Name Description Size
AddonRepository.sys.mjs The ID of the add-on 34048
AddonSettings.sys.mjs Require the use of certs shipped with Firefox for addon install and update, if the distribution does not require addon signing and is not ESR. 4364
AddonTestUtils.sys.mjs Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 59492
AddonUpdateChecker.sys.mjs The AddonUpdateChecker is responsible for retrieving the update information from an add-on's remote update manifest. 19421
crypto-utils.sys.mjs Returns the string representation (hex) of the SHA256 hash of `input`. @param {string} input The value to hash. @returns {string} The hex representation of a SHA256 hash. 1990
GMPProvider.sys.mjs The GMPWrapper provides the info for the various GMP plugins to public callers through the API. 25410
ModelHubProvider.sys.mjs 2303 950
ProductAddonChecker.sys.mjs Number of milliseconds after which we need to cancel `downloadXMLWithRequest` and `conservativeFetch`. Bug 1087674 suggests that the XHR/ServiceRequest we use in `downloadXMLWithRequest` may never terminate in presence of network nuisances (e.g. strange antivirus behavior). This timeout is a defensive measure to ensure that we fail cleanly in such case. 21446
siteperms-addon-utils.sys.mjs @param {string} type @returns {boolean} 1994
SitePermsAddonProvider.sys.mjs @param {string} siteOriginNoSuffix: The origin this addon is installed for WITHOUT the suffix generated from the origin attributes (see: nsIPrincipal.siteOriginNoSuffix). @param {Array<nsIPermission>} permissions: An array of the initial permissions the user granted for the addon origin. 20211
XPIDatabase.sys.mjs This file contains most of the logic required to maintain the extensions database, including querying and modifying extension metadata. In general, we try to avoid loading it during startup when at all possible. Please keep that in mind when deciding whether to add code here or elsewhere. 125787
XPIExports.sys.mjs This file wraps XPIDatabase, XPIInstall, and XPIProvider modules in order to allow testing the shutdown+restart situation in AddonTestUtils.sys.mjs. 1494
XPIInstall.sys.mjs This file contains most of the logic required to install extensions. In general, we try to avoid loading it until extension installation or update is required. Please keep that in mind when deciding whether to add code here or elsewhere. 154163
XPIProvider.sys.mjs This file contains most of the logic required to load and run extensions at startup. Anything which is not required immediately at startup should go in XPIInstall.sys.mjs or XPIDatabase.sys.mjs if at all possible, in order to minimize the impact on startup performance. 101605