Name Description Size
SearchTestUtils.sys.mjs Adds an OpenSearch based engine to the search service. It will remove the engine at the end of the test. @param {object} options The options for the new search engine. @param {string} options.url The URL of the engine to add. @param {boolean} [options.setAsDefault] Whether or not to set the engine as default automatically. If this is true, the engine will be set as default, and the previous default engine will be restored when the test exits. @param {boolean} [options.setAsDefaultPrivate] Whether or not to set the engine as default automatically for private mode. If this is true, the engine will be set as default, and the previous default engine will be restored when the test exits. @param {boolean} [options.skipReset] Skips resetting the default engine at the end of the test. @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that is resolved with the new engine or rejected if it fails. 19407