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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_extensions_ExtensionAPIRequestForwarder_h
#define mozilla_extensions_ExtensionAPIRequestForwarder_h
#include "ExtensionAPIRequest.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/PromiseWorkerProxy.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/RootedDictionary.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SerializedStackHolder.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/StructuredCloneHolder.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WorkerRunnable.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WorkerPrivate.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ToJSValue.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class ClientInfoAndState;
class Function;
} // namespace dom
namespace extensions {
class ExtensionAPIRequestForwarder;
// A class used to forward an API request (a method call, add/remote listener or
// a property getter) originated from a WebExtensions global (a window, a
// content script sandbox or a service worker) to the JS privileged API request
// handler available on the main thread (mozIExtensionAPIRequestHandler).
// Instances of this class are meant to be short-living, and destroyed when the
// caller function is exiting.
class ExtensionAPIRequestForwarder {
friend class ExtensionAPIRequest;
using APIRequestType = mozIExtensionAPIRequest::RequestType;
using APIResultType = mozIExtensionAPIRequestResult::ResultType;
static nsresult JSArrayToSequence(JSContext* aCx,
JS::Handle<JS::Value> aJSValue,
dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aResult);
static void ThrowUnexpectedError(JSContext* aCx, ErrorResult& aRv);
static mozIExtensionAPIRequestHandler& APIRequestHandler();
ExtensionAPIRequestForwarder(const APIRequestType aRequestType,
const nsAString& aApiNamespace,
const nsAString& aApiMethod,
const nsAString& aApiObjectType = u""_ns,
const nsAString& aApiObjectId = u""_ns);
mozIExtensionAPIRequest::RequestType GetRequestType() const {
return mRequestType;
const ExtensionAPIRequestTarget* GetRequestTarget() {
return &mRequestTarget;
void Run(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs, ErrorResult& aRv);
void Run(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs,
ExtensionEventListener* aListener, ErrorResult& aRv);
void Run(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetVal, ErrorResult& aRv);
void Run(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs,
ExtensionEventListener* aListener,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetVal, ErrorResult& aRv);
void Run(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs,
const RefPtr<dom::Promise>& aPromiseRetval, ErrorResult& aRv);
void Run(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetVal, ErrorResult& aRv);
void SetSerializedCallerStack(
UniquePtr<dom::SerializedStackHolder> aCallerStack);
virtual ~ExtensionAPIRequestForwarder() = default;
already_AddRefed<ExtensionAPIRequest> CreateAPIRequest(
nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs, ExtensionEventListener* aListener,
ErrorResult& aRv);
APIRequestType mRequestType;
ExtensionAPIRequestTarget mRequestTarget;
Maybe<UniquePtr<dom::SerializedStackHolder>> mStackHolder;
* This runnable is used internally by ExtensionAPIRequestForwader class
* to call the JS privileged code that handle the API requests originated
* from the WebIDL bindings instantiated in a worker thread.
* The runnable is meant to block the worker thread until we get a result
* from the JS privileged code that handles the API request.
* For async API calls we still need to block the worker thread until
* we get a promise (which we link to the worker thread promise and
* at that point we unblock the worker thread), because the JS privileged
* code handling the API request may need to throw some errors synchonously
* (e.g. in case of additional validations based on the API schema definition
* for the parameter, like strings that has to pass additional validation
* or normalizations).
class RequestWorkerRunnable : public dom::WorkerMainThreadRunnable {
using APIRequestType = mozIExtensionAPIRequest::RequestType;
using APIResultType = mozIExtensionAPIRequestResult::ResultType;
RequestWorkerRunnable(dom::WorkerPrivate* aWorkerPrivate,
ExtensionAPIRequestForwarder* aOuterAPIRequest);
void SetSerializedCallerStack(
UniquePtr<dom::SerializedStackHolder> aCallerStack);
* Init a request runnable for AddListener and RemoveListener API requests
* (which do have an event callback callback and do not expect any return
* value).
void Init(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs,
ExtensionEventListener* aListener, ErrorResult& aRv);
* Init a request runnable for CallFunctionNoReturn API requests (which do
* do not expect any return value).
void Init(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs, ErrorResult& aRv) {
Init(aGlobal, aCx, aArgs, nullptr, aRv);
* Init a request runnable for CallAsyncFunction API requests (which do
* expect a promise as return value).
void Init(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, JSContext* aCx,
const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs,
const RefPtr<dom::Promise>& aPromiseRetval, ErrorResult& aRv);
bool MainThreadRun() override;
void ReadResult(JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aResult,
ErrorResult& aRv);
Maybe<mozIExtensionAPIRequestResult::ResultType> GetResultType() {
return mResultType;
virtual bool ProcessHandlerResult(JSContext* aCx,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval);
already_AddRefed<WebExtensionPolicy> GetWebExtensionPolicy();
already_AddRefed<ExtensionAPIRequest> CreateAPIRequest(JSContext* aCx);
void SerializeCallerStack(JSContext* aCx);
void DeserializeCallerStack(JSContext* aCx,
JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval);
void SerializeArgs(JSContext* aCx, const dom::Sequence<JS::Value>& aArgs,
ErrorResult& aRv);
nsresult DeserializeArgs(JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aArgs);
bool HandleAPIRequest(JSContext* aCx, JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aRetval);
Maybe<mozIExtensionAPIRequestResult::ResultType> mResultType;
Maybe<UniquePtr<dom::StructuredCloneHolder>> mResultHolder;
RefPtr<dom::PromiseWorkerProxy> mPromiseProxy;
Maybe<UniquePtr<dom::StructuredCloneHolder>> mArgsHolder;
Maybe<UniquePtr<dom::SerializedStackHolder>> mStackHolder;
Maybe<dom::ClientInfo> mClientInfo;
uint64_t mSWDescriptorId;
// Only set for addListener/removeListener API requests.
RefPtr<ExtensionEventListener> mEventListener;
// The outer request object is kept alive by the caller for the
// entire life of the inner worker runnable.
ExtensionAPIRequestForwarder* mOuterRequest;
class RequestInitWorkerRunnable : public dom::WorkerMainThreadRunnable {
Maybe<dom::ClientInfo> mClientInfo;
RequestInitWorkerRunnable(dom::WorkerPrivate* aWorkerPrivate,
Maybe<dom::ClientInfo>& aSWClientInfo);
bool MainThreadRun() override;
class NotifyWorkerLoadedRunnable : public Runnable {
uint64_t mSWDescriptorId;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mSWBaseURI;
explicit NotifyWorkerLoadedRunnable(const uint64_t aServiceWorkerDescriptorId,
const nsCOMPtr<nsIURI>& aWorkerBaseURI)
: Runnable("extensions::NotifyWorkerLoadedRunnable"),
mSWBaseURI(aWorkerBaseURI) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mSWDescriptorId > 0);
NS_IMETHOD Run() override;
NS_INLINE_DECL_REFCOUNTING_INHERITED(NotifyWorkerLoadedRunnable, Runnable)
~NotifyWorkerLoadedRunnable() = default;
class NotifyWorkerDestroyedRunnable : public Runnable {
uint64_t mSWDescriptorId;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mSWBaseURI;
explicit NotifyWorkerDestroyedRunnable(
const uint64_t aServiceWorkerDescriptorId,
const nsCOMPtr<nsIURI>& aWorkerBaseURI)
: Runnable("extensions::NotifyWorkerDestroyedRunnable"),
mSWBaseURI(aWorkerBaseURI) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mSWDescriptorId > 0);
NS_IMETHOD Run() override;
NS_INLINE_DECL_REFCOUNTING_INHERITED(NotifyWorkerDestroyedRunnable, Runnable)
~NotifyWorkerDestroyedRunnable() = default;
} // namespace extensions
} // namespace mozilla
#endif // mozilla_extensions_ExtensionAPIRequestForwarder_h