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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
/* eslint no-shadow: error, mozilla/no-aArgs: error */
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
SearchSettings: "resource://gre/modules/SearchSettings.sys.mjs",
SearchUtils: "resource://gre/modules/SearchUtils.sys.mjs",
OpenSearchEngine: "resource://gre/modules/OpenSearchEngine.sys.mjs",
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "logConsole", () => {
return console.createInstance({
prefix: "SearchEngine",
maxLogLevel: lazy.SearchUtils.loggingEnabled ? "Debug" : "Warn",
// Supported OpenSearch parameters
const OS_PARAM_INPUT_ENCODING = "inputEncoding";
const OS_PARAM_LANGUAGE = "language";
const OS_PARAM_OUTPUT_ENCODING = "outputEncoding";
// Default values
// "Unsupported" OpenSearch parameters. For example, we don't support
// page-based results, so if the engine requires that we send the "page index"
// parameter, we'll always send "1".
const OS_PARAM_COUNT = "count";
const OS_PARAM_START_INDEX = "startIndex";
const OS_PARAM_START_PAGE = "startPage";
// Default values
const OS_PARAM_COUNT_DEF = "20"; // 20 results
const OS_PARAM_START_INDEX_DEF = "1"; // start at 1st result
const OS_PARAM_START_PAGE_DEF = "1"; // 1st page
// A array of arrays containing parameters that we don't fully support, and
// their default values. We will only send values for these parameters if
// required, since our values are just really arbitrary "guesses" that should
// give us the output we want.
// An array of attributes that are saved in the engines `_metaData` object.
// Attributes not in this array are considered as system attributes.
const USER_ATTRIBUTES = ["alias", "order", "hideOneOffButton"];
* Truncates big blobs of (data-)URIs to console-friendly sizes
* @param {string} str
* String to tone down
* @param {number} len
* Maximum length of the string to return. Defaults to the length of a tweet.
* @returns {string}
* The shortend string.
function limitURILength(str, len = 140) {
if (str.length > len) {
return str.slice(0, len) + "...";
return str;
* Represents a name/value pair for a parameter
export class QueryParameter {
* @param {string} name
* The parameter's name. Must not be null.
* @param {string} value
* The value of the parameter. May be an empty string, must not be null or
* undefined.
constructor(name, value) {
if (!name || value == null) {
throw Components.Exception(
"missing name or value for QueryParameter!",
} = name;
this._value = value;
get value() {
return this._value;
toJSON() {
return {
value: this.value,
* Perform OpenSearch parameter substitution on a parameter value.
* @param {string} paramValue
* The OpenSearch search parameters.
* @param {string} searchTerms
* The user-provided search terms. This string will inserted into
* paramValue as the value of the searchTerms parameter.
* This value must already be escaped appropriately - it is inserted
* as-is.
* @param {string} queryCharset
* The character set of the search engine to use for query encoding.
* @returns {string}
* An updated parameter string.
function ParamSubstitution(paramValue, searchTerms, queryCharset) {
const PARAM_REGEXP = /\{(\w+)(\??)\}/g;
return paramValue.replace(PARAM_REGEXP, function (match, name, optional) {
// {searchTerms} is by far the most common param so handle it first.
if (name == "searchTerms") {
return searchTerms;
// {inputEncoding} is the second most common param.
return queryCharset;
// Handle the less common OpenSearch parameters we're confident about.
if (name == OS_PARAM_LANGUAGE) {
return Services.locale.requestedLocale || OS_PARAM_LANGUAGE_DEF;
// At this point, if a parameter is optional, just omit it.
if (optional) {
return "";
// Replace unsupported parameters that only have hardcoded default values.
for (let param of OS_UNSUPPORTED_PARAMS) {
if (name == param[0]) {
return param[1];
// Don't replace unknown non-optional parameters.
return match;
* EngineURL holds a query URL and all associated parameters.
export class EngineURL {
params = [];
rels = [];
#searchTermParamName = null;
* Creates an EngineURL.
* @param {string} mimeType
* The name of the MIME type of the search results returned by this URL.
* @param {string} requestMethod
* The HTTP request method. Must be a case insensitive value of either
* "GET" or "POST".
* @param {string} template
* The URL to which search queries should be sent. For GET requests,
* must contain the string "{searchTerms}", to indicate where the user
* entered search terms should be inserted.
* @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if aType is unsupported.
constructor(mimeType, requestMethod, template) {
if (!mimeType || !requestMethod || !template) {
throw Components.Exception(
"missing mimeType, method or template for EngineURL!",
var method = requestMethod.toUpperCase();
var type = mimeType.toLowerCase();
if (method != "GET" && method != "POST") {
throw Components.Exception(
'method passed to EngineURL must be "GET" or "POST"',
this.type = type;
this.method = method;
var templateURI = lazy.SearchUtils.makeURI(template);
if (!templateURI) {
throw Components.Exception(
"new EngineURL: template is not a valid URI!",
switch (templateURI.scheme) {
case "http":
case "https":
this.template = template;
throw Components.Exception(
"new EngineURL: template uses invalid scheme!",
this.templateHost =;
// It's possible that the search term parameter
// is part of the template.
let urlParms = new URLSearchParams(templateURI.query);
for (let [name, value] of urlParms.entries()) {
if (value == "{searchTerms}") {
this.#searchTermParamName = name;
* @param {QueryParameter} param the QueryParameter to add
addQueryParameter(param) {
if (param.value == "{searchTerms}") {
* Adds a QueryParameter by name and value.
* Exists because this is a frequent operation and because it allows
* other files to add QueryParameters without importing QueryParameter
* @param {string} name name of the parameter
* @param {string} value value of the parameter
addParam(name, value) {
this.addQueryParameter(new QueryParameter(name, value));
* Sets the name of the search term parameter and
* adds it to the list of query parameters.
* @param {string} name
* The name of the parameter.
setSearchTermParamName(name) {
if (this.#searchTermParamName) {
"set searchTermParamName: searchTermParamName was set twice."
this.params.push(new QueryParameter(name, "{searchTerms}"));
this.#searchTermParamName = name;
* Returns the name of the parameter used for the search term.
* @returns {string|null}
* A string which is the name of the parameter, or null
* if no parameter can be found or is not supported (e.g. POST,
* or contained within the URL).
get searchTermParamName() {
return this.#searchTermParamName;
* Returns a complete URL with parameter data that can be used for submitting
* a suggestion query or loading a search page.
* @param {string} searchTerms
* The user's search terms.
* @param {string} queryCharset
* The character set that is being used for the query.
* @returns {Submission}
* The submission data containing the URL and post data for the URL.
getSubmission(searchTerms, queryCharset) {
let escapedSearchTerms = "";
try {
escapedSearchTerms = Services.textToSubURI.ConvertAndEscape(
} catch (ex) {
"getSubmission: Falling back to default queryCharset!"
escapedSearchTerms = Services.textToSubURI.ConvertAndEscape(
// textToSubURI encodes spaces with '+' but we want to use %20 if the search
// terms are part of the URL. We only use '+' if they are a query parameter.
let url = ParamSubstitution(
escapedSearchTerms.replace("+", "%20"),
// Create an application/x-www-form-urlencoded representation of our params
// (name=value&name=value&name=value)
let dataArray = [];
for (let param of this.params) {
// QueryPreferenceParameters might not have a preferenced saved, or a valid value.
if (param.value != null) {
let value = ParamSubstitution(
dataArray.push( + "=" + value);
let dataString = dataArray.join("&");
var postData = null;
if (this.method == "GET") {
// GET method requests have no post data, and append the encoded
// query string to the url...
if (dataString) {
if (url.includes("?")) {
url = `${url}&${dataString}`;
} else {
url = `${url}?${dataString}`;
} else if (this.method == "POST") {
// POST method requests must wrap the encoded text in a MIME
// stream and supply that as POSTDATA.
var stringStream = Cc[
postData = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
postData.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
return new Submission(, postData);
_hasRelation(rel) {
return this.rels.some(e => e == rel.toLowerCase());
_initWithJSON(json) {
if (!json.params) {
this.rels = json.rels;
for (let param of json.params) {
// mozparam and purpose were only supported for app-provided engines.
// Always ignore them for engines loaded from JSON.
if (!param.mozparam && !param.purpose) {
this.addParam(, param.value);
* Creates a JavaScript object that represents this URL.
* @returns {object}
* An object suitable for serialization as JSON.
toJSON() {
var json = {
params: this.params,
rels: this.rels,
template: this.template,
if (this.type != lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH) {
json.type = this.type;
if (this.method != "GET") {
json.method = this.method;
return json;
* SearchEngine represents WebExtension based search engines.
export class SearchEngine {
QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsISearchEngine"]);
// Data set by the user.
_metaData = {};
// Anonymized path of where we initially loaded the engine from.
// This will stay null for engines installed in the profile before we moved
// to a JSON storage.
_loadPath = null;
// The engine's description
_description = "";
// The engine's name.
_name = null;
// The name of the charset used to submit the search terms.
_queryCharset = null;
// The order hint from the configuration (if any).
_orderHint = null;
// The telemetry id from the configuration (if any).
_telemetryId = null;
// Set to true once the engine has been added to the store, and the initial
// notification sent. This allows to skip sending notifications during
// initialization.
_engineAddedToStore = false;
// The aliases coming from the engine definition (via webextension
// keyword field for example).
_definedAliases = [];
// The urls associated with this engine.
_urls = [];
// The known public suffix of the search url, cached in memory to avoid
// repeated look-ups.
_searchUrlPublicSuffix = null;
* The unique id of the Search Engine.
* @type {string}
* Creates a Search Engine.
* @param {object} options
* The options for this search engine.
* @param {string} []
* The identifier to use for this engine, if none is specified a random
* uuid is created.
* @param {string} options.loadPath
* The path of the engine was originally loaded from. Should be anonymized.
constructor(options = {}) {
this.#id = ?? this.#uuid();
if (!("loadPath" in options)) {
throw new Error("loadPath missing from options.");
this._loadPath = options.loadPath;
* Attempts to find an EngineURL object in the set of EngineURLs for
* this Engine that has the given type string. (This corresponds to the
* "type" attribute in the "Url" node in the OpenSearch spec.)
* @param {string} type
* The type to match the EngineURL's type attribute.
* @param {string} [rel]
* Only return URLs that with this rel value.
* @returns {EngineURL|null}
* Returns the first matching URL found, null otherwise.
_getURLOfType(type, rel) {
for (let url of this._urls) {
if (url.type == type && (!rel || url._hasRelation(rel))) {
return url;
return null;
* Add an icon to the icon map used by getIconURL().
* Icon must be square.
* @param {string} iconURL
* String with the icon's URI.
* @param {number} size
* Width and height of the icon.
* @param {boolean} override
* Whether the new URI should override an existing one.
_addIconToMap(iconURL, size, override = true) {
// Use an object instead of a Map() because it needs to be serializable.
this._iconMapObj = this._iconMapObj || {};
if (!(size in this._iconMapObj) || override) {
this._iconMapObj[size] = iconURL;
* Sets the .iconURI property of the engine. If size is provided
* an entry will be added to _iconMapObj that will enable accessing
* icon's data through getIconURL() APIs.
* @param {string} iconURL
* A URI string pointing to the engine's icon. Must have a http[s]
* or data scheme. Icons with HTTP[S] schemes will be
* downloaded and converted to data URIs for storage in the engine
* XML files, if the engine is not built-in.
* @param {number} [size]
* Width and height of the icon.
* @param {boolean} [override]
* Whether the new URI should override an existing one.
async _setIcon(iconURL, size, override = true) {
let uri = lazy.SearchUtils.makeURI(iconURL);
// Ignore bad URIs
if (!uri) {
"_setIcon: Setting icon url for",,
// Only accept remote icons from http[s]
switch (uri.scheme) {
case "data":
case "moz-extension": {
if (!size) {
let byteArray, contentType;
try {
[byteArray, contentType] = await lazy.SearchUtils.fetchIcon(uri);
} catch {
`Failed to load icon of search engine ${}.`
let byteString = String.fromCharCode(...byteArray);
size = lazy.SearchUtils.decodeSize(byteString, contentType);
if (!size) {
`Failed to decode size of icon for search engine ${}.`,
"Assuming 16x16."
size = 16;
this._addIconToMap(iconURL, size, override);
case "http":
case "https": {
let byteArray, contentType;
try {
[byteArray, contentType] = await lazy.SearchUtils.fetchIcon(uri);
} catch {
`Failed to load icon of search engine ${}.`
if (byteArray.length > lazy.SearchUtils.MAX_ICON_SIZE) {
try {
`Rescaling icon for search engine ${}.`
[byteArray, contentType] = lazy.SearchUtils.rescaleIcon(
} catch (ex) {
`Unable to rescale icon for search engine ${}:`,
let byteString = String.fromCharCode(...byteArray);
if (!size) {
size = lazy.SearchUtils.decodeSize(byteString, contentType);
if (!size) {
`Failed to decode size of icon for search engine ${}.`,
"Assuming 16x16."
size = 16;
let dataURL = "data:" + contentType + ";base64," + btoa(byteString);
this._addIconToMap(dataURL, size, override);
if (this._engineAddedToStore) {
* Initialize an EngineURL object from metadata.
* @param {string} type
* The url type.
* @param {object} params
* The URL parameters.
* @param {string | Array} [params.getParams]
* Any parameters for a GET method. This is either a query string, or
* an array of objects which have name/value pairs.
* @param {string} [params.method]
* The type of method, defaults to GET.
* @param {string | Array} [params.postParams]
* Any parameters for a POST method. This is either a query string, or
* an array of objects which have name/value pairs.
* @param {string} params.template
* The url template.
* @returns {EngineURL}
* The newly created EngineURL.
_getEngineURLFromMetaData(type, params) {
let url = new EngineURL(type, params.method || "GET", params.template);
if (params.postParams) {
if (Array.isArray(params.postParams)) {
for (let { name, value } of params.postParams) {
url.addParam(name, value);
} else {
for (let [name, value] of new URLSearchParams(params.postParams)) {
url.addParam(name, value);
if (params.getParams) {
if (Array.isArray(params.getParams)) {
for (let { name, value } of params.getParams) {
url.addParam(name, value);
} else {
for (let [name, value] of new URLSearchParams(params.getParams)) {
url.addParam(name, value);
return url;
* Initialize this engine object using a WebExtension style object.
* @param {object} details
* The details of the engine.
* @param {string}
* The name of the engine.
* @param {string} details.keyword
* The keyword for the engine.
* @param {string} details.iconURL
* The url to use for the icon of the engine.
* @param {string} details.search_url
* The search url template for the engine.
* @param {string} [details.search_url_get_params]
* The search url parameters for use with the GET method.
* @param {string} [details.search_url_post_params]
* The search url parameters for use with the POST method.
* @param {string} [details.suggest_url]
* The suggestion url template for the engine.
* @param {string} [details.suggest_url_get_params]
* The suggestion url parameters for use with the GET method.
* @param {string} [details.suggest_url_post_params]
* The suggestion url parameters for use with the POST method.
* @param {string} [details.encoding]
* The encoding to use for the engine.
_initWithDetails(details) {
this._name =;
this._definedAliases = [];
if (Array.isArray(details.keyword)) {
this._definedAliases = => k.trim());
} else if (details.keyword?.trim()) {
this._definedAliases = [details.keyword?.trim()];
this._description = details.description;
if (details.iconURL) {
this._setIcon(details.iconURL).catch(e =>
lazy.logConsole.log("Error while setting search engine icon:", e)
* This sets the urls for the search engine based on the supplied parameters.
* If you add anything here, please consider if it needs to be handled in the
* overrideWithEngine / removeExtensionOverride functions as well.
* @param {object} details
* The details of the engine.
* @param {string} details.search_url
* The search url template for the engine.
* @param {string} [details.search_url_get_params]
* The search url parameters for use with the GET method.
* @param {string} [details.search_url_post_params]
* The search url parameters for use with the POST method.
* @param {string} [details.suggest_url]
* The suggestion url template for the engine.
* @param {string} [details.suggest_url_get_params]
* The suggestion url parameters for use with the GET method.
* @param {string} [details.suggest_url_post_params]
* The suggestion url parameters for use with the POST method.
* @param {string} [details.encoding]
* The encoding to use for the engine.
_setUrls(details) {
let postParams = details.search_url_post_params || "";
let url = this._getEngineURLFromMetaData(lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH, {
method: (postParams && "POST") || "GET",
// AddonManager will sometimes encode the URL via `new URL()`. We want
// to ensure we're always dealing with decoded urls.
template: decodeURI(details.search_url),
getParams: details.search_url_get_params || "",
if (details.suggest_url) {
let suggestPostParams = details.suggest_url_post_params || "";
url = this._getEngineURLFromMetaData(
method: (suggestPostParams && "POST") || "GET",
// suggest_url doesn't currently get encoded.
template: details.suggest_url,
getParams: details.suggest_url_get_params || "",
postParams: suggestPostParams,
if (details.encoding) {
this._queryCharset = details.encoding;
checkSearchUrlMatchesManifest(details) {
let existingUrl = this._getURLOfType(lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH);
let newUrl = this._getEngineURLFromMetaData(
method: (details.search_url_post_params && "POST") || "GET",
// AddonManager will sometimes encode the URL via `new URL()`. We want
// to ensure we're always dealing with decoded urls.
template: decodeURI(details.search_url),
getParams: details.search_url_get_params || "",
postParams: details.search_url_post_params || "",
let existingSubmission = existingUrl.getSubmission("", this.queryCharset);
let newSubmission = newUrl.getSubmission("", this.queryCharset);
return (
existingSubmission.uri.equals(newSubmission.uri) &&
existingSubmission.postData? ==
* Overrides the urls/parameters with those of the provided engine or extension.
* The url parameters are not saved to the search settings - the code handling
* the extension should set these on every restart, this avoids potential
* third party modifications and means that we can verify the WebExtension is
* still in the allow list.
* @param {object} options
* The options for this function.
* @param {AddonSearchEngine|OpenSearchEngine} [options.engine]
* The search engine to override with this engine. If not specified, `manifest`
* must be provided.
* @param {object} [options.extension]
* An object representing the WebExtensions. If not specified,
* `engine` must be provided
overrideWithEngine({ engine, extension }) {
this._overriddenData = {
urls: this._urls,
queryCharset: this._queryCharset,
if (engine) {
// Copy any saved user data (alias, order etc).
this._urls = engine._urls;
this.setAttr("overriddenBy", engine._extensionID ??;
if (engine instanceof lazy.OpenSearchEngine) {
this.setAttr("overriddenByOpenSearch", engine.toJSON());
} else {
this._urls = [];
lazy.SearchUtils.notifyAction(this, lazy.SearchUtils.MODIFIED_TYPE.CHANGED);
* Resets the overrides for the engine if it has been overridden.
removeExtensionOverride() {
if (this.getAttr("overriddenBy")) {
// If the attribute is set, but there is no data, skip it. Worst case,
// the urls will be reset on a restart.
if (this._overriddenData) {
this._urls = this._overriddenData.urls;
this._queryCharset = this._overriddenData.queryCharset;
delete this._overriddenData;
} else {
`${this._name} had overriddenBy set, but no _overriddenData`
* Copies settings from the supplied search engine. Typically used for
* restoring settings when removing an override.
* @param {SearchEngine|object} engine
* The engine to copy the settings from, or the engine settings from
* the user's saved settings.
copyUserSettingsFrom(engine) {
for (let attribute of USER_ATTRIBUTES) {
if (attribute in engine._metaData) {
this._metaData[attribute] = engine._metaData[attribute];
* Init from a JSON record.
* @param {object} json
* The json record to use.
_initWithJSON(json) {
this.#id = ?? this.#id;
this._name = json._name;
this._description = json.description;
this._queryCharset =
json.queryCharset || lazy.SearchUtils.DEFAULT_QUERY_CHARSET;
this._iconMapObj = json._iconMapObj || null;
this._metaData = json._metaData || {};
this._orderHint = json._orderHint || null;
this._definedAliases = json._definedAliases || [];
// These changed keys in Firefox 80, maintain the old keys
// for backwards compatibility.
if (json._definedAlias) {
this._filePath = json.filePath || json._filePath || null;
for (let i = 0; i < json._urls.length; ++i) {
let url = json._urls[i];
let engineURL = new EngineURL(
url.type || lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH,
url.method || "GET",
* Creates a JavaScript object that represents this engine.
* @returns {object}
* An object suitable for serialization as JSON.
toJSON() {
const fieldsToCopy = [
let json = {};
for (const field of fieldsToCopy) {
if (field in this) {
json[field] = this[field];
if (this.queryCharset != lazy.SearchUtils.DEFAULT_QUERY_CHARSET) {
json.queryCharset = this.queryCharset;
return json;
setAttr(name, val) {
this._metaData[name] = val;
getAttr(name) {
return this._metaData[name] || undefined;
clearAttr(name) {
delete this._metaData[name];
* Loads engine settings (_metaData) from the list of settings, finding
* the appropriate details for this engine.
* @param {object} [settings]
* The saved settings for the user.
_loadSettings(settings) {
if (!settings) {
let engineSettings = lazy.SearchSettings.findSettingsForEngine(
if (engineSettings?._metaData) {
this._metaData = structuredClone(engineSettings._metaData);
* Gets the order hint for this engine. This is determined from the search
* configuration when the engine is initialized.
* @type {number}
get orderHint() {
return this._orderHint;
* Get the user-defined alias.
* @type {string}
get alias() {
return this.getAttr("alias") || "";
set alias(val) {
var value = val ? val.trim() : "";
if (value != this.alias) {
this.setAttr("alias", value);
* Returns a list of aliases, including a user defined alias and
* a list defined by webextension keywords.
* @returns {Array}
get aliases() {
return [
...(this.getAttr("alias") ? [this.getAttr("alias")] : []),
* Returns the appropriate identifier to use for telemetry. It is based on
* the following order:
* - telemetryId: The telemetry id from the configuration, or derived from
* the WebExtension name.
* - other-<name>: The engine name prefixed by `other-` for non-app-provided
* engines.
* @returns {string}
get telemetryId() {
let telemetryId = this._telemetryId || `other-${}`;
if (this.getAttr("overriddenBy")) {
return telemetryId + "-addon";
return telemetryId;
* Return the built-in identifier of app-provided engines.
* @returns {string|null}
* Returns a valid if this is a built-in engine, null otherwise.
get identifier() {
// No identifier if If the engine isn't app-provided
return this.isAppProvided ? this._telemetryId : null;
get description() {
return this._description;
get hidden() {
return this.getAttr("hidden") || false;
set hidden(val) {
var value = !!val;
if (value != this.hidden) {
this.setAttr("hidden", value);
get hideOneOffButton() {
return this.getAttr("hideOneOffButton") || false;
set hideOneOffButton(val) {
const value = !!val;
if (value != this.hideOneOffButton) {
this.setAttr("hideOneOffButton", value);
* Whether or not this engine is provided by the application, e.g. it is
* in the list of configured search engines.
* @returns {boolean}
* This returns false for most engines, but may be overridden by particular
* engine types, such as add-on engines which are used by the application.
get isAppProvided() {
return false;
* Whether or not this engine is an in-memory only search engine.
* These engines are typically application provided or policy engines,
* where they are loaded every time on SearchService initialization
* using the policy JSON or the extension manifest. Minimal details of the
* in-memory engines are saved to disk, but they are never loaded
* from the user's saved settings file.
* @returns {boolean}
* This results false for most engines, but may be overridden by particular
* engine types, such as add-on engines and policy engines.
get inMemory() {
return false;
get isGeneralPurposeEngine() {
return false;
get _hasUpdates() {
return false;
get name() {
return this._name;
get queryCharset() {
return this._queryCharset || lazy.SearchUtils.DEFAULT_QUERY_CHARSET;
* Gets an object that contains information about what to send to the search
* engine, for a request. This will be a URI and may also include data for POST
* requests.
* @param {string} searchTerms
* The search term(s) for the submission.
* @param {lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE} [responseType]
* The MIME type that we'd like to receive in response
* to this submission. If null, will default to "text/html".
* @returns {nsISearchSubmission|null}
* The submission data. If no appropriate submission can be determined for
* the request type, this may be null.
getSubmission(searchTerms, responseType) {
// We can't use a default parameter as that doesn't work correctly with
// the idl interfaces.
if (!responseType) {
responseType = lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH;
var url = this._getURLOfType(responseType);
if (!url) {
return null;
if (
!searchTerms &&
(responseType == lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH ||
responseType == lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SUGGEST_JSON)
) {
lazy.logConsole.warn("getSubmission: searchTerms is empty!");
return url.getSubmission(searchTerms, this.queryCharset);
* Returns a search URL with no search terms. This is typically used for
* purposes where we want to check something on the URL, but not use it for
* an actual submission to the search engine.
* @returns {nsIURI}
get searchURLWithNoTerms() {
return this._getURLOfType(lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH).getSubmission(
* Returns the search term of a possible search result URI if and only if:
* - The URI has the same scheme, host, and path as the engine.
* - All query parameters of the URI have a matching name and value in the engine.
* - An exception to the equality check is the engine's termsParameterName
* value, which contains a placeholder, i.e. {searchTerms}.
* - If an engine has query parameters with "null" values, they will be ignored.
* @param {nsIURI} uri
* A URI that may or may not be from a search result matching the engine.
* @returns {string}
* A string representing the termsParameterName value of the URI,
* or an empty string if the URI isn't matched to the engine.
searchTermFromResult(uri) {
let url = this._getURLOfType(lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH);
if (!url) {
return "";
// To avoid unnecessarily comparing search parameters, start by ensuring
// that the origin and path of both URLs are identical.
// Note that URIs encode the path as percent encoded characters, while the
// path of the URL from search config is not percent encoded. Thus, we
// convert both strings into URL objects to ensure consistent comparisons.
let url1 = new URL(url.template);
let url2 = URL.fromURI(uri);
if (url1.origin != url2.origin || url1.pathname != url2.pathname) {
return "";
let engineParams;
if (url.params.length) {
engineParams = new URLSearchParams();
for (let { name, value } of url.params) {
// Some values might be null, so avoid adding
// them since the input is unlikely to have it too.
if (value) {
// Use append() rather than set() so multiple
// values of the same name can be stored.
engineParams.append(name, value);
} else {
// Try checking the template for the presence of query params.
engineParams = url1.searchParams;
let uriParams = url2.searchParams;
if (
new Set([...uriParams.keys()]).size !=
new Set([...engineParams.keys()]).size
) {
return "";
let termsParameterName = this.searchUrlQueryParamName;
for (let [name, value] of uriParams.entries()) {
// Don't check the name matching the search
// query because its value will differ.
if (name == termsParameterName) {
// All params of an input must have a matching
// key and value in the list of engine parameters.
if (!engineParams.getAll(name).includes(value)) {
return "";
// An engine can use a non UTF-8 charset, which URLSearchParams
// might not parse properly. Convert the terms parameter value
// from the original input using the appropriate charset.
if (this.queryCharset.toLowerCase() != "utf-8") {
let name = `${termsParameterName}=`;
let queryString = uri.query
.filter(str => str.startsWith(name))
return Services.textToSubURI.UnEscapeAndConvert(
queryString.substring(queryString.indexOf("=") + 1).replace(/\+/g, " ")
return uriParams.get(termsParameterName) ?? "";
get searchUrlQueryParamName() {
return (
.searchTermParamName || ""
get searchUrlPublicSuffix() {
if (this._searchUrlPublicSuffix != null) {
return this._searchUrlPublicSuffix;
let searchURLPublicSuffix = Services.eTLD.getKnownPublicSuffix(
return (this._searchUrlPublicSuffix = searchURLPublicSuffix);
// from nsISearchEngine
supportsResponseType(type) {
return this._getURLOfType(type) != null;
// from nsISearchEngine
get searchUrlDomain() {
let url = this._getURLOfType(lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH);
if (url) {
return url.templateHost;
return "";
* @returns {string}
* URL to the main page of the search engine.
* Uses the first URL of type SEARCH_FORM or the pre path
* of the search URL as a fallback if no such URL exists.
get searchForm() {
let url = this._getURLOfType(lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH_FORM);
if (url) {
return url.getSubmission("").uri.spec;
return this.searchURLWithNoTerms.prePath;
* @returns {object}
* URL parsing properties used by _buildParseSubmissionMap.
getURLParsingInfo() {
let url = this._getURLOfType(lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SEARCH);
if (!url || url.method != "GET") {
return null;
let termsParameterName = url.searchTermParamName;
if (!termsParameterName) {
return null;
let templateUrl =;
return {
path: templateUrl.filePath.toLowerCase(),
get wrappedJSObject() {
return this;
* Returns the icon URL for the search engine closest to the preferred width
* or undefined if the engine has no icons.
* @param {number} preferredWidth
* Width of the requested icon. If not specified, it is assumed that
* 16x16 is desired.
* @returns {Promise<string|undefined>}
async getIconURL(preferredWidth) {
// XPCOM interfaces pass optional number parameters as 0.
preferredWidth ||= 16;
if (!this._iconMapObj) {
return undefined;
let availableWidths = Object.keys(this._iconMapObj).map(k => parseInt(k));
if (!availableWidths.length) {
return undefined;
let bestWidth = lazy.SearchUtils.chooseIconSize(
return this._iconMapObj[bestWidth];
* Opens a speculative connection to the engine's search URI
* (and suggest URI, if different) to reduce request latency
* @param {object} options
* The options object
* @param {DOMWindow} options.window
* The content window for the window performing the search.
* @param {object} options.originAttributes
* The originAttributes for performing the search
* @throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if options is omitted or lacks required
* elements
speculativeConnect(options) {
if (!options || !options.window) {
"invalid options arg passed to nsISearchEngine.speculativeConnect"
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
let connector =;
let searchURI = this.searchURLWithNoTerms;
let callbacks = options.window.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext);
// Using the content principal which is constructed by the search URI
// and given originAttributes. If originAttributes are not given, we
// fallback to use the docShell's originAttributes.
let attrs = options.originAttributes;
if (!attrs) {
attrs = options.window.docShell.getOriginAttributes();
let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal(
try {
connector.speculativeConnect(searchURI, principal, callbacks, false);
} catch (e) {
// Can't setup speculative connection for this url, just ignore it.
if (this.supportsResponseType(lazy.SearchUtils.URL_TYPE.SUGGEST_JSON)) {
let suggestURI = this.getSubmission(
if (suggestURI.prePath != searchURI.prePath) {
try {
connector.speculativeConnect(suggestURI, principal, callbacks, false);
} catch (e) {
// Can't setup speculative connection for this url, just ignore it.
get id() {
return this.#id;
* Generates an UUID.
* @returns {string}
* An UUID string, without leading or trailing braces.
#uuid() {
let uuid = Services.uuid.generateUUID().toString();
return uuid.slice(1, uuid.length - 1);
* Implements nsISearchSubmission.
class Submission {
QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsISearchSubmission"]);
constructor(uri, postData = null) {
this._uri = uri;
this._postData = postData;
get uri() {
return this._uri;
get postData() {
return this._postData;