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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
* Provides a js-friendly promise-based API around FormHistory, and utils.
* Note: This is not a 100% complete implementation, it is intended for quick
* additions and check, thus further changes may be necessary for different
* use-cases.
export var FormHistoryTestUtils = {
* Adds values to form history.
* @param {string} fieldname The field name.
* @param {Array} additions Array of entries describing the values to add.
* Each entry can either be a string, or an object with the shape
* { value, source}.
* @returns {Promise} Resolved once the operation is complete.
async add(fieldname, additions = []) {
// Additions are made one by one, so multiple identical entries are properly
// applied.
additions = => (typeof v == "string" ? { value: v } : v));
for (let { value, source } of additions) {
await lazy.FormHistory.update(
Object.assign({ fieldname }, { op: "bump", value, source })
* Counts values from form history.
* @param {string} fieldname The field name.
* @param {Array} filters Objects describing the search properties.
* @returns {number} The number of entries found.
async count(fieldname, filters = {}) {
return lazy.FormHistory.count(Object.assign({ fieldname }, filters));
* Removes values from form history.
* If you want to remove all history, use clear() instead.
* @param {string} fieldname The field name.
* @param {Array} removals Array of entries describing the values to add.
* Each entry can either be a string, or an object with the shape
* { value, source}. If source is specified, only the source relation will
* be removed, while the global form history value persists.
* @returns {Promise} Resolved once the operation is complete.
remove(fieldname, removals) {
let changes = => {
let criteria = typeof v == "string" ? { value: v } : v;
return Object.assign({ fieldname, op: "remove" }, criteria);
return lazy.FormHistory.update(changes);
* Removes all values from form history.
* If you want to remove individual values, use remove() instead.
* @param {string} fieldname The field name whose history should be cleared.
* Can be omitted to clear all form history.
* @returns {Promise} Resolved once the operation is complete.
clear(fieldname) {
let baseChange = fieldname ? { fieldname } : {};
return lazy.FormHistory.update(Object.assign(baseChange, { op: "remove" }));
* Searches form history.
* @param {string} fieldname The field name.
* @param {Array} filters Objects describing the search properties.
* @returns {Promise<Array>} Resolves an array of found form history entries.
search(fieldname, filters = {}) {
return, Object.assign({ fieldname }, filters));
* Gets autocomplete results from form history.
* @param {string} searchString The search string.
* @param {string} fieldname The field name.
* @param {Array} filters Objects describing the search properties.
* @returns {Promise<Array>} Resolves an array of found form history entries.
autocomplete(searchString, fieldname, filters = {}) {
return lazy.FormHistory.getAutoCompleteResults(
Object.assign({ fieldname }, filters)