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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <wtsapi32.h>
#include <userenv.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#ifndef __MINGW32__
# pragma comment(lib, "wtsapi32.lib")
# pragma comment(lib, "userenv.lib")
# pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib")
# pragma comment(lib, "ole32.lib")
# pragma comment(lib, "rpcrt4.lib")
#include "nsWindowsHelpers.h"
#include "mozilla/CmdLineAndEnvUtils.h"
#include "mozilla/NotNull.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
using namespace mozilla;
#include "workmonitor.h"
#include "serviceinstall.h"
#include "servicebase.h"
#include "registrycertificates.h"
#include "uachelper.h"
#include "updatehelper.h"
#include "pathhash.h"
#include "updatererrors.h"
#include "commonupdatedir.h"
// Wait 15 minutes for an update operation to run at most.
// Updates usually take less than a minute so this seems like a
// significantly large and safe amount of time to wait.
static const int TIME_TO_WAIT_ON_UPDATER = 15 * 60 * 1000;
BOOL PathGetSiblingFilePath(LPWSTR destinationBuffer, LPCWSTR siblingFilePath,
LPCWSTR newFileName);
BOOL DoesFallbackKeyExist();
* The updater is always the same version as the application, so there is no
* need for it to keep track of argument versioning. But the Maintenance
* Service may be called upon to update old versions of the application that are
* also installed. So it has to be able to handle any past argument format
* version.
enum UpdaterArgVersion {
// The version 1 format looks like
// updater patch-dir apply-to-dir wait-pid [callback-working-dir callback-path
// args...]
// The version 2 format looks like
// updater patch-dir install-dir apply-to-dir [wait-pid [callback-working-dir
// callback-path args...]]
// The version 3 format looks like
// updater 3 patch-dir install-dir apply-to-dir which-invocation [wait-pid
// [callback-working-dir callback-path args...]]
* Represents the arguments passed to the MMS symbolically rather than
* numerically so that we don't have to do a bunch of version checking and
* index juggling every time we want a value.
* Should only be instantiated via `parseUpdaterArgs`.
* Raw character pointers will be references to within `argv` and are guaranteed
* not to be `null`.
* It's very intentional that the only non-optional raw argument pointers are
* the updater and the patch directory. It is important that `parseUpdaterArgs`
* be as permissive as possible by always making a best effort attempt to return
* at least the patch directory so that we can write a failure status there,
* even if none of the other arguments are valid.
struct UpdaterArgs {
UpdaterArgVersion version;
UniquePtr<wchar_t[]> fullCommandLine;
NotNull<wchar_t*> updaterBin;
NotNull<wchar_t*> patchDirPath;
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> installDirPath;
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> applyToDirPath;
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> whichInvocation;
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> waitPid;
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> callbackWorkingDir;
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> callbackBinPath;
// The callback arguments are currently not included here (other than in
// `fullCommandLine`) simply because we do not need them in the Maintenance
// Service (other than to pass unmodified to the updater).
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> optionalArg(int argc, wchar_t** argv, int index) {
if (argc > index) {
return Some(WrapNotNull(argv[index]));
return Nothing();
* Determines whether the param only contains digits.
* @param str The string to check
* @param boolean True if the param only contains digits
static bool isDigits(wchar_t* str) {
while (*str) {
if (!iswdigit(*str++)) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void logParam(const char* name, Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>>& maybeValue) {
if (maybeValue) {
LOG(("Loaded param %s as \"%S\"", name, maybeValue.value().get()));
} else {
LOG(("Loaded param %s as Nothing", name));
* See `UpdaterArgs`.
* Returns `Nothing` if the arguments can't be parsed at all.
Maybe<UpdaterArgs> parseUpdaterArgs(int argc, wchar_t** argv) {
if (argc < 1) {
LOG_WARN(("Argument parsing failed: No arguments!"));
return Nothing();
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> updaterBin = Some(WrapNotNull(argv[0]));
UniquePtr<wchar_t[]> fullCommandLine = mozilla::MakeCommandLine(argc, argv);
LOG(("Command Line: %S", fullCommandLine.get()));
UpdaterArgVersion version;
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> patchDirPath = Nothing();
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> installDirPath = Nothing();
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> applyToDirPath = Nothing();
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> whichInvocation = Nothing();
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> waitPid = Nothing();
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> callbackWorkingDir = Nothing();
Maybe<NotNull<wchar_t*>> callbackBinPath = Nothing();
if (argc > 1 && wcscmp(argv[1], L"3") == 0) {
LOG(("Identified argument format version 3"));
version = UpdaterArgVersion::Version3;
// The version 3 format looks like
// index 0 1 2 3 4 5
// updater 3 patch-dir install-dir apply-to-dir which-invocation
// index 6 7 8 9+
// [wait-pid [callback-working-dir callback-path args...]]
if (argc < 3) {
LOG_WARN(("No arguments for version 3"));
return Nothing();
patchDirPath = Some(WrapNotNull(argv[2]));
installDirPath = optionalArg(argc, argv, 3);
applyToDirPath = optionalArg(argc, argv, 4);
whichInvocation = optionalArg(argc, argv, 5);
waitPid = optionalArg(argc, argv, 6);
callbackWorkingDir = optionalArg(argc, argv, 7);
callbackBinPath = optionalArg(argc, argv, 8);
} else if ((argc == 4 && wcscmp(argv[3], L"-1") == 0) ||
(argc >= 4 &&
(wcsstr(argv[3], L"/replace") != nullptr || isDigits(argv[3])))) {
LOG(("Identified argument format version 1"));
version = UpdaterArgVersion::Version1;
// The version 1 format looks like
// index 0 1 2 3 4
// updater patch-dir apply-to-dir wait-pid [callback-working-dir
// index 5 6+
// callback-path args...]
patchDirPath = Some(WrapNotNull(argv[1]));
applyToDirPath = Some(WrapNotNull(argv[2]));
waitPid = Some(WrapNotNull(argv[3]));
callbackWorkingDir = optionalArg(argc, argv, 4);
callbackBinPath = optionalArg(argc, argv, 5);
} else {
LOG(("Identified argument format version 2"));
version = UpdaterArgVersion::Version2;
// The version 2 format looks like
// index 0 1 2 3 4
// updater patch-dir install-dir apply-to-dir [wait-pid
// index 5 6 7+
// [callback-working-dir callback-path args...]]
if (argc < 2) {
LOG_WARN(("No arguments for version 2"));
return Nothing();
patchDirPath = Some(WrapNotNull(argv[1]));
installDirPath = optionalArg(argc, argv, 2);
applyToDirPath = optionalArg(argc, argv, 3);
waitPid = optionalArg(argc, argv, 4);
callbackWorkingDir = optionalArg(argc, argv, 5);
callbackBinPath = optionalArg(argc, argv, 6);
logParam("updaterBin", updaterBin);
logParam("patchDirPath", patchDirPath);
logParam("installDirPath", installDirPath);
logParam("applyToDirPath", applyToDirPath);
logParam("whichInvocation", whichInvocation);
logParam("waitPid", waitPid);
logParam("callbackWorkingDir", callbackWorkingDir);
logParam("callbackBinPath", callbackBinPath);
return Some(UpdaterArgs{
.version = version,
.fullCommandLine = std::move(fullCommandLine),
.updaterBin = updaterBin.value(),
.patchDirPath = patchDirPath.value(),
.installDirPath = installDirPath,
.applyToDirPath = applyToDirPath,
.whichInvocation = whichInvocation,
.waitPid = waitPid,
.callbackWorkingDir = callbackWorkingDir,
.callbackBinPath = callbackBinPath,
* Reads the secure update status file and sets isApplying to true if the status
* is set to applying.
* @param patchDirPath
* The update patch directory path
* @param isApplying Out parameter for specifying if the status
* is set to applying or not.
* @return TRUE if the information was filled.
static BOOL IsStatusApplying(LPCWSTR patchDirPath, BOOL& isApplying) {
isApplying = FALSE;
WCHAR statusFilePath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
if (!GetSecureOutputFilePath(patchDirPath, L".status", statusFilePath)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not get path for the secure update status file"));
return FALSE;
nsAutoHandle statusFile(
CreateFileW(statusFilePath, GENERIC_READ,
nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr));
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == statusFile) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not open update.status file"));
return FALSE;
char buf[32] = {0};
DWORD read;
if (!ReadFile(statusFile, buf, sizeof(buf), &read, nullptr)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not read from update.status file"));
return FALSE;
const char kApplying[] = "applying";
isApplying = strncmp(buf, kApplying, sizeof(kApplying) - 1) == 0;
return TRUE;
* Determines whether we're staging an update.
* @param args The updater arguments.
* @return boolean True if we're staging an update
static bool IsUpdateBeingStaged(const UpdaterArgs& args) {
// PID will be set to -1 if we're supposed to stage an update.
return args.waitPid && wcscmp(args.waitPid.value(), L"-1") == 0;
* Determines whether the update request we are servicing is a replace request.
* @param args The updater arguments.
* @return boolean True if this is a replace request
static bool IsUpdateAReplaceRequest(const UpdaterArgs& args) {
return args.waitPid && wcsstr(args.waitPid.value(), L"/replace");
* Gets the installation directory from the arguments passed to updater.exe.
* @param args The updater arguments.
* @param aResultDir Buffer to hold the installation directory.
static BOOL GetInstallationDir(const UpdaterArgs& args,
WCHAR aResultDir[MAX_PATH + 1]) {
if (args.installDirPath) {
wcsncpy(aResultDir, args.installDirPath.value(), MAX_PATH);
} else if (args.applyToDirPath) {
if (args.version != UpdaterArgVersion::Version1) {
// In version 1, we infer the install directory from the "apply to"
// directory (i.e. using it directly or converting "dir\Firefox\updated"
// to "dir\Firefox"). But this is only an appropriate conversion to make
// in version 1, when (a) the arguments were guaranteed to have
// a format that would work like this, and (b) it was valid to not specify
// the install directory as an argument.
return FALSE;
wcsncpy(aResultDir, args.applyToDirPath.value(), MAX_PATH);
} else {
return FALSE;
WCHAR* backSlash = wcsrchr(aResultDir, L'\\');
// Make sure that the path does not include trailing backslashes
if (backSlash && (backSlash[1] == L'\0')) {
*backSlash = L'\0';
// Handle the version 1 "dir\Firefox\updated" to "dir\Firefox" conversion.
if (!args.installDirPath &&
(IsUpdateBeingStaged(args) || IsUpdateAReplaceRequest(args))) {
return PathRemoveFileSpecW(aResultDir);
return TRUE;
* Runs an update process as the service using the SYSTEM account.
* @param args The updater arguments.
* @param processStarted Set to TRUE if the process was started.
* @return TRUE if the update process was run had a return code of 0.
BOOL StartUpdateProcess(const UpdaterArgs& args, LPCWSTR installDir,
BOOL& processStarted) {
processStarted = FALSE;
LOG(("Starting update process as the service in session 0."));
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
si.lpDesktop = const_cast<LPWSTR>(L""); // -Wwritable-strings
si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
// Add an env var for MOZ_USING_SERVICE so the updater.exe can
// do anything special that it needs to do for service updates.
// Search in updater.cpp for more info on MOZ_USING_SERVICE.
LOG(("Starting service with cmdline: %ls", args.fullCommandLine.get()));
processStarted = CreateProcessW(
args.updaterBin, args.fullCommandLine.get(), nullptr, nullptr, FALSE,
CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi);
BOOL updateWasSuccessful = FALSE;
if (processStarted) {
BOOL processTerminated = FALSE;
BOOL noProcessExitCode = FALSE;
// Wait for the updater process to finish
LOG(("Process was started... waiting on result."));
DWORD waitRes = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, TIME_TO_WAIT_ON_UPDATER);
if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == waitRes) {
// We waited a long period of time for updater.exe and it never finished
// so kill it.
TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 1);
processTerminated = TRUE;
} else {
// Check the return code of updater.exe to make sure we get 0
DWORD returnCode;
if (GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &returnCode)) {
LOG(("Process finished with return code %lu.", returnCode));
// updater returns 0 if successful.
updateWasSuccessful = (returnCode == 0);
} else {
LOG_WARN(("Process finished but could not obtain return code."));
noProcessExitCode = TRUE;
// Check just in case updater.exe didn't change the status from
// applying. If this is the case we report an error.
BOOL isApplying = FALSE;
if (IsStatusApplying(args.patchDirPath, isApplying) && isApplying) {
if (updateWasSuccessful) {
("update.status is still applying even though update was "
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
("Could not write update.status still applying on "
"success error."));
// Since we still had applying we know updater.exe didn't do its
// job correctly.
updateWasSuccessful = FALSE;
} else {
("update.status is still applying and update was not successful."));
if (noProcessExitCode) {
} else if (processTerminated) {
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath, failcode)) {
("Could not write update.status still applying on "
"failure error."));
} else {
DWORD lastError = GetLastError();
("Could not create process as current user, "
"updaterPath: %ls; cmdLine: %ls. (%lu)",
args.updaterBin.get(), args.fullCommandLine.get(), lastError));
// Empty value on putenv is how you remove an env variable in Windows
return updateWasSuccessful;
* Validates a file as an official updater.
* @param updater Path to the updater to validate
* @param installDir Path to the application installation
* being updated
* @param updateDir Patch directory, where the update status file is.
* @return true if updater is the path to a valid updater
static bool UpdaterIsValid(LPWSTR updater, LPWSTR installDir,
LPWSTR updateDir) {
// Make sure the path to the updater to use for the update is local.
// We do this check to make sure that file locking is available for
// race condition security checks.
BOOL isLocal = FALSE;
if (!IsLocalFile(updater, isLocal) || !isLocal) {
LOG_WARN(("Filesystem in path %ls is not supported (%lu)", updater,
if (!WriteStatusFailure(updateDir, SERVICE_UPDATER_NOT_FIXED_DRIVE)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status service update failure. (%lu)",
return false;
nsAutoHandle noWriteLock(CreateFileW(updater, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ,
nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr));
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == noWriteLock) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not set no write sharing access on file. (%lu)",
if (!WriteStatusFailure(updateDir, SERVICE_COULD_NOT_LOCK_UPDATER)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status service update failure. (%lu)",
return false;
// Verify that the updater.exe that we are executing is the same
// as the one in the installation directory which we are updating.
// The installation dir that we are installing to is installDir.
WCHAR installDirUpdater[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
wcsncpy(installDirUpdater, installDir, MAX_PATH);
if (!PathAppendSafe(installDirUpdater, L"updater.exe")) {
LOG_WARN(("Install directory updater could not be determined."));
return false;
BOOL updaterIsCorrect;
if (!VerifySameFiles(updater, installDirUpdater, updaterIsCorrect)) {
("Error checking if the updaters are the same.\n"
"Path 1: %ls\nPath 2: %ls",
updater, installDirUpdater));
return false;
if (!updaterIsCorrect) {
("The updaters do not match, updater will not run.\n"
"Path 1: %ls\nPath 2: %ls",
updater, installDirUpdater));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(updateDir, SERVICE_UPDATER_COMPARE_ERROR)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status updater compare failure."));
return false;
("updater.exe was compared successfully to the installation directory"
" updater.exe."));
// Check to make sure the updater.exe module has the unique updater identity.
// This is a security measure to make sure that the signed executable that
// we will run is actually an updater.
bool result = true;
HMODULE updaterModule =
LoadLibraryEx(updater, nullptr, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);
if (!updaterModule) {
LOG_WARN(("updater.exe module could not be loaded. (%lu)", GetLastError()));
result = false;
} else {
char updaterIdentity[64];
if (!LoadStringA(updaterModule, IDS_UPDATER_IDENTITY, updaterIdentity,
sizeof(updaterIdentity))) {
("The updater.exe application does not contain the Mozilla"
" updater identity."));
result = false;
if (strcmp(updaterIdentity, UPDATER_IDENTITY_STRING)) {
LOG_WARN(("The updater.exe identity string is not valid."));
result = false;
if (result) {
("The updater.exe application contains the Mozilla"
" updater identity."));
} else {
if (!WriteStatusFailure(updateDir, SERVICE_UPDATER_IDENTITY_ERROR)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status no updater identity."));
return false;
return DoesBinaryMatchAllowedCertificates(installDir, updater);
* Processes a software update command
* @param args The updater arguments.
* @return TRUE if the update was successful.
BOOL ProcessSoftwareUpdateCommand(const UpdaterArgs& args) {
BOOL result = TRUE;
if (!args.installDirPath && !args.applyToDirPath) {
("Not enough command line parameters specified. "
"Updating update.status."));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status service update failure. (%lu)",
return FALSE;
WCHAR installDir[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
if (!GetInstallationDir(args, installDir)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not get the installation directory"));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath, SERVICE_INSTALLDIR_ERROR)) {
("Could not write update.status for GetInstallationDir failure."));
return FALSE;
if (UpdaterIsValid(args.updaterBin, installDir, args.patchDirPath)) {
BOOL updateProcessWasStarted = FALSE;
if (StartUpdateProcess(args, installDir, updateProcessWasStarted)) {
LOG(("updater.exe was launched and run successfully!"));
// Don't attempt to update the service when the update is being staged.
if (!IsUpdateBeingStaged(args)) {
// We might not execute code after StartServiceUpdate because
// the service installer will stop the service if it is running.
LOG(("Starting service update"));
} else {
LOG(("Skipping update of the service because we are staging"));
} else {
result = FALSE;
LOG_WARN(("Error running update process. Updating update.status (%lu)",
// If the update process was started, then updater.exe is responsible for
// setting the failure code. If it could not be started then we do the
// work. We set an error instead of directly setting status pending
// so that the app.update.service.errors pref can be updated when
// the callback app restarts.
if (!updateProcessWasStarted) {
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
("Could not write update.status service update failure. (%lu)",
} else {
result = FALSE;
("Could not start process due to certificate check error on "
"updater.exe. Updating update.status. (%lu)",
// When there is a certificate check error on the updater.exe application,
// we want to write out the error.
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath, SERVICE_UPDATER_SIGN_ERROR)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not write pending state to update.status. (%lu)",
return result;
* Obtains the updater path alongside a subdir of the service binary.
* The purpose of this function is to return a path that is likely high
* integrity and therefore more safe to execute code from.
* @param serviceUpdaterPath Out parameter for the path where the updater
* should be copied to.
* @return TRUE if a file path was obtained.
BOOL GetSecureUpdaterPath(WCHAR serviceUpdaterPath[MAX_PATH + 1]) {
if (!GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, serviceUpdaterPath, MAX_PATH)) {
("Could not obtain module filename when attempting to "
"use a secure updater path. (%lu)",
return FALSE;
if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(serviceUpdaterPath)) {
("Couldn't remove file spec when attempting to use a secure "
"updater path. (%lu)",
return FALSE;
if (!PathAppendSafe(serviceUpdaterPath, L"update")) {
("Couldn't append file spec when attempting to use a secure "
"updater path. (%lu)",
return FALSE;
CreateDirectoryW(serviceUpdaterPath, nullptr);
if (!PathAppendSafe(serviceUpdaterPath, L"updater.exe")) {
("Couldn't append file spec when attempting to use a secure "
"updater path. (%lu)",
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Deletes the passed in updater path and the associated updater.ini file.
* @param serviceUpdaterPath The path to delete.
* @return TRUE if a file was deleted.
BOOL DeleteSecureUpdater(WCHAR serviceUpdaterPath[MAX_PATH + 1]) {
BOOL result = FALSE;
if (serviceUpdaterPath[0]) {
result = DeleteFileW(serviceUpdaterPath);
if (!result && GetLastError() != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND &&
GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not delete service updater path: '%ls'.",
WCHAR updaterINIPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
if (PathGetSiblingFilePath(updaterINIPath, serviceUpdaterPath,
L"updater.ini")) {
result = DeleteFileW(updaterINIPath);
if (!result && GetLastError() != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND &&
GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not delete service updater INI path: '%ls'.",
return result;
* Executes a service command.
* @param argc The number of arguments in argv
* @param argv The service command line arguments, argv[0] is automatically
* included by Windows, argv[1] is unused but hardcoded to
* "MozillaMaintenance", and argv[2] is the service command.
* @return FALSE if there was an error executing the service command.
BOOL ExecuteServiceCommand(int argc, LPWSTR* argv) {
const int serviceArgCount = 3;
if (argc < serviceArgCount) {
("Not enough command line arguments to execute a service command"));
return FALSE;
const wchar_t* serviceName = argv[1];
const wchar_t* serviceCommand = argv[2];
// The tests work by making sure the log has changed, so we put a
// unique ID in the log.
WCHAR uuidString[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
if (GetUUIDString(uuidString)) {
LOG(("Executing service command %ls, ID: %ls", serviceCommand, uuidString));
} else {
// The ID is only used by tests, so failure to allocate it isn't fatal.
LOG(("Executing service command %ls", serviceCommand));
BOOL result = FALSE;
if (!lstrcmpi(serviceCommand, L"software-update")) {
Maybe<UpdaterArgs> maybeArgs =
parseUpdaterArgs(argc - serviceArgCount, argv + serviceArgCount);
if (!maybeArgs) {
// Not really much we can do here. `parseUpdaterArgs` is extremely
// permissive. If it failed, we don't even have a patch directory to write
// an error to.
LOG_WARN(("Unable to parse updater arguments!"));
return FALSE;
UpdaterArgs args = maybeArgs.extract();
// This check is also performed in updater.cpp and is performed here
// as well since the maintenance service can be called directly.
if (!IsValidFullPath(args.patchDirPath)) {
// Since the status file is written to the patch directory and the patch
// directory is invalid don't write the status file.
LOG_WARN(("The patch directory path is not valid for this application."));
return FALSE;
// The patch directory path must end with updates\0 to use the maintenance
// service.
size_t fullPathLen = NS_tstrlen(args.patchDirPath);
size_t relPathLen = NS_tstrlen(PATCH_DIR_PATH);
if (relPathLen > fullPathLen) {
("The patch directory path length is not valid for this "
return FALSE;
if (_wcsnicmp(args.patchDirPath + fullPathLen - relPathLen, PATCH_DIR_PATH,
relPathLen) != 0) {
("The patch directory path subdirectory is not valid for this "
return FALSE;
// Remove the secure output files so it is easier to determine when new
// files are created in the unelevated updater.
// Create a new secure ID for this update.
if (!WriteSecureIDFile(args.patchDirPath)) {
LOG_WARN(("Unable to write to secure ID file."));
return FALSE;
if (args.version == UpdaterArgVersion::Version1) {
// This check is also performed in updater.cpp and is performed here
// as well since the maintenance service can be called directly.
if (!args.applyToDirPath || !IsValidFullPath(args.applyToDirPath.value())
// This build flag is used as a handy proxy to tell when we're a build
// made for local testing, because there isn't much other reason to set
// it.
|| !IsProgramFilesPath(args.applyToDirPath.value())
) {
("The apply-to directory path is not valid for this application."));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for previous failure."));
return FALSE;
} else {
// This check is also performed in updater.cpp and is performed here
// as well since the maintenance service can be called directly.
if (!args.installDirPath || !IsValidFullPath(args.installDirPath.value())
// This build flag is used as a handy proxy to tell when we're a build
// made for local testing, because there isn't much other reason to set
// it.
|| !IsProgramFilesPath(args.installDirPath.value())
) {
("The install directory path is not valid for this application."));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for previous failure."));
return FALSE;
// This check is also performed in updater.cpp and is performed here
// as well since the maintenance service can be called directly.
if (!args.applyToDirPath ||
!IsValidFullPath(args.applyToDirPath.value())) {
("The working directory path is not valid for this application."));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for previous failure."));
return FALSE;
// These checks are also performed in updater.cpp and is performed here
// as well since the maintenance service can be called directly.
if (_wcsnicmp(args.applyToDirPath.value(), args.installDirPath.value(),
MAX_PATH) != 0) {
if (!IsUpdateBeingStaged(args) && !IsUpdateAReplaceRequest(args)) {
("Installation directory and working directory must be the "
"same for non-staged updates. Exiting."));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for previous failure."));
return FALSE;
NS_tchar workingDirParent[MAX_PATH];
sizeof(workingDirParent) / sizeof(workingDirParent[0]),
NS_T("%s"), args.applyToDirPath.value().get());
if (!PathRemoveFileSpecW(workingDirParent)) {
("Couldn't remove file spec when attempting to verify the "
"working directory path. (%lu)",
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath, REMOVE_FILE_SPEC_ERROR)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for previous failure."));
return FALSE;
if (_wcsnicmp(workingDirParent, args.installDirPath.value(),
MAX_PATH) != 0) {
("The apply-to directory must be the same as or "
"the direct child of the installation directory! Exiting."));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for previous failure."));
return FALSE;
// Use the passed in command line arguments for the update, except for the
// path to updater.exe. We always look for updater.exe in the installation
// directory, then we copy that updater.exe to a the directory of the
// MozillaMaintenance service so that a low integrity process cannot
// replace the updater.exe at any point and use that for the update.
// It also makes DLL injection attacks harder.
WCHAR installDir[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
if (!GetInstallationDir(args, installDir)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not get the installation directory"));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath, SERVICE_INSTALLDIR_ERROR)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for previous failure."));
return FALSE;
if (!DoesFallbackKeyExist()) {
WCHAR maintenanceServiceKey[MAX_PATH + 1];
if (CalculateRegistryPathFromFilePath(installDir,
maintenanceServiceKey)) {
LOG(("Checking for Maintenance Service registry. key: '%ls'",
HKEY baseKey = nullptr;
if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, maintenanceServiceKey, 0,
&baseKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
LOG_WARN(("The maintenance service registry key does not exist."));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for previous failure."));
return FALSE;
} else {
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
LOG_WARN(("Could not write update.status for previous failure."));
return FALSE;
WCHAR installDirUpdater[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
wcsncpy(installDirUpdater, installDir, MAX_PATH);
result = PathAppendSafe(installDirUpdater, L"updater.exe");
if (!result) {
LOG_WARN(("Install directory updater could not be determined."));
if (result) {
result = UpdaterIsValid(installDirUpdater, installDir, args.patchDirPath);
WCHAR secureUpdaterPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
if (result) {
result = GetSecureUpdaterPath(secureUpdaterPath); // Does its own logging
if (result) {
("Passed in path: '%ls' (ignored); "
"Install dir has: '%ls'; "
"Using this path for updating: '%ls'.",
args.updaterBin.get(), installDirUpdater, secureUpdaterPath));
result = CopyFileW(installDirUpdater, secureUpdaterPath, FALSE);
if (!result) {
("Could not copy path to secure location. (%lu)", GetLastError()));
if (!WriteStatusFailure(args.patchDirPath,
("Could not write update.status could not copy updater error"));
} else {
// We obtained the path and copied it successfully, update the path to
// use for the service update.
args.updaterBin = WrapNotNull(secureUpdaterPath);
WCHAR installDirUpdaterINIPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
WCHAR secureUpdaterINIPath[MAX_PATH + 1] = {L'\0'};
if (PathGetSiblingFilePath(secureUpdaterINIPath, secureUpdaterPath,
L"updater.ini") &&
PathGetSiblingFilePath(installDirUpdaterINIPath, installDirUpdater,
L"updater.ini")) {
// This is non fatal if it fails there is no real harm
if (!CopyFileW(installDirUpdaterINIPath, secureUpdaterINIPath, FALSE)) {
LOG_WARN(("Could not copy updater.ini from: '%ls' to '%ls'. (%lu)",
installDirUpdaterINIPath, secureUpdaterINIPath,
result = ProcessSoftwareUpdateCommand(args);
// We might not reach here if the service install succeeded
// because the service self updates itself and the service
// installer will stop the service.
} else {
LOG_WARN(("Service command not recognized: %ls.", serviceCommand));
// result is already set to FALSE
LOG(("%ls service command %ls complete with result: %ls.", serviceName,
serviceCommand, result ? L"Success" : L"Failure"));
return result;