Name Description Size
head.js Provides infrastructure for automated login components tests. 3932
test_context_menu.js Test the password manager context menu. 8649
test_CSVParser.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6557
test_dedupeLogins.js Test LoginHelper.dedupeLogins 12532
test_disabled_hosts.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 7536
test_displayOrigin.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1353
test_doLoginsMatch.js Test LoginHelper.doLoginsMatch 1632
test_findRelatedRealms.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5317
test_getFormFields.js Test for LoginFormState._getFormFields. 17263
test_getPasswordFields.js Test for LoginFormState._getPasswordFields using LoginFormFactory. 10636
test_getPasswordOrigin.js Test for LoginHelper.getLoginOrigin 1381
test_getUserNameAndPasswordFields.js Test for LoginFormState.getUserNameAndPasswordFields 5743
test_getUsernameFieldFromUsernameOnlyForm.js Test for LoginFormState.getUsernameFieldFromUsernameOnlyForm 5183
test_isInferredLoginForm.js Test for LoginHelper.isInferredLoginForm. 2175
test_isInferredUsernameField.js Test for LoginHelper.isInferredUsernameField and LoginHelper.isInferredEmailField. 5297
test_isOriginMatching.js Test LoginHelper.isOriginMatching 4555
test_isProbablyANewPasswordField.js Test for LoginAutoComplete.isProbablyANewPasswordField. 6637
test_isUsernameFieldType.js Test for LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType 3757
test_legacy_empty_formActionOrigin.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3980
test_legacy_validation.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2917
test_login_autocomplete_result.js 19616
test_LoginManagerParent_doAutocompleteSearch.js Test LoginManagerParent.doAutocompleteSearch() 4247
test_LoginManagerParent_getGeneratedPassword.js Test LoginManagerParent.getGeneratedPassword() 5352
test_LoginManagerParent_onPasswordEditedOrGenerated.js Test LoginManagerParent._onPasswordEditedOrGenerated() 35984
test_LoginManagerParent_searchAndDedupeLogins.js Test LoginManagerParent._searchAndDedupeLogins() 7015
test_LoginManagerPrompter_getUsernameSuggestions.js 5607
test_logins_change.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 19086
test_logins_decrypt_failure.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5541
test_logins_metainfo.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 10324
test_logins_search.js Tests methods that find specific logins in the store (searchLogins and countLogins). The getAllLogins method is not tested explicitly here, because it is used by all tests to verify additions, removals and modifications to the login store. 7543
test_loginsBackup.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6563
test_maybeImportLogin.js 9596
test_module_LoginCSVImport.js Tests the LoginCSVImport module. 29612
test_module_LoginExport.js Tests the LoginExport module. 8068
test_module_LoginManager.js Tests the LoginManager module. 1153
test_module_LoginStore.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 9342
test_notifications.js Tests notifications dispatched when modifying stored logins. 5813
test_OSCrypto_win.js Tests the OSCrypto object. 4487
test_PasswordGenerator.js REQUIRED_CHARACTER_CLASSES 3949
test_PasswordRulesManager_generatePassword.js Test PasswordRulesManager.generatePassword() 18615
test_recipes_add.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 8019
test_recipes_content.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1350
test_remote_recipes.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4832
test_search_schemeUpgrades.js Test Services.logins.searchLogins with the `schemeUpgrades` property. 5119
test_shadowHTTPLogins.js Test LoginHelper.shadowHTTPLogins 2642
test_storage.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3150
test_telemetry.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 6476
test_vulnerable_passwords.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1485
xpcshell.toml 2867