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Test Info: Warnings

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// Run a background task which itself waits for a launched background task, which itself waits for a
// launched background task, etc. This is an easy way to ensure that tasks are running concurrently
// without requiring concurrency primitives.
add_task(async function test_backgroundtask_unique_profile() {
let sentinel = Services.uuid.generateUUID().toString();
sentinel = sentinel.substring(1, sentinel.length - 1);
let count = 3;
let stdoutLines = [];
let exitCode = await do_backgroundtask("unique_profile", {
extraArgs: [sentinel, count.toString()],
onStdoutLine: line => stdoutLines.push(line),
Assert.equal(0, exitCode);
let infos = [];
let profiles = new Set();
for (let line of stdoutLines) {
if (line.includes(sentinel)) {
let info = JSON.parse(line.split(sentinel)[1]);
`Found ${count} distinct profiles: ${JSON.stringify(
)} in: ${JSON.stringify(infos)}`