Name Description Size
components.conf 1390
FillHelpers.sys.mjs Show confirmation tooltip @param {object} browser - An object representing the browser. @param {string} messageId - Message ID from browser/confirmationHints.ftl @param {string} [anchorId="identity-icon-box"] - ID of the element to anchor the hint to. The "password-notification-icon" and "notification-popup-box" are hidden at the point of showing the hint (for *most* cases), so approximate the location with the next closest, visible icon as the anchor. 1485
FormHandlerChild.sys.mjs The FormHandler actor pair implements the logic of detecting form submissions and notifies of a form submission by dispatching the event "form-submission-detected" 14799
FormHandlerParent.sys.mjs Go through the subtree of the navigated browsing context and let the existing FormHandler parents (same-origin and cross-origin) notify their corresponding children of the detected page navigation If the current browsing context is the navigated one, skip it, because the page navigation was processed directly in the child. @param {BrowsingContext} navigatedBrowsingContext 2889
FormHistory.sys.mjs FormHistory Used to store values that have been entered into forms which may later be used to automatically fill in the values when the form is visited again. async search(terms, queryData) Look up values that have been previously stored. terms - array of terms to return data for queryData - object that contains the query terms The query object contains properties for each search criteria to match, where the value of the property specifies the value that term must have. For example, { term1: value1, term2: value2 } Resolves to an array containing the found results. Each element in the array is an object containing a property for each search term specified by 'terms'. Rejects in case of errors. async count(queryData) Find the number of stored entries that match the given criteria. queryData - array of objects that indicate the query. See the search method for details. Resolves to the number of found entries. Rejects in case of errors. async update(changes) Write data to form history storage. changes - an array of changes to be made. If only one change is to be made, it may be passed as an object rather than a one-element array. Each change object is of the form: { op: operation, term1: value1, term2: value2, ... } Valid operations are: add - add a new entry update - update an existing entry remove - remove an entry bump - update the last accessed time on an entry The terms specified allow matching of one or more specific entries. If no terms are specified then all entries are matched. This means that { op: "remove" } is used to remove all entries and clear the form history. Resolves once the operation is complete. Rejects in case of errors. async getAutoCompeteResults(searchString, params, callback) Retrieve an array of form history values suitable for display in an autocomplete list. searchString - the string to search for, typically the entered value of a textbox params - zero or more filter arguments: fieldname - form field name agedWeight bucketSize expiryDate maxTimeGroundings timeGroupingSize prefixWeight boundaryWeight source callback - callback that is invoked for each result, the second argument is a function that can be used to cancel the operation. Each result is an object with four properties: text, textLowerCase, frecency, totalScore Resolves with an array of results, once the operation is complete. Rejects in case of errors. schemaVersion This property holds the version of the database schema Terms: guid - entry identifier. For 'add', a guid will be generated. fieldname - form field name value - form value timesUsed - the number of times the entry has been accessed firstUsed - the time the the entry was first created lastUsed - the time the entry was last accessed firstUsedStart - search for entries created after or at this time firstUsedEnd - search for entries created before or at this time lastUsedStart - search for entries last accessed after or at this time lastUsedEnd - search for entries last accessed before or at this time newGuid - a special case valid only for 'update' and allows the guid for an existing record to be updated. The 'guid' term is the only other term which can be used (ie, you can not also specify a fieldname, value etc) and indicates the guid of the existing record that should be updated. 41850
FormHistoryAutoComplete.sys.mjs This autocomplete result combines 3 arrays of entries, fixedEntries and externalEntries. Entries are Form History entries, they can be removed. Fixed entries are "appended" to entries, they are used for datalist items, search suggestions and extra items from integrations. External entries are meant for integrations, like Firefox Relay. Internally entries and fixed entries are kept separated so we can reuse and filter them. @implements {nsIAutoCompleteResult} 4071
FormHistoryChild.sys.mjs Get the search options when searching for autocomplete entries in the parent @param {HTMLInputElement} input - The input element to search for autocomplete entries @returns {object} the search options for the input 7490
FormHistoryParent.sys.mjs calculateScore entry -- an nsIAutoCompleteResult entry searchString -- current value of the input (lowercase) searchTokens -- array of tokens of the search string Returns: an int 5140
FormHistoryStartup.sys.mjs 2523
FormScenarios.sys.mjs Caches the scores when running the SignUpFormRuleset against a form 2927
integrations 1497
megalist 1441
nsFormFillController.cpp static 35650
nsFormFillController.h Checks that aElement is a type of element we want to fill, then calls StartControllingInput on it. 4858
nsIFormFillController.idl nsIFormFillController is an interface for controlling form fill behavior on HTML documents. Any number of docShells can be controller concurrently. While a docShell is attached, all HTML documents that are loaded within it will have a focus listener attached that will listen for when a text input is focused. When this happens, the input will be bound to the global nsIAutoCompleteController service. 2102
SignUpFormRuleset.sys.mjs Fathom ML model for identifying sign up <forms> This is developed out-of-tree at, where there is also over a GB of training, validation, and testing data. To make changes, do your edits there (whether adding new training pages, adding new rules, or both), retrain and evaluate as documented at, paste the coefficients emitted by the trainer into the ruleset, and finally copy the ruleset's "CODE TO COPY INTO PRODUCTION" section to this file's "CODE FROM TRAINING REPOSITORY" section. 20812
towel 264