Name Description Size
arrowscrollbox.js 0 indicates there is no pending request 24881
autocomplete-input.js This path is only used in tests, we have the <popupset> and <panel> in document for other usages 17057
autocomplete-popup.js This is the default number of rows that we give the autocomplete popup when the textbox doesn't have a "maxrows" attribute for us to use. 20896
autocomplete-richlistitem.js This overrides listitem's mousedown handler because we want to set the selected item even when the shift or accel keys are pressed. 30401
browser-custom-element.js These are managed by the tabbrowser: 62696
button.js While it would seem we could do this by handling oncommand, we can't because any external oncommand handlers might get called before ours, and then they would see the incorrect value of checked. Additionally a command attribute would redirect the command events anyway. 8972
calendar.js Initialize the Calendar and generate nodes for week headers and days, and attach event listeners. @param {Object} options { {Number} calViewSize: Number of days to appear on a calendar view {Function} getDayString: Transform day number to string {Function} getWeekHeaderString: Transform day of week number to string {Function} setSelection: Set selection for dateKeeper {Function} setCalendarMonth: Update the month shown by the dateView to a specific month of a specific year } @param {Object} context { {DOMElement} weekHeader {DOMElement} daysView } 16992
checkbox.js 2306
datekeeper.js DateKeeper keeps track of the date states. 12429
datepicker.js import-globals-from datekeeper.js 18604
datetimebox.css TODO: Enable selection once bug 1455893 is fixed 2247
datetimebox.js This is the class of entry. It will construct the actual implementation according to the value of the "type" property. 43664
dialog.js 18115
editor.js globals XULFrameElement 5601
findbar.js Please keep in sync with toolkit/modules/FindBarContent.sys.mjs 45780
general.js 933
infobar.css Don't let lwthemes set a text-shadow. 2010
lit-utils.mjs Helper for our replacement of @query. Used with `static queries` property. 12503 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ 6905
marquee.css Disable the animation on contenteditable 537
marquee.js Computes CSS-derived values needed to compute the transform of the contents. In particular, it measures the auto width and height of the contents, and the effective width and height of the marquee itself, along with its css directionality (which affects the effective direction). 9636
menu.js 15906
menulist.js 11513
menupopup.css 477
menupopup.js Adds event listeners for a MozMenuPopup inside a menulist element. 9127
metrics.yaml 1039
moz-input-box.js 7910
moz-input-common.css Label text 3190
named-deck.js This element is for use with the <named-deck> element. Set the target <named-deck>'s ID in the "deck" attribute and the button's selected state will reflect the deck's state. When the button is clicked, it will set the view in the <named-deck> to the button's "name" attribute. The "tab" role will be added unless a different role is provided. Wrapping a set of these buttons in a <button-group> element will add the key handling for a tablist. NOTE: This does not observe changes to the "deck" or "name" attributes, so changing them likely won't work properly. <button is="named-deck-button" deck="pet-deck" name="dogs">Dogs</button> <named-deck id="pet-deck"> <p name="cats">I like cats.</p> <p name="dogs">I like dogs.</p> </named-deck> let btn = document.querySelector('button[name="dogs"]'); let deck = document.querySelector("named-deck"); deck.selectedViewName == "cats"; btn.selected == false; // Selected was pulled from the related deck.; deck.selectedViewName == "dogs"; btn.selected == true; // Selected updated when view changed. 11991
notificationbox.js Creates a new class to handle a notification box, but does not add any elements to the DOM until a notification has to be displayed. @param insertElementFn Called with the "notification-stack" element as an argument when the first notification has to be displayed. @param {Number} securityDelayMS - Delay in milliseconds until buttons are enabled to protect against click- and tapjacking. 23136
panel.js 8973
popupnotification.js 8453
radio.js keyboard navigation Here's how keyboard navigation works in radio groups on Windows: The group takes 'focus' The user is then free to navigate around inside the group using the arrow keys. Accessing previous or following radio buttons is done solely through the arrow keys and not the tab button. Tab takes you to the next widget in the tab order 15645
richlistbox.js XUL:richlistbox element. 30205
search-textbox.js 6863
spinner.js The spinner is responsible for displaying the items, and does not care what the values represent. The setValue function is called when it detects a change in value triggered by scroll event. Supports scrolling, clicking on up or down, clicking on item, and dragging. 22059
stringbundle.js 1812
tabbox.js 26042
text.js 11134
textrecognition.js @param {ShadowRoot} shadowRoot @param {Record<string, string | boolean | number>} _prefs 10225
timekeeper.js TimeKeeper keeps track of the time states. Given min, max, step, and format (12/24hr), TimeKeeper will determine the ranges of possible selections, and whether or not the current time state is out of range or off step. @param {Object} props { {Date} min {Date} max {Number} step {String} format: Either "12" or "24" } 12187
timepicker.js import-globals-from timekeeper.js 8880
toolbarbutton.js 6603
tree.js globals XULTreeElement 48029
videocontrols.js This is the class of entry. It will construct the actual implementation according to the value of the "controls" property. 116932
wizard.js XXX(ntim): We import button.css here for the wizard-buttons children This won't be needed after bug 1624888. 19156