Name Description Size
ChunkSet.cpp 6354
ChunkSet.h Store the chunk numbers as an array of ranges of uint32_t. We need chunk numbers in order to ask for incremental updates from the server. 2600
Classifier.cpp 56638
Classifier.h Maintains the stores and LookupCaches for the url classifier. 8915
components.conf 1371
Entries.h 9338
HashStore.cpp 35372
HashStore.h 10415
IUrlClassifierUITelemetry.idl 2310
LookupCache.cpp 33107
LookupCache.h 10361
LookupCacheV4.cpp 17693
LookupCacheV4.h 2349
metrics.yaml 17426 2378
nsCheckSummedOutputStream.cpp 2949
nsCheckSummedOutputStream.h 2806
nsIUrlClassifierDBService.idl The nsIUrlClassifierUpdateObserver interface is implemented by clients streaming updates to the url-classifier (usually nsUrlClassifierStreamUpdater. 8317
nsIUrlClassifierHashCompleter.idl This interface contains feilds in Matches object of FullHashResponse(V4). Reference from: 3497
nsIUrlClassifierInfo.idl nsIUrlClassifierPositiveCacheEntry Represents a positive cache entry. 2139
nsIUrlClassifierPrefixSet.idl 1238
nsIUrlClassifierRemoteSettingsService.idl A service that serves Safe Browsing list data (V2 protocol) via Remote Settings. 984
nsIUrlClassifierStreamUpdater.idl This is a class to manage large table updates from the server. Rather than downloading the whole update and then updating the sqlite database, we update tables as the data is streaming in. 1912
nsIUrlClassifierUtils.idl Some utility methods used by the url classifier. 5438
nsIUrlListManager.idl Interface for a class that manages updates of the url classifier database. 3060
nsUrlClassifierDBService.cpp 81489
nsUrlClassifierDBService.h 9083
nsUrlClassifierInfo.cpp 2326
nsUrlClassifierInfo.h 1588
nsUrlClassifierPrefixSet.cpp 18645
nsUrlClassifierPrefixSet.h 3238
nsUrlClassifierProxies.cpp 9434
nsUrlClassifierProxies.h Thread proxy from the main thread to the worker thread. 11580
nsUrlClassifierStreamUpdater.cpp Clear out the update. 30557
nsUrlClassifierStreamUpdater.h 4356
nsUrlClassifierUtils.cpp 34691
nsUrlClassifierUtils.h 2570
ProtocolParser.cpp 34112
ProtocolParser.h Abstract base class for parsing update data in multiple formats. 6738
RiceDeltaDecoder.cpp 7175
RiceDeltaDecoder.h 1445
SafeBrowsing.sys.mjs 15337
UrlClassifierHashCompleter.sys.mjs 28861
UrlClassifierLib.sys.mjs Partially applies a function to a particular "this object" and zero or more arguments. The result is a new function with some arguments of the first function pre-filled and the value of |this| "pre-specified". Remaining arguments specified at call-time are appended to the pre- specified ones. Usage: var barMethBound = BindToObject(myFunction, myObj, "arg1", "arg2"); barMethBound("arg3", "arg4"); @param fn {string} Reference to the function to be bound @param self {object} Specifies the object which |this| should point to when the function is run. If the value is null or undefined, it will default to the global object. @returns {function} A partially-applied form of the speficied function. 7141
UrlClassifierListManager.sys.mjs A ListManager keeps track of exception and block lists and knows how to update them. @constructor 25781
UrlClassifierRemoteSettingsService.sys.mjs 4309
UrlClassifierTelemetryUtils.cpp 3547
UrlClassifierTelemetryUtils.h 936
VariableLengthPrefixSet.cpp 15716
VariableLengthPrefixSet.h 2583