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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2; -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
#include "mozilla/extensions/WebNavigationContent.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BrowserChild.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ContentFrameMessageManager.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Event.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/EventTarget.h"
#include "mozilla/extensions/ExtensionsChild.h"
#include "mozilla/EventListenerManager.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/ResultExtensions.h"
#include "mozilla/Services.h"
#include "mozilla/Try.h"
#include "nsCRT.h"
#include "nsDocShellLoadTypes.h"
#include "nsPIWindowRoot.h"
#include "nsIChannel.h"
#include "nsIDocShell.h"
#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h"
#include "nsIObserverService.h"
#include "nsIPropertyBag2.h"
#include "nsIWebNavigation.h"
#include "nsIWebProgress.h"
#include "nsQueryObject.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace extensions {
/* static */
already_AddRefed<WebNavigationContent> WebNavigationContent::GetSingleton() {
static RefPtr<WebNavigationContent> sSingleton;
if (!sSingleton) {
sSingleton = new WebNavigationContent();
return do_AddRef(sSingleton);
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(WebNavigationContent, nsIObserver, nsIDOMEventListener,
nsIWebProgressListener, nsISupportsWeakReference)
void WebNavigationContent::Init() {
nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obs = services::GetObserverService();
obs->AddObserver(this, "chrome-event-target-created", true);
obs->AddObserver(this, "webNavigation-createdNavigationTarget-from-js", true);
NS_IMETHODIMP WebNavigationContent::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject,
char const* aTopic,
char16_t const* aData) {
if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, "chrome-event-target-created")) {
// This notification is sent whenever a new window root is created, with the
// subject being an EventTarget corresponding to either an nsWindowRoot, or
// additionally also an InProcessBrowserChildMessageManager in the parent.
// This is the same entry point used to register listeners for the JS window
// actor API.
if (RefPtr<dom::EventTarget> eventTarget = do_QueryObject(aSubject)) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell;
if (nsCOMPtr<nsPIWindowRoot> root = do_QueryInterface(aSubject)) {
docShell = root->GetWindow()->GetDocShell();
} else if (RefPtr<dom::ContentFrameMessageManager> mm =
do_QueryObject(aSubject)) {
docShell = mm->GetDocShell(IgnoreErrors());
if (docShell && docShell->GetBrowsingContext()->IsContent()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIWebProgress> webProgress(do_GetInterface(docShell));
} else if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic,
"webNavigation-createdNavigationTarget-from-js")) {
if (nsCOMPtr<nsIPropertyBag2> props = do_QueryInterface(aSubject)) {
return OnCreatedNavigationTargetFromJS(props);
return NS_OK;
void WebNavigationContent::AttachListeners(dom::EventTarget* aEventTarget) {
EventListenerManager* elm = aEventTarget->GetOrCreateListenerManager();
elm->AddEventListenerByType(this, u"DOMContentLoaded"_ns,
WebNavigationContent::HandleEvent(dom::Event* aEvent) {
if (aEvent->ShouldIgnoreChromeEventTargetListener()) {
return NS_OK;
#ifdef DEBUG
nsAutoString type;
if (RefPtr<dom::Document> doc = do_QueryObject(aEvent->GetTarget())) {
dom::BrowsingContext* bc = doc->GetBrowsingContext();
if (bc && bc->IsContent()) {
ExtensionsChild::Get().SendDOMContentLoaded(bc, doc->GetDocumentURI());
return NS_OK;
static dom::BrowsingContext* GetBrowsingContext(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress) {
// FIXME: Get this via nsIWebNavigation instead.
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell(do_GetInterface(aWebProgress));
return docShell->GetBrowsingContext();
FrameTransitionData WebNavigationContent::GetFrameTransitionData(
nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress, nsIRequest* aRequest) {
FrameTransitionData result;
uint32_t loadType = 0;
Unused << aWebProgress->GetLoadType(&loadType);
if (loadType & nsIDocShell::LOAD_CMD_HISTORY) {
result.forwardBack() = true;
if (loadType & nsIDocShell::LOAD_CMD_RELOAD) {
result.reload() = true;
if (LOAD_TYPE_HAS_FLAGS(loadType, nsIWebNavigation::LOAD_FLAGS_IS_REFRESH)) {
result.clientRedirect() = true;
if (nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest)) {
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo(channel->LoadInfo());
if (loadInfo->RedirectChain().Length()) {
result.serverRedirect() = true;
if (loadInfo->GetIsFormSubmission() &&
!(loadType & (nsIDocShell::LOAD_CMD_HISTORY |
nsIDocShell::LOAD_CMD_RELOAD))) {
result.formSubmit() = true;
return result;
nsresult WebNavigationContent::OnCreatedNavigationTargetFromJS(
nsIPropertyBag2* aProps) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> createdDocShell(
do_GetProperty(aProps, u"createdTabDocShell"_ns));
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> sourceDocShell(
do_GetProperty(aProps, u"sourceTabDocShell"_ns));
dom::BrowsingContext* createdBC = createdDocShell->GetBrowsingContext();
dom::BrowsingContext* sourceBC = sourceDocShell->GetBrowsingContext();
if (createdBC->IsContent() && sourceBC->IsContent()) {
nsCString url;
Unused << aProps->GetPropertyAsACString(u"url"_ns, url);
ExtensionsChild::Get().SendCreatedNavigationTarget(createdBC, sourceBC,
return NS_OK;
// nsIWebProgressListener
WebNavigationContent::OnStateChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress,
nsIRequest* aRequest, uint32_t aStateFlags,
nsresult aStatus) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel(do_QueryInterface(aRequest));
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
// Prevents "about", "chrome", "resource" and "moz-extension" URI schemes to
// be reported with the resolved "file" or "jar" URIs (see bug 1246125)
if (uri->SchemeIs("file") || uri->SchemeIs("jar")) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> originalURI;
// FIXME: We probably actually want NS_GetFinalChannelURI here.
if (originalURI->SchemeIs("about") || originalURI->SchemeIs("chrome") ||
originalURI->SchemeIs("resource") ||
originalURI->SchemeIs("moz-extension")) {
uri = originalURI.forget();
RefPtr<dom::BrowsingContext> bc(GetBrowsingContext(aWebProgress));
ExtensionsChild::Get().SendStateChange(bc, uri, aStatus, aStateFlags);
// Based on the docs of the webNavigation.onCommitted event, it should be
// raised when: "The document might still be downloading, but at least part
// of the document has been received" and for some reason we don't fire
// onLocationChange for the initial navigation of a sub-frame. For the above
// two reasons, when the navigation event is related to a sub-frame we process
// the document change here and then send an OnDocumentChange message to the
// main process, where it will be turned into a webNavigation.onCommitted
// event. (bug 1264936 and bug 125662)
if (!bc->IsTop() && aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_DOCUMENT) {
bc, GetFrameTransitionData(aWebProgress, aRequest), uri);
return NS_OK;
WebNavigationContent::OnProgressChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress,
nsIRequest* aRequest,
int32_t aCurSelfProgress,
int32_t aMaxSelfProgress,
int32_t aCurTotalProgress,
int32_t aMaxTotalProgress) {
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Listener did not request ProgressChange events");
return NS_OK;
WebNavigationContent::OnLocationChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress,
nsIRequest* aRequest, nsIURI* aLocation,
uint32_t aFlags) {
RefPtr<dom::BrowsingContext> bc(GetBrowsingContext(aWebProgress));
// When a frame navigation doesn't change the current loaded document
// (which can be due to history.pushState/replaceState or to a changed hash in
// the url), it is reported only to the onLocationChange, for this reason we
// process the history change here and then we are going to send an
// OnHistoryChange message to the main process, where it will be turned into
// a webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated/onReferenceFragmentUpdated event.
if (aFlags & nsIWebProgressListener::LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT) {
uint32_t loadType = 0;
// When the location changes but the document is the same:
// - path not changed and hash changed -> |onReferenceFragmentUpdated|
// (even if it changed using |history.pushState|)
// - path not changed and hash not changed -> |onHistoryStateUpdated|
// (only if it changes using |history.pushState|)
// - path changed -> |onHistoryStateUpdated|
bool isHistoryStateUpdated = false;
bool isReferenceFragmentUpdated = false;
if (aFlags & nsIWebProgressListener::LOCATION_CHANGE_HASHCHANGE) {
isReferenceFragmentUpdated = true;
} else if (loadType & nsIDocShell::LOAD_CMD_PUSHSTATE) {
isHistoryStateUpdated = true;
} else if (loadType & nsIDocShell::LOAD_CMD_HISTORY) {
isHistoryStateUpdated = true;
if (isHistoryStateUpdated || isReferenceFragmentUpdated) {
bc, GetFrameTransitionData(aWebProgress, aRequest), aLocation,
isHistoryStateUpdated, isReferenceFragmentUpdated);
} else if (bc->IsTop()) {
if (RefPtr browserChild = dom::BrowserChild::GetFrom(bc->GetDocShell())) {
// Only send progress events which happen after we've started loading
// things into the BrowserChild. This matches the behavior of the remote
// WebProgress implementation.
if (browserChild->ShouldSendWebProgressEventsToParent()) {
// We have to catch the document changes from top level frames here,
// where we can detect the "server redirect" transition.
bc, GetFrameTransitionData(aWebProgress, aRequest), aLocation);
return NS_OK;
WebNavigationContent::OnStatusChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress,
nsIRequest* aRequest, nsresult aStatus,
const char16_t* aMessage) {
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Listener did not request StatusChange events");
return NS_OK;
WebNavigationContent::OnSecurityChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress,
nsIRequest* aRequest, uint32_t aState) {
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Listener did not request SecurityChange events");
return NS_OK;
WebNavigationContent::OnContentBlockingEvent(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress,
nsIRequest* aRequest,
uint32_t aEvent) {
MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Listener did not request ContentBlocking events");
return NS_OK;
} // namespace extensions
} // namespace mozilla