Name Description Size
.eslintrc.js 74
authenticate.sjs 2539
browser.toml 7889
browser_autocomplete_autofocus_with_frame.js 1530
browser_autocomplete_disabled_readonly_passwordField.js Add two logins to prevent autofilling, but the AutocompletePopup will be displayed 3814
browser_autocomplete_footer.js Initialize logins and set prefs needed for the test. 3820
browser_autocomplete_generated_password_private_window.js 3518
browser_autocomplete_import.js Tests that if the user selects the password import suggestion from the autocomplete popup, and there is more than one profile available to import from, that the migration wizard opens to guide the user through importing those logins. 8158
browser_autocomplete_insecure_warning.js 1286
browser_autocomplete_primary_password.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 4388
browser_autofill_hidden_document.js 6688
browser_autofill_http.js 3583
browser_autofill_track_filled_logins.js 3542
browser_basicAuth_multiTab.js Tests that can show multiple auth prompts in different tabs and handle them correctly. 4801
browser_basicAuth_rateLimit.js 4988
browser_basicAuth_switchTab.js 1124
browser_context_menu.js Test the password manager context menu. 21319
browser_context_menu_autocomplete_interaction.js eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout 3442
browser_context_menu_generated_password.js Test the password manager context menu item can fill password fields with a generated password. 14950
browser_context_menu_iframe.js Test the password manager context menu. 6608
browser_crossOriginSubmissionUsesCorrectOrigin.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1368
browser_deleteLoginsBackup.js Test that logins backup is deleted as expected when logins are deleted. 9710
browser_DOMFormHasPassword.js 4547
browser_DOMFormHasPossibleUsername.js 8792
browser_DOMInputPasswordAdded.js 2817
browser_doorhanger_autocomplete_values.js Modify page elements and verify that they are found as options in the save/update doorhanger. 8820
browser_doorhanger_autofill_then_save_password.js Test that after we autofill, the site makes changes to the login, and then the user modifies their login, a save/update doorhanger is shown. This is a regression test for Bug 1632405. 5272
browser_doorhanger_crossframe.js In this test, a frame is loaded with a document that contains a username and password field. This frame also contains another cross-origin child iframe that itself contains a username and password field. locationMode = false - form is submitted by form submit event locationMode = true - form is submitted by changing the location Note: When the location is changed, the page is navigated and let's its parent know of the page navigation. The parent notifies all (same and cross-origin) child frames to submit their existing login forms 8285
browser_doorhanger_dismissed_for_ccnumber.js 7219
browser_doorhanger_empty_password.js Test that the doorhanger main action button is disabled when the password field is empty. Also checks that submiting an empty password throws an error. 1319
browser_doorhanger_form_password_edit.js Test changed (not submitted) passwords produce the right doorhangers/notifications 13692
browser_doorhanger_generated_password.js Test using the generated passwords produces the right doorhangers/notifications 61937
browser_doorhanger_httpsUpgrade.js Test capture popup notifications with HTTPS upgrades 9939
browser_doorhanger_multipage_form.js Test that the doorhanger notification for password saving is populated with the correct values in various password capture cases (multipage login form). 5479
browser_doorhanger_password_edits.js Test changing the password inside the doorhanger notification for passwords. We check the following cases: - Editing the password of a new login. - Editing the password of an existing login. - Changing both username and password to an existing login. - Changing the username to an existing login. - Editing username to an empty one and a new password. If both the username and password matches an already existing login, we should not update it's password, but only it's usage timestamp and count. 7805
browser_doorhanger_promptToChangePassword.js Test result of different input to the promptToChangePassword doorhanger 18973
browser_doorhanger_remembering.js Test capture popup notifications 38673
browser_doorhanger_replace_dismissed_with_visible_while_opening.js Replacing a dismissed doorhanger with a visible one while it's opening. There are various races between popup notification callbacks to catch with this. This can happen in the real world by blurring an edited login field by clicking on the login doorhanger. 2134
browser_doorhanger_save_password.js Test that the doorhanger notification for password saving is populated with the correct values in various password capture cases. 4647
browser_doorhanger_submit_telemetry.js Test that doorhanger submit telemetry is sent when the user saves/updates. 9705
browser_doorhanger_target_blank.js Test capture popup notifications when the login form uses target="_blank" 2788
browser_doorhanger_username_edits.js Test changing the username inside the doorhanger notification for passwords. We have to test combination of existing and non-existing logins both for the original one from the webpage and the final one used by the dialog. We also check switching to and from empty usernames. 6354
browser_doorhanger_window_open.js Test capture popup notifications in content opened by 6899
browser_entry_point_telemetry.js 3355
browser_exceptions_dialog.js 4440
browser_fileURIOrigin.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1357
browser_focus_before_first_DOMContentLoaded.js Test that autocomplete is properly attached to a username field which gets focused before DOMContentLoaded in a new browser and process. 2879
browser_form_history_fallback.js 1994
browser_formless_submit_chrome.js Test that browser chrome UI interactions don't trigger a capture doorhanger. 5064
browser_glean_pwmgr_form_autofill_result.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5860
browser_insecurePasswordConsoleWarning.js 4332
browser_isProbablyASignUpForm.js 1409
browser_localip_frame.js when the url of top-level and iframe are both ip address, do not show insecure warning 2520
browser_message_onFormSubmit.js Test "passwordmgr-form-submission-detected" should be notified regardless of whehter the password saving is enabled. 2404
browser_openPasswordManager.js 5653
browser_preselect_login.js 6670
browser_private_window.js 26028
browser_proxyAuth_prompt.js Create an object for consuming an nsIAuthPromptCallback. @returns result @returns {nsIAuthPromptCallback} result.callback - Callback to be passed into asyncPromptAuth. @returns {Promise} result.promise - Promise which resolves with authInfo once the callback has been called. 5718
browser_relay_signup_flow.js 3599
browser_relay_signup_flow_showToAllBrowsers.js 15247
browser_relay_telemetry.js 12468
browser_relay_utils.js 5271
browser_telemetry_SignUpFormRuleset.js @param {Object} histogramData The histogram data to examine @returns The amount of entries found in the histogram data 1429
browser_test_changeContentInputValue.js Tests head.js#changeContentInputValue. 3482
browser_username_only_form_telemetry.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 4385
browser_username_select_dialog.js Test username selection dialog, on password update from a p-only form, when there are multiple saved logins on the domain. 5758
empty.html Empty file 87
file_focus_before_DOMContentLoaded.sjs Focus a username field before DOMContentLoaded. 938
form_autofocus_frame.html 366
form_autofocus_js.html 389
form_basic.html 447
form_basic_iframe.html 745
form_basic_login.html 475
form_basic_login_fields_with_max_length.html 804
form_basic_no_username.html 387
form_basic_password_autocomplete_new_password.html 498
form_basic_password_autocomplete_off.html 480
form_basic_prefilled_password.html 499
form_basic_prefilled_username.html 491
form_basic_signup.html 446
form_basic_with_confirm_field.html 548
form_cross_origin_insecure_action.html 494
form_cross_origin_secure_action.html 495
form_crossframe.html 559
form_crossframe_inner.html 520
form_crossframe_no_outer_login_form.html 403
form_disabled_readonly_passwordField.html 541
form_expanded.html 585
form_multipage.html 1122
form_multiple_passwords.html 764
form_password_change.html Test for Login Manager notifications w/ new password 411
form_same_origin_action.html 477
form_signup_detection.html 1442
form_unmasked_password_after_pageload.html 627
form_username_only.html 391
formless_basic.html 614
head.js Compared logins in storage to expected values @param {array} expectedLogins An array of expected login properties @return {nsILoginInfo[]} - All saved logins sorted by timeCreated 30305
insecure_test.html 384
insecure_test_subframe.html 680
multiple_forms.html 5545
subtst_notifications_1.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications - Basic 1un 1pw 703
subtst_notifications_2.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications - autocomplete=off on the username field 775
subtst_notifications_2pw_0un.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications with 2 password fields and no username 650
subtst_notifications_2pw_1un_1text.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications with 2 password fields and 1 username field and one other text field before the first password field 987
subtst_notifications_3.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications - autocomplete=off on the password field 775
subtst_notifications_4.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications 731
subtst_notifications_5.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications - Form with only a username field 566
subtst_notifications_6.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications 569
subtst_notifications_8.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications 684
subtst_notifications_9.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications 676
subtst_notifications_10.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications 598
subtst_notifications_11.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications - Popup Windows 614
subtst_notifications_11_popup.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications 853
subtst_notifications_12_target_blank.html target="_blank" subtest for Login Manager notifications 870
subtst_notifications_change_p.html Subtest for Login Manager notifications 872
subtst_privbrowsing_1.html Test Login Manager notifications 360