title]):
if key.startswith("__") and key.endswith("__"):
elif key == "filters":
# On windows, we get the paths in the wrong style
value = self._descriptions[title][key]
if isinstance(value, dict):
for k, v in value.items():
if isinstance(v, str) and "\\" in v:
value[k] = str(v).replace("\\", r"/")
result += r" * " + key + r": " + str(value) + r"\n"
if self._task_list.get(title, []):
result += " * **Test Task**:\n\n"
for platform in sorted(self._task_list[title]):
self._task_list[title][platform].sort(key=lambda x: x["test_name"])
table = TableBuilder(
widths=[30] + [15 for x in BRANCHES],
headers=[["Test Name"] + BRANCHES],
for task in self._task_list[title][platform]:
values = [task["test_name"]]
values += [
if match_run_on_projects(x, task["run_on_projects"])
else "\u274C"
for x in BRANCHES
result += f"{table.finish_table()}\n"
return [result]
def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
return self._build_section_with_header(title, content, header_type="H2")
class AwsyGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
Gatherer for the Awsy framework.
def _generate_ci_tasks(self):
for task_name in self._taskgraph.keys():
task = self._taskgraph[task_name]
if type(task) is dict:
awsy_test = task["task"]["extra"].get("suite", [])
run_on_projects = task["attributes"]["run_on_projects"]
awsy_test = task.task["extra"].get("suite", [])
run_on_projects = task.attributes["run_on_projects"]
task_match = self.get_task_match(task_name)
if "awsy" in awsy_test and task_match:
platform =
test_name =
item = {"test_name": test_name, "run_on_projects": run_on_projects}
self._task_list.setdefault(platform, []).append(item)
def get_suite_list(self):
self._suite_list = {"Awsy tests": ["tp6", "base", "dmd", "tp5"]}
return self._suite_list
def get_test_list(self):
return {
"Awsy tests": {
"tp6": {},
"base": {},
"dmd": {},
"tp5": {},
def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
return self._build_section_with_header(
title.capitalize(), content, header_type="H4"
def build_test_description(
self, title, test_description="", suite_name="", metrics_info=None
dropdown_suite_name = suite_name.replace(" ", "-")
result = f".. dropdown:: {title} ({test_description})\n"
result += f" :class-container: anchor-id-{title}-{dropdown_suite_name}\n\n"
result += self.build_command_to_run_locally(
"awsy-test", "" if title == "tp6" else f"--{title}"
awsy_data = read_yaml(self._yaml_path)["suites"]["Awsy tests"]
if "owner" in awsy_data.keys():
result += f" **Owner**: {awsy_data['owner']}\n\n"
result += " * **Test Task**:\n"
# tp5 tests are represented by awsy-e10s test names
# while the others have their title in test names
search_tag = "awsy-e10s" if title == "tp5" else title
for platform in sorted(self._task_list.keys()):
result += f" * {platform}\n"
for test_dict in sorted(
self._task_list[platform], key=lambda d: d["test_name"]
if search_tag in test_dict["test_name"]:
run_on_project = ": " + (
", ".join(test_dict["run_on_projects"])
if test_dict["run_on_projects"]
else "None"
result += (
f" * {test_dict['test_name']}{run_on_project}\n"
result += "\n"
return [result]
class StaticGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
A noop gatherer for frameworks with static-only documentation.