Name Description Size
components.conf 2734
crypto-SDR.sys.mjs encrypt Encrypts the specified string, using the SecretDecoderRing. Returns the encrypted string, or throws an exception if there was a problem. 9095
CSV.sys.mjs A Class to parse CSV files 3435
InsecurePasswordUtils.sys.mjs ownerGlobal doesn't exist in content privileged windows. 6639 458
LoginAutoComplete.sys.mjs nsIAutoCompleteResult implementations for saved logins. 12295
LoginCSVImport.sys.mjs Provides a class to import login-related data CSV files. 6551
LoginExport.sys.mjs Module to support exporting logins to a .csv file. 2126
LoginHelper.sys.mjs Contains functions shared by different Login Manager components. This JavaScript module exists in order to share code between the different XPCOM components that constitute the Login Manager, including implementations of nsILoginManager and nsILoginManagerStorage. 62766
LoginInfo.sys.mjs @deprecated Use `origin` instead. 3424
LoginManager.shared.sys.mjs Code that we can share across Firefox Desktop, Firefox Android and Firefox iOS. 9144
LoginManager.sys.mjs ---------- private members ---------- 17522
LoginManagerAuthPrompter.sys.mjs eslint-disable block-scoped-var, no-var 33357
LoginManagerChild.sys.mjs Module doing most of the content process work for the password manager. 113058
LoginManagerContextMenu.sys.mjs Password manager object for the browser contextual menu. 7262
LoginManagerParent.sys.mjs A listener for notifications to tests. 50940
LoginManagerPrompter.sys.mjs Constants for password prompt telemetry. 36017
LoginManagerTelemetry.sys.mjs Provides the logic for recording all password manager related telemetry data. 1981
LoginRecipes.sys.mjs Create an instance of the object to manage recipes in the parent process. Consumers should wait until {@link initializationPromise} resolves before calling methods on the object. @constructor @param {String} [aOptions.defaults=null] the URI to load the recipes from. If it's null, nothing is loaded. 11618
LoginRelatedRealms.sys.mjs @type RemoteSettingsClient @memberof LoginRelatedRealmsParent 3534
LoginStore.sys.mjs Handles serialization of the data and persistence into a file. The file is stored in JSON format, without indentation, using UTF-8 encoding. With indentation applied, the file would look like this: { "logins": [ { "id": 2, "hostname": "", "httpRealm": null, "formSubmitURL": "", "usernameField": "username_field", "passwordField": "password_field", "encryptedUsername": "...", "encryptedPassword": "...", "guid": "...", "encType": 1, "timeCreated": 1262304000000, "timeLastUsed": 1262304000000, "timePasswordChanged": 1262476800000, "timesUsed": 1 // only present if other clients had fields we didn't know about "encryptedUnknownFields: "...", }, { "id": 4, (...) } ], "nextId": 10, "version": 1 } 5443
metrics.yaml 42891 2184
nsILoginInfo.idl An object containing information for a login stored by the password manager. 4731
nsILoginManager.idl Called when a search is complete and the results are ready. @param aLogins Logins found in the search. 12310
nsILoginManagerAuthPrompter.idl Initialize the prompter. Must be called before using other interfaces. @param aWindow The window in which the user is doing some login-related action that's resulting in a need to prompt them for something. The prompt will be associated with this window (or, if a notification bar is being used, topmost opener in some cases). aWindow can be null if there is no associated window, e.g. in a JSM or Sandbox. In this case there will be no checkbox to save the login since the window is needed to know if this is a private context. If this window is a content window, the corresponding window and browser elements will be calculated. If this window is a chrome window, the corresponding browser element needs to be set using setBrowser. 1520
nsILoginManagerCrypto.idl encrypt @param plainText The string to be encrypted. Encrypts the specified string, returning the ciphertext value. NOTE: The current implemention of this inferface simply uses NSS/PSM's "Secret Decoder Ring" service. It is not recommended for general purpose encryption/decryption. Can throw if the user cancels entry of their primary password. 2508
nsILoginManagerPrompter.idl Ask the user if they want to save a login (Yes, Never, Not Now) @param aBrowser The browser of the webpage request that triggered the prompt. @param aLogin The login to be saved. @param dismissed A boolean value indicating whether the save logins doorhanger should be dismissed automatically when shown. @param notifySaved A boolean value indicating whether the notification should indicate that a login has been saved @param autoFilledLoginGuid A string guid value for the login which was autofilled into the form @param possibleValues Contains values from anything that we think, but are not sure, might be a username or password. Has two properties, 'usernames' and 'passwords'. 3810
nsILoginMetaInfo.idl An object containing metainfo for a login stored by the login manager. Code using login manager can generally ignore this interface. When adding logins, default value will be created. When modifying logins, these properties will be unchanged unless a change is explicitly requested [by using modifyLogin() with a nsIPropertyBag]. When deleting a login or comparing logins, these properties are ignored. 1923
nsIPromptInstance.idl An object representing a prompt or doorhanger. 494
OSCrypto_win.sys.mjs Convert an array containing only two bytes unsigned numbers to a string. @param {number[]} arr - the array that needs to be converted. @returns {string} the string representation of the array. 8265
PasswordRulesManager.sys.mjs Handles interactions between PasswordRulesParser and the "password-rules" Remote Settings collection @class PasswordRulesManagerParent @extends {JSWindowActorParent} 3126
storage-desktop.sys.mjs 686
storage-geckoview.sys.mjs LoginManagerStorage implementation for GeckoView 6859
storage-json.sys.mjs LoginManagerStorage implementation for the JSON back-end. 33003