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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
filter-input =
.placeholder = Search passwords
.key = F
.aria-label = Search passwords
menu-more-options-button =
.title = More options
more-options-popup =
.aria-label = More Options
## Commands
command-copy = Copy
command-reveal = Reveal
command-conceal = Conceal
command-toggle = Toggle
command-open = Open
command-delete = Remove record
command-edit = Edit
command-save = Save
command-cancel = Cancel
## Passwords
passwords-section-label = Passwords
passwords-disabled = Passwords are disabled
passwords-expand-section-tooltip = Show Passwords
passwords-collapse-section-tooltip = Hide Passwords
passwords-dismiss-breach-alert-command = Dismiss breach alert
passwords-command-create = Add password
passwords-command-import-from-browser = Import from another browser…
passwords-command-import = Import from a file…
passwords-command-export = Export passwords
passwords-command-remove-all = Remove all passwords
passwords-command-settings = Settings
passwords-command-help = Help
passwords-command-sort-name = Sort by name (A-Z)
# This message can be seen when sorting logins by breached or vulnerable alerts.
passwords-command-sort-alerts = Sort by alerts
passwords-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name }
# This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins on Windows.
passwords-export-os-auth-dialog-message-win = To export your passwords, enter your Windows login credentials. This helps protect the security of your accounts.
# This message can be seen when attempting to export a password in about:logins
# The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to "
# and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These
# notes are only valid for English. only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
passwords-export-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = export saved passwords
# This message can be seen when attempting to reveal a password in contextual password manager on Windows
passwords-reveal-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = To view your password, enter your Windows login credentials. This helps protect the security of your accounts.
# The MacOS string is preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to ".
# Only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
passwords-reveal-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = reveal the saved password
# This message can be seen when attempting to edit a login in contextual password manager on Windows.
passwords-edit-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = To edit your password, enter your Windows login credentials. This helps protect the security of your accounts.
# The MacOS string is preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to ".
# On MacOS, only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
passwords-edit-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = edit the saved password
# This message can be seen when attempting to copy a password in contextual password manager on Windows.
passwords-copy-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = To copy your password, enter your Windows login credentials. This helps protect the security of your accounts.
# The MacOS string is preceded by the operating system with "Firefox is trying to ".
# Only provide the reason that account verification is needed. Do not put a complete sentence here.
passwords-copy-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = copy the saved password
passwords-import-file-picker-title = Import Passwords
passwords-import-file-picker-import-button = Import
# A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type
# filter by the operating system.
passwords-import-file-picker-csv-filter-title =
[macos] CSV Document
*[other] CSV File
# A description for the .tsv file format that may be shown as the file type
# filter by the operating system. TSV is short for 'tab separated values'.
passwords-import-file-picker-tsv-filter-title =
[macos] TSV Document
*[other] TSV File
passwords-import-success-heading =
.heading = Passwords imported
# Variables
# $added (number) - Number of added passwords
# $modified (number) - Number of modified passwords
passwords-import-success-message =
New passwords added: { $added }<br/>Existing passwords updated: { $modified }
passwords-import-detailed-report = View detailed report
passwords-import-success-button = Done
passwords-import-error-heading-and-message =
.heading = Couldn’t import passwords
.message = Make sure your file includes a column for websites, usernames, and passwords.
passwords-import-error-button-try-again = Try Again
passwords-import-error-button-cancel = Cancel
passwords-import-learn-more = Learn about importing passwords
passwords-export-success-heading =
.heading = Passwords exported
passwords-export-success-button = Done
# Export passwords to file dialog
export-passwords-dialog-title = Export passwords to file?
# This string recommends to the user that they delete the exported password file that is saved on their local machine.
export-passwords-dialog-message = After you export, we recommend deleting it so others who may use this device can’t see your passwords.
export-passwords-dialog-confirm-button = Continue with export
# Title of the file picker dialog
passwords-export-file-picker-title = Export Passwords from { -brand-short-name }
# The default file name shown in the file picker when exporting saved logins.
# The resultant filename will end in .csv (added in code).
passwords-export-file-picker-default-filename = passwords
passwords-export-file-picker-export-button = Export
# A description for the .csv file format that may be shown as the file type
# filter by the operating system.
passwords-export-file-picker-csv-filter-title =
[macos] CSV Document
*[other] CSV File
# Variables
# $count (number) - Number of passwords
passwords-count =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } password
*[other] { $count } passwords
# Variables
# $count (number) - Number of filtered passwords
# $total (number) - Total number of passwords
passwords-filtered-count =
{ $total ->
[one] { $count } of { $total } password
*[other] { $count } of { $total } passwords
# Confirm the removal of all saved passwords
# $total (number) - Total number of passwords
passwords-remove-all-title =
{ $total ->
[one] Remove password?
*[other] Remove all { $total } passwords?
# Checkbox label to confirm the removal of saved passwords
# $total (number) - Total number of passwords
passwords-remove-all-confirm =
{ $total ->
[1] Yes, remove password
*[other] Yes, remove passwords
# Button label to confirm removal of saved passwords
# $total (number) - Total number of passwords
passwords-remove-all-confirm-button =
{ $total ->
[1] Remove
*[other] Remove all
# Message to confirm the removal of all saved passwords when user DOES NOT HAVE SYNC
# $total (number) - Total number of passwords
passwords-remove-all-message =
{ $total ->
[1] This will remove your password saved to { -brand-short-name } and any breach alerts. You cannot undo this action.
*[other] This will remove the passwords saved to { -brand-short-name } and any breach alerts. You cannot undo this action.
# Message for modal to confirm the removal of all saved passwords when user HAS SYNC
# $total (number) - Total number of passwords
passwords-remove-all-message-sync =
{ $total ->
[1] This will remove the password saved to { -brand-short-name } on all your synced devices and remove any breach alerts. You cannot undo this action.
*[other] This will remove all passwords saved to { -brand-short-name } on all your synced devices and remove any breach alerts. You cannot undo this action.
passwords-origin-label = Website
# The attribute .data-after describes the text that should be displayed for the ::after pseudo-selector
passwords-username-label = Username
.data-after = Copied
# The attribute .data-after describes the text that should be displayed for the ::after pseudo-selector
passwords-password-label = Password
.data-after = Copied
passwords-radiogroup-label =
.aria-label = Filter passwords
# Variables
# $url (string) - The url associated with the new login
passwords-add-password-success-heading =
.heading = Password added for { $url }
passwords-add-password-success-button = View
# Variables
# $url (string) - The url associated with the existing login
passwords-password-already-exists-error-heading =
.heading = A password and username for { $url } already exists
passwords-password-already-exists-error-button = Go to password
passwords-update-password-success-heading =
.heading = Password saved
passwords-update-password-success-button = Done
# Message to confirm successful removal of a password/passwords.
# $total (number) - Total number of passwords
passwords-delete-password-success-heading =
.heading =
{ $total ->
[1] Password removed
*[other] Passwords removed
passwords-delete-password-success-button = Done
# Radiobutton label to display total number of passwords
# $total (number) - Total number of passwords
passwords-radiobutton-all = All ({ $total })
# Radiobutton label to display total number of alerts
# $total (number) - Total number of alerts
passwords-radiobutton-alerts = Alerts ({ $total })
# This message is displayed to make sure that a user wants to delete an existing login.
passwords-remove-login-card-title = Remove password?
# This message warns the user that deleting a login is permanent.
passwords-remove-login-card-message = You can’t undo this.
# This message gives the user an option to go back to the edit login form.
passwords-remove-login-card-back-message = Back
# This message confirms that the user wants to remove an existing login.
passwords-remove-login-card-remove-button = Remove
# This message gives the user the option to cancel their attempt to remove a login.
passwords-remove-login-card-cancel-button = Cancel
passwords-alert-card =
.aria-label = Password alerts
passwords-alert-back-button =
.label = Back
passwords-alert-list =
.aria-label = Alert list
passwords-breached-origin-heading-and-message =
.heading = Password change recommended
.message = Passwords from this website were reported stolen or leaked. Change your password to protect your account.
passwords-breached-origin-link-message = How does { -brand-product-name } know about breaches?
passwords-change-password-button = Change password
passwords-vulnerable-password-heading-and-message =
.heading = Password change recommended
.message = This password is easily guessable. Change your password to protect your account.
passwords-vulnerabe-password-link-message = How does { -brand-product-name } know about weak passwords?
passwords-no-username-heading-and-message =
.heading = Add a username
.message = Add one to sign in faster.
passwords-add-username-button = Add username
## Login Form
passwords-create-label =
.label = Add password
passwords-edit-label =
.label = Edit password
passwords-remove-label =
.title = Remove password
passwords-origin-tooltip = Enter the exact address where you’ll sign in to this site.
passwords-username-tooltip = Enter the username, email address, or account number you use to sign in.
passwords-password-tooltip = Enter the password used to sign in to this account.
## Password Card
passwords-list-label =
.aria-label = Passwords
website-icon =
.alt = Website Icon
copy-icon =
.alt = Copy
check-icon =
.alt = Copied
alert-icon =
.alt = Warning
# Variables
# $url (string) - The url associated with the login
origin-login-line =
.aria-label = Visit { $url }
.title = Visit { $url }
# "(Warning)" indicates that a login's origin field has an alert icon.
# Variables
# $url (string) - The url associated with the login
origin-login-line-with-alert =
.aria-label = Visit { $url } (Warning)
.title = Visit { $url } (Warning)
# Variables
# $username (string) - The username associated with the login
username-login-line =
.aria-label = Copy Username { $username }
.title = Copy Username { $username }
# "(Warning)" indicates that a login's username field has an alert icon.
# Variables
# $username (string) - The username associated with the login
username-login-line-with-alert =
.aria-label = Copy Username { $username } (Warning)
.title = Copy Username { $username } (Warning)
password-login-line =
.aria-label = Copy Password
.title = Copy Password
# "(Warning)" indicates that a login's password field has an alert icon.
password-login-line-with-alert =
.aria-label = Copy Password (Warning)
.title = Copy Password (Warning)
edit-login-button = Edit
.tooltiptext = Edit Password
view-alert-heading =
.heading = View alert
view-alert-button =
.tooltiptext = Review alert
show-password-button =
.aria-label = Show Password
.title = Show Password
hide-password-button =
.aria-label = Hide Password
.title = Hide Password
# The message displayed when the search text does not match any of the user's saved logins.
passwords-no-passwords-found-header =
.heading = No passwords found
passwords-no-passwords-found-message = No passwords found. Search a different term and try again.
## When the user has no saved passwords, we display the following messages to inform the user they can save
## their passwords safely and securely in Firefox:
# This string encourages the user to save their passwords in Firefox (the "safe spot").
passwords-no-passwords-header = Save your passwords to a safe spot.
# This string informs that we (Firefox) store all passwords securely and will notify them of any breaches and alerts their
# passwords may be involved in.
passwords-no-passwords-message = All passwords are encrypted and we’ll watch out for breaches and alerts if you’re affected.
# This string encourages the user to save their passwords to Firefox again.
passwords-no-passwords-get-started-message = Add them here to get started.
# This string is displayed in a button. If the user clicks it, they will be taken to a form to create a new password.
passwords-add-manually = Add manually
## When the user cancels a login that's currently being edited, we display a message to confirm whether
## or not the user wants to discard their current edits to the login.
passwords-discard-changes-heading-and-message =
.heading = Close without saving?
.message = Your changes won’t be saved.
passwords-discard-changes-confirm-button = Confirm
passwords-discard-changes-go-back-button = Go back
## Payments
payments-command-create = Add Payment Method
payments-section-label = Payment methods
payments-disabled = Payments methods are disabled
payments-expand-section-tooltip = Show Payments
payments-collapse-section-tooltip = Hide Payments
# Variables
# $count (number) - Number of payment methods
payments-count =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } payment method
*[other] { $count } payment methods
# Variables
# $count (number) - Number of filtered payment methods
# $total (number) - Total number of payment methods
payments-filtered-count =
{ $total ->
[one] { $count } of { $total } payment method
*[other] { $count } of { $total } payment methods
card-number-label = Card Number
card-expiration-label = Expires on
card-holder-label = Name on Card
## Addresses
addresses-command-create = Add Address
addresses-section-label = Addresses
addresses-disabled = Addresses are disabled
addresses-expand-section-tooltip = Show Addresses
addresses-collapse-section-tooltip = Hide Addresses
# Variables
# $count (number) - Number of addresses
addresses-count =
{ $count ->
[one] { $count } address
*[other] { $count } addresses
# Variables
# $count (number) - Number of filtered addresses
# $total (number) - Total number of addresses
addresses-filtered-count =
{ $total ->
[one] { $count } of { $total } address
*[other] { $count } of { $total } addresses
address-name-label = Name
address-phone-label = Phone
address-email-label = Email