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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import json
import os
from textwrap import dedent
import helpers # Import test helpers module.
import mozunit
import pytest
from GenerateWebIDLBindings import APIEvent, APIFunction, APINamespace, APIType, Schemas
def test_parse_simple_single_api_namespace(write_jsonschema_fixtures):
Test Basic loading and parsing a single API JSONSchema:
- single line comments outside of the json structure are ignored
- parse a simple namespace that includes one permission, type,
function and event
schema_dir = write_jsonschema_fixtures(
"test_api.json": dedent(
// Single line comments added before the JSON data are tolerated
// and ignored.
"namespace": "fantasyApi",
"permissions": ["fantasyPermission"],
"types": [
"id": "MyType",
"type": "string",
"choices": ["value1", "value2"]
"functions": [
"name": "myMethod",
"type": "function",
"parameters": [
{ "name": "fnParam", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "fnRefParam", "$ref": "MyType" }
"events": [
"name": "onSomeEvent",
"type": "function",
"parameters": [
{ "name": "evParam", "type": "string" },
{ "name": "evRefParam", "$ref": "MyType" }
schemas = Schemas()
schemas.load_schemas(schema_dir, "toolkit")
assert schemas.get_all_namespace_names() == ["fantasyApi"]
apiNs = schemas.api_namespaces["fantasyApi"]
assert isinstance(apiNs, APINamespace)
# Properties related to where the JSON schema is coming from
# (toolkit, browser or mobile schema directories).
assert apiNs.in_toolkit
assert not apiNs.in_browser
assert not apiNs.in_mobile
# api_path_string is expected to be exactly the namespace name for
# non-nested API namespaces.
assert apiNs.api_path_string == "fantasyApi"
# parse the schema and verify it includes the expected types events and function.
assert set(["fantasyPermission"]) == apiNs.permissions
assert ["MyType"] == list(apiNs.types.keys())
assert ["myMethod"] == list(apiNs.functions.keys())
assert ["onSomeEvent"] == list(
type_entry = apiNs.types.get("MyType")
fn_entry = apiNs.functions.get("myMethod")
ev_entry ="onSomeEvent")
assert isinstance(type_entry, APIType)
assert isinstance(fn_entry, APIFunction)
assert isinstance(ev_entry, APIEvent)
def test_parse_error_on_types_without_id_or_extend(
base_schema, write_jsonschema_fixtures
Test parsing types without id or $extend raise an error while parsing.
schema_dir = write_jsonschema_fixtures(
"test_broken_types.json": json.dumps(
"namespace": "testBrokenTypeAPI",
"types": [
# type with no "id2 or "$ref" properties
schemas = Schemas()
schemas.load_schemas(schema_dir, "toolkit")
with pytest.raises(
match=r"Error loading schema type data defined in 'toolkit testBrokenTypeAPI'",
def test_parse_ignores_unsupported_types(base_schema, write_jsonschema_fixtures):
Test parsing types without id or $extend raise an error while parsing.
schema_dir = write_jsonschema_fixtures(
"test_broken_types.json": json.dumps(
"namespace": "testUnsupportedTypesAPI",
"types": [
"id": "AnUnsupportedType",
"type": "string",
"unsupported": True,
# missing id or $ref shouldn't matter
# no parsing error expected.
"unsupported": True,
{"id": "ASupportedType", "type": "string"},
schemas = Schemas()
schemas.load_schemas(schema_dir, "toolkit")
apiNs = schemas.api_namespaces["testUnsupportedTypesAPI"]
assert set(apiNs.types.keys()) == set(["ASupportedType"])
def test_parse_error_on_namespace_with_inconsistent_max_manifest_version(
base_schema, write_jsonschema_fixtures, tmpdir
Test parsing types without id or $extend raise an error while parsing.
browser_schema_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "browser")
mobile_schema_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "mobile")
base_namespace_schema = {
"namespace": "testInconsistentMaxManifestVersion",
browser_schema = {**base_namespace_schema, "max_manifest_version": 2}
mobile_schema = {**base_namespace_schema, "max_manifest_version": 3}
{"test_inconsistent_maxmv.json": json.dumps([browser_schema])},
{"test_inconsistent_maxmv.json": json.dumps([mobile_schema])}, mobile_schema_dir
schemas = Schemas()
schemas.load_schemas(browser_schema_dir, "browser")
schemas.load_schemas(mobile_schema_dir, "mobile")
with pytest.raises(
match=r"Error loading schema data - overwriting existing max_manifest_version value",
if __name__ == "__main__":