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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Manifest Format
* ---------------
* contents = 1*( line )
* line = method LWS *( param LWS ) CRLF
* CRLF = "\r\n"
* LWS = 1*( " " | "\t" )
* Available methods for the manifest file:
* updatev3.manifest
* -----------------
* method = "add" | "add-if" | "add-if-not" | "patch" | "patch-if" |
* "remove" | "rmdir" | "rmrfdir" | type
* 'add-if-not' adds a file if it doesn't exist.
* 'type' is the update type (e.g. complete or partial) and when present MUST
* be the first entry in the update manifest. The type is used to support
* removing files that no longer exist when when applying a complete update by
* causing the actions defined in the precomplete file to be performed.
* precomplete
* -----------
* method = "remove" | "rmdir"
#include "bspatch.h"
#include "progressui.h"
#include "archivereader.h"
#include "readstrings.h"
#include "updatererrors.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "updatecommon.h"
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
# include "UpdateSettingsUtil.h"
# include "updaterfileutils_osx.h"
#endif // XP_MACOSX
#include "mozilla/CmdLineAndEnvUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#ifdef XP_WIN
# include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
# include "mozilla/WinHeaderOnlyUtils.h"
# include "mozilla/WinTokenUtils.h"
# include <climits>
#endif // XP_WIN
// Amount of the progress bar to use in each of the 3 update stages,
// should total 100.0.
// Maximum amount of time in ms to wait for the parent process to close. The 30
// seconds is rather long but there have been bug reports where the parent
// process has exited after 10 seconds and it is better to give it a chance.
#define PARENT_WAIT 30000
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
// These functions are defined in
void CleanupElevatedMacUpdate(bool aFailureOccurred);
bool IsOwnedByGroupAdmin(const char* aAppBundle);
bool IsRecursivelyWritable(const char* aPath);
void LaunchMacApp(int argc, const char** argv);
void LaunchMacPostProcess(const char* aAppBundle);
bool ObtainUpdaterArguments(int* aArgc, char*** aArgv,
MARChannelStringTable* aMARStrings);
bool ServeElevatedUpdate(int aArgc, const char** aArgv,
const char* aMARChannelID);
void SetGroupOwnershipAndPermissions(const char* aAppBundle);
bool PerformInstallationFromDMG(int argc, char** argv);
struct UpdateServerThreadArgs {
int argc;
const NS_tchar** argv;
const char* marChannelID;
#ifndef _O_BINARY
# define _O_BINARY 0
#ifndef NULL
# define NULL (0)
#ifndef SSIZE_MAX
// We want to use execv to invoke the callback executable on platforms where
// we were launched using execv. See nsUpdateDriver.cpp.
#if defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(XP_MACOSX)
# define USE_EXECV
#if defined(XP_OPENBSD)
# define stat64 stat
#if defined(MOZ_VERIFY_MAR_SIGNATURE) && defined(MAR_NSS)
# include "nss.h"
# include "prerror.h"
#include "crctable.h"
#ifdef XP_WIN
# include "registrycertificates.h"
# endif
BOOL PathAppendSafe(LPWSTR base, LPCWSTR extra);
BOOL PathGetSiblingFilePath(LPWSTR destinationBuffer, LPCWSTR siblingFilePath,
LPCWSTR newFileName);
# include "updatehelper.h"
// Closes the handle if valid and if this is the second updater instance,
// return with the return code specified. As `gIsSecondInvocation` alludes to,
// this is used to guard things like launching the callback application, since
// only the first updater invocation should do that.
// The passed handle is meant to be the handle to the "update in progress" lock
// so that we close it when we are done updating.
# define EXIT_IF_SECOND_UPDATER_INSTANCE(handle, retCode) \
{ \
if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { \
CloseHandle(handle); \
} \
if (gInvocation == UpdaterInvocation::Second) { \
LOG(("%s:%d - Returning early. This is the second updater instance.", \
__func__, __LINE__)); \
return retCode; \
} \
* This enum and its related functions are intended for interpreting the passed
* parameter and using it to determine whether this is the first or second
* invocation of the updater.
enum class UpdaterInvocation {
// The initial invocation of the updater. This may apply the update, or it may
// start the second invocation of the updater to update depending on whether
// elevation is required.
// This invocation always does all modifications of the update directory and
// calls the callback application, even if another updater is launched.
// The second invocation of the updater. This basically applies the update to
// the installation directory, calls PostUpdate (on Windows) and exits.
// It cannot be determined that we are doing either of the above invocations.
// This generally represents an uninitialized value or an error.
* Returns a human-readable representation of an `UpdaterInvocation`.
const char* getUpdaterInvocationString(UpdaterInvocation value) {
switch (value) {
case UpdaterInvocation::First:
return "UpdaterInvocation::First";
case UpdaterInvocation::Second:
return "UpdaterInvocation::Second";
case UpdaterInvocation::Unknown:
return "UpdaterInvocation::Unknown";
MOZ_CRASH("impossible value for UpdaterInvocation");
const NS_tchar* firstUpdateInvocationArg = NS_T("first");
const NS_tchar* secondUpdateInvocationArg = NS_T("second");
* Gets which updater invocation this is based on the value passed to this
* function by the caller.
static UpdaterInvocation getUpdaterInvocationFromArg(const NS_tchar* argument) {
if (NS_tstrcmp(argument, firstUpdateInvocationArg) == 0) {
return UpdaterInvocation::First;
if (NS_tstrcmp(argument, secondUpdateInvocationArg) == 0) {
return UpdaterInvocation::Second;
return UpdaterInvocation::Unknown;
// This BZ2_crc32Table variable lives in libbz2. We just took the
// data structure from bz2 and created crctables.h
static unsigned int crc32(const unsigned char* buf, unsigned int len) {
unsigned int crc = 0xffffffffL;
const unsigned char* end = buf + len;
for (; buf != end; ++buf)
crc = (crc << 8) ^ BZ2_crc32Table[(crc >> 24) ^ *buf];
crc = ~crc;
return crc;
// A simple stack based container for a FILE struct that closes the
// file descriptor from its destructor.
class AutoFile {
explicit AutoFile(FILE* file = nullptr) : mFile(file) {}
~AutoFile() { close(); }
AutoFile& operator=(FILE* file) {
mFile = file;
return *this;
operator FILE*() { return mFile; }
FILE* get() { return mFile; }
FILE* mFile;
void close() {
if (mFile != nullptr) {
int rv = fclose(mFile);
if (rv != 0) {
LOG(("File close did not execute successfully"));
mFile = nullptr;
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
// Just a simple class that sets a umask value in its constructor and resets
// it in its destructor.
class UmaskContext {
explicit UmaskContext(mode_t umaskToSet);
mode_t mPreviousUmask;
UmaskContext::UmaskContext(mode_t umaskToSet) {
mPreviousUmask = umask(umaskToSet);
UmaskContext::~UmaskContext() { umask(mPreviousUmask); }
typedef void (*ThreadFunc)(void* param);
#ifdef XP_WIN
# include <process.h>
class Thread {
int Run(ThreadFunc func, void* param) {
mThreadFunc = func;
mThreadParam = param;
unsigned int threadID;
mThread =
(HANDLE)_beginthreadex(nullptr, 0, ThreadMain, this, 0, &threadID);
return mThread ? 0 : -1;
int Join() {
WaitForSingleObject(mThread, INFINITE);
return 0;
static unsigned __stdcall ThreadMain(void* p) {
Thread* self = (Thread*)p;
return 0;
HANDLE mThread;
ThreadFunc mThreadFunc;
void* mThreadParam;
#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
# include <pthread.h>
class Thread {
int Run(ThreadFunc func, void* param) {
return pthread_create(&thr, nullptr, (void* (*)(void*))func, param);
int Join() {
void* result;
return pthread_join(thr, &result);
pthread_t thr;
# error "Unsupported platform"
static NS_tchar gPatchDirPath[MAXPATHLEN];
static NS_tchar gInstallDirPath[MAXPATHLEN];
static NS_tchar gWorkingDirPath[MAXPATHLEN];
MOZ_RUNINIT static ArchiveReader gArchiveReader;
static bool gSucceeded = false;
static bool sStagedUpdate = false;
static bool sReplaceRequest = false;
static bool sUsingService = false;
// When the updater needs to elevate, we generally run the updater again with
// elevation. These two invocations differ in many important ways. The elevated
// updater doesn't touch any files that don't require that elevation, it
// basically just changes the installation directory, runs PostUpdate
// (on Windows), and exits to let the first updater invocation finalize the
// update (write its own logs, conditionally move the elevated updater
// logs/status to the update directory, call the callback application, etc).
static UpdaterInvocation gInvocation = UpdaterInvocation::Unknown;
// `argv` indices for standard invocation. Does not apply to other methods of
// invocation including when `--openAppBundle`, or `-dmgInstall` are used.
// Note that `argv[1]` is the argument version, which is needed by the MMS, but
// not by the updater since it is guaranteed to be the same version as the
// application launching it.
static const int kPatchDirIndex = 2;
static const int kInstallDirIndex = 3;
static const int kApplyToDirIndex = 4;
static const int kWhichInvocationIndex = 5;
// Note that this is the first optional argument.
static const int kWaitPidIndex = 6;
static const int kCallbackWorkingDirIndex = 7;
// This indicates the entry in `argv` that is the callback binary path. All
// arguments after this one are treated as arguments to the callback.
static const int kCallbackIndex = 8;
// This string contains the MAR channel IDs that are later extracted by one of
// the `ReadMARChannelIDsFrom` variants.
MOZ_RUNINIT static MARChannelStringTable gMARStrings;
// Normally, we run updates as a result of user action (the user started Firefox
// or clicked a "Restart to Update" button). But there are some cases when
// we are not:
// a) The callback app is a background task. If true then the updater is
// likely being run as part of a background task.
// The updater could be run with no callback, but this only happens
// when performing a staged update (see calls to ProcessUpdates), and there
// are already checks for sStagedUpdate when showing UI or elevating.
// b) The environment variable MOZ_APP_SILENT_START is set and not empty. This
// is set, for instance, on macOS when Firefox had no windows open for a
// while and restarted to apply updates.
// In these cases, the update should be installed silently, so we shouldn't:
// a) show progress UI
// b) prompt for elevation
static bool sUpdateSilently = false;
#ifdef XP_WIN
static NS_tchar gCallbackRelPath[MAXPATHLEN];
static NS_tchar gCallbackBackupPath[MAXPATHLEN];
static NS_tchar gDeleteDirPath[MAXPATHLEN];
// Whether to copy the update-elevated.log and update.status file to the update
// patch directory from a secure directory.
static bool gCopyOutputFiles = false;
static const NS_tchar kWhitespace[] = NS_T(" \t");
static const NS_tchar kNL[] = NS_T("\r\n");
static const NS_tchar kQuote[] = NS_T("\"");
static inline size_t mmin(size_t a, size_t b) { return (a > b) ? b : a; }
static NS_tchar* mstrtok(const NS_tchar* delims, NS_tchar** str) {
if (!*str || !**str) {
*str = nullptr;
return nullptr;
// skip leading "whitespace"
NS_tchar* ret = *str;
const NS_tchar* d;
do {
for (d = delims; *d != NS_T('\0'); ++d) {
if (*ret == *d) {
} while (*d);
if (!*ret) {
*str = ret;
return nullptr;
NS_tchar* i = ret;
do {
for (d = delims; *d != NS_T('\0'); ++d) {
if (*i == *d) {
*i = NS_T('\0');
*str = ++i;
return ret;
} while (*i);
*str = nullptr;
return ret;
#if defined(TEST_UPDATER) || defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
static bool EnvHasValue(const char* name) {
const char* val = getenv(name);
return (val && *val);
static const NS_tchar* UpdateLogFilename() {
if (gInvocation == UpdaterInvocation::Second) {
return NS_T("update-elevated.log");
return NS_T("update.log");
#ifdef XP_WIN
* Obtains the update ID from the secure id file located in secure output
* directory.
* @param outBuf
* A buffer of size UUID_LEN (e.g. 37) to store the result. The uuid is
* 36 characters in length and 1 more for null termination.
* @return true if successful
bool GetSecureID(char* outBuf) {
NS_tchar idFilePath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
if (!GetSecureOutputFilePath(gPatchDirPath, L".id", idFilePath)) {
return false;
AutoFile idFile(NS_tfopen(idFilePath, NS_T("rb")));
if (idFile == nullptr) {
return false;
size_t read = fread(outBuf, UUID_LEN - 1, 1, idFile);
if (read != 1) {
return false;
outBuf[UUID_LEN - 1] = '\0';
return true;
* Calls LogFinish for the update log. On Windows, the unelevated updater copies
* the update status file and the update log file that were written by the
* elevated updater from the secure directory to the update patch directory.
* NOTE: All calls to WriteStatusFile MUST happen before calling output_finish
* because this function copies the update status file for the elevated
* updater and writing the status file after calling output_finish will
* overwrite it.
static void output_finish() {
#ifdef XP_WIN
if (gCopyOutputFiles) {
NS_tchar srcStatusPath[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = {NS_T('\0')};
if (GetSecureOutputFilePath(gPatchDirPath, L".status", srcStatusPath)) {
NS_tchar dstStatusPath[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = {NS_T('\0')};
sizeof(dstStatusPath) / sizeof(dstStatusPath[0]),
NS_T("%s\\update.status"), gPatchDirPath);
CopyFileW(srcStatusPath, dstStatusPath, false);
NS_tchar srcLogPath[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = {NS_T('\0')};
if (GetSecureOutputFilePath(gPatchDirPath, L".log", srcLogPath)) {
NS_tchar dstLogPath[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = {NS_T('\0')};
// Unconditionally use "update-elevated.log" here rather than
// `UpdateLogFilename` since (a) secure output files are only created by
// elevated instances and (b) the copying of the secure output file is
// done by the unelevated instance, so `UpdateLogFilename` will return
// the wrong thing for this.
NS_tsnprintf(dstLogPath, sizeof(dstLogPath) / sizeof(dstLogPath[0]),
NS_T("%s\\update-elevated.log"), gPatchDirPath);
CopyFileW(srcLogPath, dstLogPath, false);
* Coverts a relative update path to a full path.
* @param relpath
* The relative path to convert to a full path.
* @return valid filesystem full path or nullptr if memory allocation fails.
static NS_tchar* get_full_path(const NS_tchar* relpath) {
NS_tchar* destpath = sStagedUpdate ? gWorkingDirPath : gInstallDirPath;
size_t lendestpath = NS_tstrlen(destpath);
size_t lenrelpath = NS_tstrlen(relpath);
NS_tchar* s = new NS_tchar[lendestpath + lenrelpath + 2];
NS_tchar* c = s;
NS_tstrcpy(c, destpath);
c += lendestpath;
NS_tstrcat(c, NS_T("/"));
NS_tstrcat(c, relpath);
c += lenrelpath;
*c = NS_T('\0');
return s;
* Converts a full update path into a relative path; reverses get_full_path.
* @param fullpath
* The absolute path to convert into a relative path.
* return pointer to the location within fullpath where the relative path starts
* or fullpath itself if it already looks relative.
#ifndef XP_WIN
static const NS_tchar* get_relative_path(const NS_tchar* fullpath) {
if (fullpath[0] != '/') {
return fullpath;
NS_tchar* prefix = sStagedUpdate ? gWorkingDirPath : gInstallDirPath;
// If the path isn't long enough to be absolute, return it as-is.
if (NS_tstrlen(fullpath) <= NS_tstrlen(prefix)) {
return fullpath;
return fullpath + NS_tstrlen(prefix) + 1;
* Gets the platform specific path and performs simple checks to the path. If
* the path checks don't pass nullptr will be returned.
* @param line
* The line from the manifest that contains the path.
* @param isdir
* Whether the path is a directory path. Defaults to false.
* @return valid filesystem path or nullptr if the path checks fail.
static NS_tchar* get_valid_path(NS_tchar** line, bool isdir = false) {
NS_tchar* path = mstrtok(kQuote, line);
if (!path) {
LOG(("get_valid_path: unable to determine path: " LOG_S, *line));
return nullptr;
// All paths must be relative from the current working directory
if (path[0] == NS_T('/')) {
LOG(("get_valid_path: path must be relative: " LOG_S, path));
return nullptr;
#ifdef XP_WIN
// All paths must be relative from the current working directory
if (path[0] == NS_T('\\') || path[1] == NS_T(':')) {
LOG(("get_valid_path: path must be relative: " LOG_S, path));
return nullptr;
if (isdir) {
// Directory paths must have a trailing forward slash.
if (path[NS_tstrlen(path) - 1] != NS_T('/')) {
("get_valid_path: directory paths must have a trailing forward "
"slash: " LOG_S,
return nullptr;
// Remove the trailing forward slash because stat on Windows will return
// ENOENT if the path has a trailing slash.
path[NS_tstrlen(path) - 1] = NS_T('\0');
// Don't allow relative paths that resolve to a parent directory.
if (NS_tstrstr(path, NS_T("..")) != nullptr) {
LOG(("get_valid_path: paths must not contain '..': " LOG_S, path));
return nullptr;
return path;
* Gets a quoted path. The return value is malloc'd and it is the responsibility
* of the caller to free it.
* @param path
* The path to quote.
* @return On success the quoted path and nullptr otherwise.
static NS_tchar* get_quoted_path(const NS_tchar* path) {
size_t lenQuote = NS_tstrlen(kQuote);
size_t lenPath = NS_tstrlen(path);
size_t len = lenQuote + lenPath + lenQuote + 1;
NS_tchar* s = (NS_tchar*)malloc(len * sizeof(NS_tchar));
if (!s) {
return nullptr;
NS_tchar* c = s;
NS_tstrcpy(c, kQuote);
c += lenQuote;
NS_tstrcat(c, path);
c += lenPath;
NS_tstrcat(c, kQuote);
c += lenQuote;
*c = NS_T('\0');
return s;
static void ensure_write_permissions(const NS_tchar* path) {
#ifdef XP_WIN
(void)_wchmod(path, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
struct stat fs;
if (!stat(path, &fs) && !(fs.st_mode & S_IWUSR)) {
(void)chmod(path, fs.st_mode | S_IWUSR);
static int ensure_remove(const NS_tchar* path) {
int rv = NS_tremove(path);
if (rv) {
LOG(("ensure_remove: failed to remove file: " LOG_S ", rv: %d, err: %d",
path, rv, errno));
return rv;
// Remove the directory pointed to by path and all of its files and
// sub-directories.
static int ensure_remove_recursive(const NS_tchar* path,
bool continueEnumOnFailure = false) {
// We use lstat rather than stat here so that we can successfully remove
// symlinks.
struct NS_tstat_t sInfo;
int rv = NS_tlstat(path, &sInfo);
if (rv) {
// This error is benign
return rv;
if (!S_ISDIR(sInfo.st_mode)) {
return ensure_remove(path);
NS_tDIR* dir;
NS_tdirent* entry;
dir = NS_topendir(path);
if (!dir) {
LOG(("ensure_remove_recursive: unable to open directory: " LOG_S
", rv: %d, err: %d",
path, rv, errno));
return rv;
while ((entry = NS_treaddir(dir)) != 0) {
if (NS_tstrcmp(entry->d_name, NS_T(".")) &&
NS_tstrcmp(entry->d_name, NS_T(".."))) {
NS_tchar childPath[MAXPATHLEN];
NS_tsnprintf(childPath, sizeof(childPath) / sizeof(childPath[0]),
NS_T("%s/%s"), path, entry->d_name);
rv = ensure_remove_recursive(childPath);
if (rv && !continueEnumOnFailure) {
if (rv == OK) {
rv = NS_trmdir(path);
if (rv) {
LOG(("ensure_remove_recursive: unable to remove directory: " LOG_S
", rv: %d, err: %d",
path, rv, errno));
return rv;
static bool is_read_only(const NS_tchar* flags) {
size_t length = NS_tstrlen(flags);
if (length == 0) {
return false;
// Make sure the string begins with "r"
if (flags[0] != NS_T('r')) {
return false;
// Look for "r+" or "r+b"
if (length > 1 && flags[1] == NS_T('+')) {
return false;
// Look for "rb+"
if (NS_tstrcmp(flags, NS_T("rb+")) == 0) {
return false;
return true;
static FILE* ensure_open(const NS_tchar* path, const NS_tchar* flags,
unsigned int options) {
FILE* f = NS_tfopen(path, flags);
if (is_read_only(flags)) {
// Don't attempt to modify the file permissions if the file is being opened
// in read-only mode.
return f;
if (NS_tchmod(path, options) != 0) {
if (f != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
struct NS_tstat_t ss;
if (NS_tstat(path, &ss) != 0 || ss.st_mode != options) {
if (f != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return f;
// Ensure that the directory containing this file exists.
static int ensure_parent_dir(const NS_tchar* path) {
int rv = OK;
NS_tchar* slash = (NS_tchar*)NS_tstrrchr(path, NS_T('/'));
if (slash) {
*slash = NS_T('\0');
rv = ensure_parent_dir(path);
// Only attempt to create the directory if we're not at the root
if (rv == OK && *path) {
rv = NS_tmkdir(path, 0755);
// If the directory already exists, then ignore the error.
if (rv < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
LOG(("ensure_parent_dir: failed to create directory: " LOG_S ", "
"err: %d",
path, errno));
} else {
rv = OK;
*slash = NS_T('/');
return rv;
#ifdef XP_UNIX
static int ensure_copy_symlink(const NS_tchar* path, const NS_tchar* dest) {
// Copy symlinks by creating a new symlink to the same target
NS_tchar target[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = {NS_T('\0')};
int rv = readlink(path, target, MAXPATHLEN);
if (rv == -1) {
LOG(("ensure_copy_symlink: failed to read the link: " LOG_S ", err: %d",
path, errno));
return READ_ERROR;
rv = symlink(target, dest);
if (rv == -1) {
LOG(("ensure_copy_symlink: failed to create the new link: " LOG_S
", target: " LOG_S " err: %d",
dest, target, errno));
return READ_ERROR;
return 0;
// Copy the file named path onto a new file named dest.
static int ensure_copy(const NS_tchar* path, const NS_tchar* dest) {
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Fast path for Windows
bool result = CopyFileW(path, dest, false);
if (!result) {
LOG(("ensure_copy: failed to copy the file " LOG_S " over to " LOG_S
", lasterr: %lx",
path, dest, GetLastError()));
return OK;
struct NS_tstat_t ss;
int rv = NS_tlstat(path, &ss);
if (rv) {
LOG(("ensure_copy: failed to read file status info: " LOG_S ", err: %d",
path, errno));
return READ_ERROR;
# ifdef XP_UNIX
if (S_ISLNK(ss.st_mode)) {
return ensure_copy_symlink(path, dest);
# endif
AutoFile infile(ensure_open(path, NS_T("rb"), ss.st_mode));
if (!infile) {
LOG(("ensure_copy: failed to open the file for reading: " LOG_S ", err: %d",
path, errno));
return READ_ERROR;
AutoFile outfile(ensure_open(dest, NS_T("wb"), ss.st_mode));
if (!outfile) {
LOG(("ensure_copy: failed to open the file for writing: " LOG_S ", err: %d",
dest, errno));
// This block size was chosen pretty arbitrarily but seems like a reasonable
// compromise. For example, the optimal block size on a modern OS X machine
// is 100k */
const int blockSize = 32 * 1024;
void* buffer = malloc(blockSize);
if (!buffer) {
while (!feof(infile.get())) {
size_t read = fread(buffer, 1, blockSize, infile);
if (ferror(infile.get())) {
LOG(("ensure_copy: failed to read the file: " LOG_S ", err: %d", path,
return READ_ERROR;
size_t written = 0;
while (written < read) {
size_t chunkWritten = fwrite(buffer, 1, read - written, outfile);
if (chunkWritten <= 0) {
LOG(("ensure_copy: failed to write the file: " LOG_S ", err: %d", dest,
written += chunkWritten;
rv = NS_tchmod(dest, ss.st_mode);
return rv;
template <unsigned N>
struct copy_recursive_skiplist {
NS_tchar paths[N][MAXPATHLEN];
void append(unsigned index, const NS_tchar* path, const NS_tchar* suffix) {
NS_tsnprintf(paths[index], MAXPATHLEN, NS_T("%s/%s"), path, suffix);
bool find(const NS_tchar* path) {
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(N); ++i) {
if (!NS_tstricmp(paths[i], path)) {
return true;
return false;
// Copy all of the files and subdirectories under path to a new directory named
// dest. The path names in the skiplist will be skipped and will not be copied.
template <unsigned N>
static int ensure_copy_recursive(const NS_tchar* path, const NS_tchar* dest,
copy_recursive_skiplist<N>& skiplist) {
struct NS_tstat_t sInfo;
int rv = NS_tlstat(path, &sInfo);
if (rv) {
LOG(("ensure_copy_recursive: path doesn't exist: " LOG_S
", rv: %d, err: %d",
path, rv, errno));
return READ_ERROR;
#ifdef XP_UNIX
if (S_ISLNK(sInfo.st_mode)) {
return ensure_copy_symlink(path, dest);
if (!S_ISDIR(sInfo.st_mode)) {
return ensure_copy(path, dest);
rv = NS_tmkdir(dest, sInfo.st_mode);
if (rv < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
LOG(("ensure_copy_recursive: could not create destination directory: " LOG_S
", rv: %d, err: %d",
path, rv, errno));
NS_tDIR* dir;
NS_tdirent* entry;
dir = NS_topendir(path);
if (!dir) {
LOG(("ensure_copy_recursive: path is not a directory: " LOG_S
", rv: %d, err: %d",
path, rv, errno));
return READ_ERROR;
while ((entry = NS_treaddir(dir)) != 0) {
if (NS_tstrcmp(entry->d_name, NS_T(".")) &&
NS_tstrcmp(entry->d_name, NS_T(".."))) {
NS_tchar childPath[MAXPATHLEN];
NS_tsnprintf(childPath, sizeof(childPath) / sizeof(childPath[0]),
NS_T("%s/%s"), path, entry->d_name);
if (skiplist.find(childPath)) {
NS_tchar childPathDest[MAXPATHLEN];
sizeof(childPathDest) / sizeof(childPathDest[0]),
NS_T("%s/%s"), dest, entry->d_name);
rv = ensure_copy_recursive(childPath, childPathDest, skiplist);
if (rv) {
return rv;
// Renames the specified file to the new file specified. If the destination file
// exists it is removed.
static int rename_file(const NS_tchar* spath, const NS_tchar* dpath,
bool allowDirs = false) {
int rv = ensure_parent_dir(dpath);
if (rv) {
return rv;
struct NS_tstat_t spathInfo;
rv = NS_tstat(spath, &spathInfo);
if (rv) {
LOG(("rename_file: failed to read file status info: " LOG_S ", "
"err: %d",
spath, errno));
return READ_ERROR;
if (!S_ISREG(spathInfo.st_mode)) {
if (allowDirs && !S_ISDIR(spathInfo.st_mode)) {
LOG(("rename_file: path present, but not a file: " LOG_S ", err: %d",
spath, errno));
LOG(("rename_file: proceeding to rename the directory"));
if (!NS_taccess(dpath, F_OK)) {
if (ensure_remove(dpath)) {
("rename_file: destination file exists and could not be "
"removed: " LOG_S,
if (NS_trename(spath, dpath) != 0) {
LOG(("rename_file: failed to rename file - src: " LOG_S ", "
"dst:" LOG_S ", err: %d",
spath, dpath, errno));
return OK;
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Remove the directory pointed to by path and all of its files and
// sub-directories. If a file is in use move it to the tobedeleted directory
// and attempt to schedule removal of the file on reboot
static int remove_recursive_on_reboot(const NS_tchar* path,
const NS_tchar* deleteDir) {
struct NS_tstat_t sInfo;
int rv = NS_tlstat(path, &sInfo);
if (rv) {
// This error is benign
return rv;
if (!S_ISDIR(sInfo.st_mode)) {
NS_tchar tmpDeleteFile[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
GetUUIDTempFilePath(deleteDir, L"rep", tmpDeleteFile);
if (NS_tremove(tmpDeleteFile) && errno != ENOENT) {
LOG(("remove_recursive_on_reboot: failed to remove temporary file: " LOG_S
", err: %d",
tmpDeleteFile, errno));
rv = rename_file(path, tmpDeleteFile, false);
if (MoveFileEx(rv ? path : tmpDeleteFile, nullptr,
("remove_recursive_on_reboot: file will be removed on OS "
"reboot: " LOG_S,
rv ? path : tmpDeleteFile));
} else {
"remove_recursive_on_reboot: failed to schedule OS reboot removal of "
"file: " LOG_S,
rv ? path : tmpDeleteFile));
return rv;
NS_tDIR* dir;
NS_tdirent* entry;
dir = NS_topendir(path);
if (!dir) {
LOG(("remove_recursive_on_reboot: unable to open directory: " LOG_S
", rv: %d, err: %d",
path, rv, errno));
return rv;
while ((entry = NS_treaddir(dir)) != 0) {
if (NS_tstrcmp(entry->d_name, NS_T(".")) &&
NS_tstrcmp(entry->d_name, NS_T(".."))) {
NS_tchar childPath[MAXPATHLEN];
NS_tsnprintf(childPath, sizeof(childPath) / sizeof(childPath[0]),
NS_T("%s/%s"), path, entry->d_name);
// There is no need to check the return value of this call since this
// function is only called after an update is successful and there is not
// much that can be done to recover if it isn't successful. There is also
// no need to log the value since it will have already been logged.
remove_recursive_on_reboot(childPath, deleteDir);
if (rv == OK) {
rv = NS_trmdir(path);
if (rv) {
LOG(("remove_recursive_on_reboot: unable to remove directory: " LOG_S
", rv: %d, err: %d",
path, rv, errno));
return rv;
// Create a backup of the specified file by renaming it.
static int backup_create(const NS_tchar* path) {
NS_tchar backup[MAXPATHLEN];
NS_tsnprintf(backup, sizeof(backup) / sizeof(backup[0]),
NS_T("%s") BACKUP_EXT, path);
return rename_file(path, backup);
// Rename the backup of the specified file that was created by renaming it back
// to the original file.
static int backup_restore(const NS_tchar* path, const NS_tchar* relPath) {
NS_tchar backup[MAXPATHLEN];
NS_tsnprintf(backup, sizeof(backup) / sizeof(backup[0]),
NS_T("%s") BACKUP_EXT, path);
NS_tchar relBackup[MAXPATHLEN];
NS_tsnprintf(relBackup, sizeof(relBackup) / sizeof(relBackup[0]),
NS_T("%s") BACKUP_EXT, relPath);
if (NS_taccess(backup, F_OK)) {
LOG(("backup_restore: backup file doesn't exist: " LOG_S, relBackup));
return OK;
return rename_file(backup, path);
// Discard the backup of the specified file that was created by renaming it.
static int backup_discard(const NS_tchar* path, const NS_tchar* relPath) {
NS_tchar backup[MAXPATHLEN];
NS_tsnprintf(backup, sizeof(backup) / sizeof(backup[0]),
NS_T("%s") BACKUP_EXT, path);
NS_tchar relBackup[MAXPATHLEN];
NS_tsnprintf(relBackup, sizeof(relBackup) / sizeof(relBackup[0]),
NS_T("%s") BACKUP_EXT, relPath);
// Nothing to discard
if (NS_taccess(backup, F_OK)) {
return OK;
int rv = ensure_remove(backup);
#if defined(XP_WIN)
if (rv && !sStagedUpdate && !sReplaceRequest) {
LOG(("backup_discard: unable to remove: " LOG_S, relBackup));
NS_tchar path[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
GetUUIDTempFilePath(gDeleteDirPath, L"moz", path);
if (rename_file(backup, path)) {
LOG(("backup_discard: failed to rename file:" LOG_S ", dst:" LOG_S,
relBackup, relPath));
// The MoveFileEx call to remove the file on OS reboot will fail if the
// process doesn't have write access to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key
// but this is ok since the installer / uninstaller will delete the
// directory containing the file along with its contents after an update is
// applied, on reinstall, and on uninstall.
if (MoveFileEx(path, nullptr, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT)) {
("backup_discard: file renamed and will be removed on OS "
"reboot: " LOG_S,
} else {
("backup_discard: failed to schedule OS reboot removal of "
"file: " LOG_S,
if (rv) {
return OK;
// Helper function for post-processing a temporary backup.
static void backup_finish(const NS_tchar* path, const NS_tchar* relPath,
int status) {
if (status == OK) {
backup_discard(path, relPath);
} else {
backup_restore(path, relPath);
static int DoUpdate();
class Action {
Action() : mProgressCost(1), mNext(nullptr) {}
virtual ~Action() = default;
virtual int Parse(NS_tchar* line) = 0;
// Do any preprocessing to ensure that the action can be performed. Execute
// will be called if this Action and all others return OK from this method.
virtual int Prepare() = 0;
// Perform the operation. Return OK to indicate success. After all actions
// have been executed, Finish will be called. A requirement of Execute is
// that its operation be reversable from Finish.
virtual int Execute() = 0;
// Finish is called after execution of all actions. If status is OK, then
// all actions were successfully executed. Otherwise, some action failed.
virtual void Finish(int status) = 0;
int mProgressCost;
Action* mNext;
friend class ActionList;
class RemoveFile : public Action {
RemoveFile() : mSkip(0) {}
int Parse(NS_tchar* line) override;
int Prepare() override;
int Execute() override;
void Finish(int status) override;
mozilla::UniquePtr<NS_tchar[]> mFile;
mozilla::UniquePtr<NS_tchar[]> mRelPath;
int mSkip;
int RemoveFile::Parse(NS_tchar* line) {
// format "<deadfile>"
NS_tchar* validPath = get_valid_path(&line);
if (!validPath) {
mRelPath = mozilla::MakeUnique<NS_tchar[]>(MAXPATHLEN);
NS_tstrcpy(mRelPath.get(), validPath);
if (!mFile) {
return OK;
int RemoveFile::Prepare() {
// Skip the file if it already doesn't exist.
int rv = NS_taccess(mFile.get(), F_OK);
if (rv) {
mSkip = 1;
mProgressCost = 0;
return OK;
// Make sure that we're actually a file...
struct NS_tstat_t fileInfo;
rv = NS_tstat(mFile.get(), &fileInfo);
if (rv) {
LOG(("failed to read file status info: " LOG_S ", err: %d", mFile.get(),
return READ_ERROR;
if (!S_ISREG(fileInfo.st_mode)) {
LOG(("path present, but not a file: " LOG_S, mFile.get()));
NS_tchar* slash = (NS_tchar*)NS_tstrrchr(mFile.get(), NS_T('/'));
if (slash) {
*slash = NS_T('\0');
rv = NS_taccess(mFile.get(), W_OK);
*slash = NS_T('/');
} else {
rv = NS_taccess(NS_T("."), W_OK);
if (rv) {
LOG(("access failed: %d", errno));
return OK;
int RemoveFile::Execute() {
if (mSkip) {
return OK;
// The file is checked for existence here and in Prepare since it might have
// been removed by a separate instruction: bug 311099.
int rv = NS_taccess(mFile.get(), F_OK);
if (rv) {
LOG(("file cannot be removed because it does not exist; skipping"));
mSkip = 1;
return OK;
if (sStagedUpdate) {
// Staged updates don't need backup files so just remove it.
rv = ensure_remove(mFile.get());
if (rv) {
return rv;
} else {
// Rename the old file. It will be removed in Finish.
rv = backup_create(mFile.get());
if (rv) {
LOG(("backup_create failed: %d", rv));
return rv;
return OK;
void RemoveFile::Finish(int status) {
if (mSkip) {
LOG(("FINISH REMOVEFILE " LOG_S, mRelPath.get()));
// Staged updates don't create backup files.
if (!sStagedUpdate) {
backup_finish(mFile.get(), mRelPath.get(), status);
class RemoveDir : public Action {
RemoveDir() : mSkip(0) {}
int Parse(NS_tchar* line) override;
int Prepare() override; // check that the source dir exists
int Execute() override;
void Finish(int status) override;
mozilla::UniquePtr<NS_tchar[]> mDir;
mozilla::UniquePtr<NS_tchar[]> mRelPath;
int mSkip;