Name Description Size
BounceTrackingMapEntry.cpp 719
BounceTrackingMapEntry.h Represents an entry in the global bounce tracker or user activation map. 979
BounceTrackingProtection.cpp 31047
BounceTrackingProtection.h 4200
BounceTrackingProtectionStorage.cpp 30160
BounceTrackingProtectionStorage.h 8659
BounceTrackingRecord.cpp 2173
BounceTrackingRecord.h 1918
BounceTrackingState.cpp 23914
BounceTrackingState.h This class manages the bounce tracking state for a given tab. It is attached to top-level CanonicalBrowsingContexts. 6085
BounceTrackingStateGlobal.cpp 8068
BounceTrackingStateGlobal.h This class holds the global state maps which are used to keep track of potential bounce trackers and user activations. @see BounceTrackingState for the per browser / tab state. Updates to the state maps are persisted to storage. 4750
BounceTrackingStorageObserver.cpp 6304
BounceTrackingStorageObserver.h 862
components.conf 862
metrics.yaml 2169 1330
nsIBounceTrackingMapEntry.idl This interface represents an entry in the global bounce tracker or user activation map. 761
nsIBounceTrackingProtection.idl 2445