Name Description Size
moz-radio-group.mjs Element used to group and associate moz-radio buttons so that they function as a single form-control element. @tagname moz-radio-group @property {boolean} disabled - Whether or not the fieldset is disabled. @property {string} label - Label for the group of moz-radio elements. @property {string} description - Description for the group of moz-radio elements. @property {string} supportPage - Support page for the group of moz-radio elements. @property {string} name Input name of the radio group. Propagates to moz-radio children. @property {string} value Selected value for the group. Changing the value updates the checked state of moz-radio children and vice versa. @slot default - The radio group's content, intended for moz-radio elements. @slot support-link - The radio group's support link intended for moz-radio elements. 10593
moz-radio-group.stories.mjs 6967 7282