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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
#include "StorageAccess.h"
#include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h"
#include "mozilla/Components.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "mozilla/net/CookieJarSettings.h"
#include "mozilla/PermissionManager.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_browser.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_network.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_privacy.h"
#include "mozilla/StorageAccess.h"
#include "nsAboutProtocolUtils.h"
#include "nsContentUtils.h"
#include "nsGlobalWindowInner.h"
#include "nsICookiePermission.h"
#include "nsICookieService.h"
#include "nsICookieJarSettings.h"
#include "nsIHttpChannel.h"
#include "nsIPermission.h"
#include "nsIWebProgressListener.h"
#include "nsIClassifiedChannel.h"
#include "nsNetUtil.h"
#include "nsScriptSecurityManager.h"
#include "nsSandboxFlags.h"
#include "AntiTrackingUtils.h"
#include "AntiTrackingLog.h"
#include "ContentBlockingAllowList.h"
#include "mozIThirdPartyUtil.h"
using namespace mozilla;
using namespace mozilla::dom;
using mozilla::net::CookieJarSettings;
// This internal method returns ACCESS_DENY if the access is denied,
// ACCESS_DEFAULT if unknown, some other access code if granted.
uint32_t mozilla::detail::CheckCookiePermissionForPrincipal(
nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) {
uint32_t cookiePermission = nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DEFAULT;
if (!aPrincipal->GetIsContentPrincipal()) {
return cookiePermission;
nsresult rv =
aCookieJarSettings->CookiePermission(aPrincipal, &cookiePermission);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DEFAULT;
// If we have a custom cookie permission, let's use it.
return cookiePermission;
* Checks if storage for a given principal is permitted by the user's
* preferences.
* Ways this function is used:
* - aPrincipal, aWindow, optional aURI, others don't care: does this principal
* have storage access, testing this window's sandboxing and if it is
* third-party. If aURI is provided, we use that for the window's third party
* comparisons.
* - aPrincipal, aChannel, aWindow=nullptr, others don't care: does this
* principal have storage access, testing if this channel is third-party. Note
* that this ignores aURI.
* - aPrincipal, optional aCookieJarSettings, aWindow=nullptr, aChannel=nullptr,
* aURI don't care: does this principal have storage access (assuming it is in a
* first-party context and not sandboxed). If we aren't given a
* cookieJarSettings, we build one with the principal.
* In all of these cases, we test:
* - if aPrincipal is a NullPrincipal, denying
* - if this is for an about URI, allowing (maybe with private browsing
* constraints) We test the aWindow's extant doc's URI's, aURI's, and
* aPrincipal's scheme to be "about".
* We also send a decision to the ContentBlockingNotifier if we have aWindow or
* aChannel and didn't stop at the NullPrincipal or about: checks.
* Used in the implementation of StorageAllowedForWindow,
* StorageAllowedForDocument, StorageAllowedForChannel and
* StorageAllowedForServiceWorker.
static StorageAccess InternalStorageAllowedCheck(
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow, nsIURI* aURI,
nsIChannel* aChannel, nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings,
uint32_t& aRejectedReason) {
aRejectedReason = 0;
StorageAccess access = StorageAccess::eAllow;
// We don't allow storage on the null principal, in general. Even if the
// calling context is chrome.
if (aPrincipal->GetIsNullPrincipal()) {
return StorageAccess::eDeny;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> documentURI;
if (aWindow) {
// If the document is sandboxed, then it is not permitted to use storage
Document* document = aWindow->GetExtantDoc();
if (document && document->GetSandboxFlags() & SANDBOXED_ORIGIN) {
return StorageAccess::eDeny;
// Check if we are in private browsing, and record that fact
if (document && document->IsInPrivateBrowsing()) {
access = StorageAccess::ePrivateBrowsing;
// Get the document URI for the below about: URI check.
documentURI = document ? document->GetDocumentURI() : nullptr;
// About URIs are allowed to access storage, even if they don't have chrome
// privileges. If this is not desired, than the consumer will have to
// implement their own restriction functionality.
// This is due to backwards-compatibility and the state of storage access
// before the introducton of InternalStorageAllowedCheck:
// localStorage, caches: allowed in 3rd-party iframes always
// IndexedDB: allowed in 3rd-party iframes only if 3rd party URI is an about:
// URI within a specific allowlist
// localStorage, caches: allowed in 3rd-party iframes by default. Preference
// can be set to disable in 3rd-party, which will not disallow in about:
// URIs.
// IndexedDB: allowed in 3rd-party iframes by default. Preference can be set
// to disable in 3rd-party, which will disallow in about: URIs, unless they
// are within a specific allowlist.
// This means that behavior for storage with internal about: URIs should not
// be affected, which is desireable due to the lack of automated testing for
// about: URIs with these preferences set, and the importance of the correct
// functioning of these URIs even with custom preferences.
// We need to check the aURI or the document URI here instead of only checking
// the URI from the principal. Because the principal might not have a URI if
// it is a system principal.
if ((aURI && aURI->SchemeIs("about") &&
!NS_IsContentAccessibleAboutURI(aURI)) ||
(documentURI && documentURI->SchemeIs("about") &&
!NS_IsContentAccessibleAboutURI(documentURI)) ||
aPrincipal->SchemeIs("about")) {
return access;
bool disabled = true;
if (aWindow) {
nsIURI* documentURI = aURI ? aURI : aWindow->GetDocumentURI();
disabled = !documentURI ||
!ShouldAllowAccessFor(aWindow, documentURI, &aRejectedReason);
// If the window is a third-party tracker, we should set the rejected reason
// to partitioned tracker.
uint32_t rejectedReason = aRejectedReason;
if (aRejectedReason ==
nsContentUtils::IsThirdPartyTrackingResourceWindow(aWindow)) {
rejectedReason =
disabled ? ContentBlockingNotifier::BlockingDecision::eBlock
: ContentBlockingNotifier::BlockingDecision::eAllow,
} else if (aChannel) {
disabled = false;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
nsresult rv = aChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri));
if (!NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
disabled = !ShouldAllowAccessFor(aChannel, uri, &aRejectedReason);
// If the channel is a third-party tracker, we should set the rejected
// reason to partitioned tracker.
uint32_t rejectedReason = aRejectedReason;
nsCOMPtr<nsIClassifiedChannel> classifiedChannel =
if (classifiedChannel &&
classifiedChannel->IsThirdPartyTrackingResource() &&
aRejectedReason ==
rejectedReason =
disabled ? ContentBlockingNotifier::BlockingDecision::eBlock
: ContentBlockingNotifier::BlockingDecision::eAllow,
} else {
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> cookieJarSettings = aCookieJarSettings;
if (!cookieJarSettings) {
cookieJarSettings = net::CookieJarSettings::Create(aPrincipal);
disabled = !ShouldAllowAccessFor(aPrincipal, aCookieJarSettings);
if (!disabled) {
return access;
// We want to have a partitioned storage only for trackers.
// XXX: We should probably remove the check here because this was added for
// partitioned tracker only. This was never shipped.
if (aRejectedReason ==
aRejectedReason ==
return StorageAccess::ePartitionTrackersOrDeny;
// We want to have a partitioned storage for all third parties.
if (aRejectedReason ==
return StorageAccess::ePartitionForeignOrDeny;
return StorageAccess::eDeny;
* Wrapper around InternalStorageAllowedCheck which caches the check result on
* the inner window to improve performance. nsGlobalWindowInner is responsible
* for invalidating the cache state if storage access changes during window
* lifetime.
static StorageAccess InternalStorageAllowedCheckCached(
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow, nsIURI* aURI,
nsIChannel* aChannel, nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings,
uint32_t& aRejectedReason) {
// If enabled, check if we have already computed the storage access field
// for this window. This avoids repeated calls to
// InternalStorageAllowedCheck.
nsGlobalWindowInner* win = nullptr;
if (aWindow) {
win = nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(aWindow);
Maybe<StorageAccess> storageAccess =
if (storageAccess.isSome()) {
return storageAccess.value();
StorageAccess result = InternalStorageAllowedCheck(
aPrincipal, aWindow, aURI, aChannel, aCookieJarSettings, aRejectedReason);
if (win) {
// Remember check result for the lifetime of the window. It's the windows
// responsibility to invalidate this field if storage access changes
// because a storage access permission is granted.
win->SetStorageAllowedCache(result, aRejectedReason);
return result;
namespace mozilla {
StorageAccess StorageAllowedForWindow(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow,
uint32_t* aRejectedReason) {
uint32_t rejectedReason;
if (!aRejectedReason) {
aRejectedReason = &rejectedReason;
*aRejectedReason = 0;
if (Document* document = aWindow->GetExtantDoc()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = document->NodePrincipal();
// Note that GetChannel() below may return null, but that's OK, since the
// callee is able to deal with a null channel argument, and if passed
// null, will only fail to notify the UI in case storage gets blocked.
nsIChannel* channel = document->GetChannel();
return InternalStorageAllowedCheckCached(
principal, aWindow, nullptr, channel, document->CookieJarSettings(),
// No document? Try checking Private Browsing Mode without document
if (const nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global = aWindow->AsGlobal()) {
if (const nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = global->PrincipalOrNull()) {
if (principal->GetIsInPrivateBrowsing()) {
return StorageAccess::ePrivateBrowsing;
// Everything failed? Let's return a generic rejected reason.
return StorageAccess::eDeny;
StorageAccess StorageAllowedForDocument(const Document* aDoc) {
StorageAccess cookieAllowed = CookieAllowedForDocument(aDoc);
if (StaticPrefs::
privacy_partition_always_partition_third_party_non_cookie_storage() &&
cookieAllowed > StorageAccess::eDeny) {
return StorageAccess::ePartitionForeignOrDeny;
return cookieAllowed;
StorageAccess CookieAllowedForDocument(const Document* aDoc) {
if (nsPIDOMWindowInner* inner = aDoc->GetInnerWindow()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = aDoc->NodePrincipal();
// Note that GetChannel() below may return null, but that's OK, since the
// callee is able to deal with a null channel argument, and if passed
// null, will only fail to notify the UI in case storage gets blocked.
nsIChannel* channel = aDoc->GetChannel();
uint32_t rejectedReason = 0;
return InternalStorageAllowedCheckCached(
principal, inner, nullptr, channel,
const_cast<Document*>(aDoc)->CookieJarSettings(), rejectedReason);
return StorageAccess::eDeny;
StorageAccess StorageAllowedForNewWindow(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, nsIURI* aURI,
nsPIDOMWindowInner* aParent) {
// parent may be nullptr
uint32_t rejectedReason = 0;
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> cjs;
if (aParent && aParent->GetExtantDoc()) {
cjs = aParent->GetExtantDoc()->CookieJarSettings();
} else {
cjs = net::CookieJarSettings::Create(aPrincipal);
return InternalStorageAllowedCheck(aPrincipal, aParent, aURI, nullptr, cjs,
StorageAccess StorageAllowedForChannel(nsIChannel* aChannel) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal;
Unused << nsContentUtils::GetSecurityManager()->GetChannelResultPrincipal(
aChannel, getter_AddRefs(principal));
NS_ENSURE_TRUE(principal, StorageAccess::eDeny);
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo = aChannel->LoadInfo();
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> cookieJarSettings;
nsresult rv =
NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, StorageAccess::eDeny);
uint32_t rejectedReason = 0;
StorageAccess result = InternalStorageAllowedCheck(
principal, nullptr, nullptr, aChannel, cookieJarSettings, rejectedReason);
return result;
StorageAccess StorageAllowedForServiceWorker(
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings) {
uint32_t rejectedReason = 0;
return InternalStorageAllowedCheck(aPrincipal, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
aCookieJarSettings, rejectedReason);
bool ShouldPartitionStorage(StorageAccess aAccess) {
return aAccess == StorageAccess::ePartitionTrackersOrDeny ||
aAccess == StorageAccess::ePartitionForeignOrDeny;
bool ShouldPartitionStorage(uint32_t aRejectedReason) {
return aRejectedReason ==
aRejectedReason ==
aRejectedReason ==
bool StoragePartitioningEnabled(StorageAccess aAccess,
nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings) {
return aAccess == StorageAccess::ePartitionForeignOrDeny &&
aCookieJarSettings->GetCookieBehavior() ==
bool StoragePartitioningEnabled(uint32_t aRejectedReason,
nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings) {
return aRejectedReason ==
aCookieJarSettings->GetCookieBehavior() ==
int32_t CookiesBehavior(Document* a3rdPartyDocument) {
// WebExtensions principals always get BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT as cookieBehavior
if (BasePrincipal::Cast(a3rdPartyDocument->NodePrincipal())->AddonPolicy()) {
return nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT;
return a3rdPartyDocument->CookieJarSettings()->GetCookieBehavior();
bool CookiesBehaviorRejectsThirdPartyContexts(Document* aDocument) {
// WebExtensions principals always get BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT as cookieBehavior
if (BasePrincipal::Cast(aDocument->NodePrincipal())->AddonPolicy()) {
return false;
return aDocument->CookieJarSettings()->GetRejectThirdPartyContexts();
int32_t CookiesBehavior(nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo, nsIURI* a3rdPartyURI) {
// WebExtensions 3rd party URI always get BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT as cookieBehavior,
// this is semantically equivalent to the principal having a AddonPolicy().
if (a3rdPartyURI->SchemeIs("moz-extension")) {
return nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT;
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> cookieJarSettings;
nsresult rv =
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT;
return cookieJarSettings->GetCookieBehavior();
int32_t CookiesBehavior(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings) {
// WebExtensions principals always get BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT as cookieBehavior
if (BasePrincipal::Cast(aPrincipal)->AddonPolicy()) {
return nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT;
return aCookieJarSettings->GetCookieBehavior();
bool ShouldAllowAccessFor(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow, nsIURI* aURI,
uint32_t* aRejectedReason) {
// Let's avoid a null check on aRejectedReason everywhere else.
uint32_t rejectedReason = 0;
if (!aRejectedReason) {
aRejectedReason = &rejectedReason;
LOG_SPEC(("Computing whether window %p has access to URI %s", aWindow, _spec),
nsGlobalWindowInner* innerWindow = nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(aWindow);
Document* document = innerWindow->GetExtantDoc();
if (!document) {
LOG(("Our window has no document"));
return false;
uint32_t cookiePermission = detail::CheckCookiePermissionForPrincipal(
document->CookieJarSettings(), document->NodePrincipal());
if (cookiePermission != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DEFAULT) {
("CheckCookiePermissionForPrincipal() returned a non-default access "
"code (%d) for window's principal, returning %s",
cookiePermission != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DENY ? "success"
: "failure"));
if (cookiePermission != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DENY) {
return true;
*aRejectedReason =
return false;
int32_t behavior = CookiesBehavior(document);
if (behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT) {
LOG(("The cookie behavior pref mandates accepting all cookies!"));
return true;
if (ContentBlockingAllowList::Check(aWindow)) {
return true;
if (behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT) {
LOG(("The cookie behavior pref mandates rejecting all cookies!"));
*aRejectedReason = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_ALL;
return false;
// As a performance optimization, we only perform this check for
// implicily checked later below.
if (behavior != nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER &&
behavior !=
// Let's check if this is a 3rd party context.
if (!AntiTrackingUtils::IsThirdPartyWindow(aWindow, aURI)) {
LOG(("Our window isn't a third-party window"));
return true;
if (behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN ||
behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN) {
// XXX For non-cookie forms of storage, we handle BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN
// by simply rejecting the request to use the storage. In the future, if
// we change the meaning of BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN to be one which makes
// sense for non-cookie storage types, this may change.
LOG(("Nothing more to do due to the behavior code %d", int(behavior)));
*aRejectedReason = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_FOREIGN;
return false;
// The document has been allowlisted. We can return from here directly.
if (document->HasStorageAccessPermissionGrantedByAllowList()) {
return true;
behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER ||
behavior ==
uint32_t blockedReason =
if (behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER) {
if (!nsContentUtils::IsThirdPartyTrackingResourceWindow(aWindow)) {
LOG(("Our window isn't a third-party tracking window"));
return true;
nsCOMPtr<nsIClassifiedChannel> classifiedChannel =
if (classifiedChannel) {
uint32_t classificationFlags =
if (classificationFlags & nsIClassifiedChannel::ClassificationFlags::
blockedReason =
} else if (behavior ==
if (nsContentUtils::IsThirdPartyTrackingResourceWindow(aWindow)) {
// fall through, but remember that we're partitioned for trackers if
// it's instructed by the pref.
if (!StaticPrefs::network_cookie_cookieBehavior_trackerCookieBlocking()) {
blockedReason =
} else if (AntiTrackingUtils::IsThirdPartyWindow(aWindow, aURI)) {
LOG(("We're in the third-party context, storage should be partitioned"));
// fall through, but remember that we're partitioning.
blockedReason = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_COOKIES_PARTITIONED_FOREIGN;
} else {
LOG(("Our window isn't a third-party window, storage is allowed"));
return true;
} else {
"This should be an exhaustive list of cookie behaviors possible "
Document* doc = aWindow->GetExtantDoc();
// Make sure storage access isn't disabled
if (doc && (doc->StorageAccessSandboxed())) {
LOG(("Our document is sandboxed"));
*aRejectedReason = blockedReason;
return false;
// Document::UsingStorageAccess first checks if storage access granted is
// cached in the inner window, if no, it then checks the storage permission
// flag in the channel's loadinfo
bool allowed = document->UsingStorageAccess();
if (!allowed) {
*aRejectedReason = blockedReason;
} else {
if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(gAntiTrackingLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug) &&
aWindow->UsingStorageAccess()) {
LOG(("Permission stored in the window. All good."));
return allowed;
bool ShouldAllowAccessFor(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsIURI* aURI,
uint32_t* aRejectedReason) {
// Let's avoid a null check on aRejectedReason everywhere else.
uint32_t rejectedReason = 0;
if (!aRejectedReason) {
aRejectedReason = &rejectedReason;
nsIScriptSecurityManager* ssm =
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> channelURI;
nsresult rv = NS_GetFinalChannelURI(aChannel, getter_AddRefs(channelURI));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
LOG(("Failed to get the channel final URI, bail out early"));
return true;
("Computing whether channel %p has access to URI %s", aChannel, _spec),
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo = aChannel->LoadInfo();
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> cookieJarSettings;
rv = loadInfo->GetCookieJarSettings(getter_AddRefs(cookieJarSettings));
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
("Failed to get the cookie jar settings from the loadinfo, bail out "
return true;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> channelPrincipal;
rv = ssm->GetChannelURIPrincipal(aChannel, getter_AddRefs(channelPrincipal));
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
LOG(("No channel principal, bail out early"));
return false;
uint32_t cookiePermission = detail::CheckCookiePermissionForPrincipal(
cookieJarSettings, channelPrincipal);
if (cookiePermission != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DEFAULT) {
("CheckCookiePermissionForPrincipal() returned a non-default access "
"code (%d) for channel's principal, returning %s",
cookiePermission != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DENY ? "success"
: "failure"));
if (cookiePermission != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DENY) {
return true;
*aRejectedReason =
return false;
if (!channelURI) {
LOG(("No channel uri, bail out early"));
return false;
int32_t behavior = CookiesBehavior(loadInfo, channelURI);
if (behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_ACCEPT) {
LOG(("The cookie behavior pref mandates accepting all cookies!"));
return true;
nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> httpChannel = do_QueryInterface(aChannel);
if (httpChannel && ContentBlockingAllowList::Check(httpChannel)) {
return true;
if (behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT) {
LOG(("The cookie behavior pref mandates rejecting all cookies!"));
*aRejectedReason = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_ALL;
return false;
nsCOMPtr<mozIThirdPartyUtil> thirdPartyUtil =
if (!thirdPartyUtil) {
LOG(("No thirdPartyUtil, bail out early"));
return true;
bool thirdParty = false;
rv = thirdPartyUtil->IsThirdPartyChannel(aChannel, aURI, &thirdParty);
// Grant if it's not a 3rd party.
// Be careful to check the return value of IsThirdPartyChannel, since
// IsThirdPartyChannel() will fail if the channel's loading principal is the
// system principal...
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !thirdParty) {
LOG(("Our channel isn't a third-party channel"));
return true;
if (behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT_FOREIGN ||
behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN) {
// XXX For non-cookie forms of storage, we handle BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN
// by simply rejecting the request to use the storage. In the future, if
// we change the meaning of BEHAVIOR_LIMIT_FOREIGN to be one which makes
// sense for non-cookie storage types, this may change.
LOG(("Nothing more to do due to the behavior code %d", int(behavior)));
*aRejectedReason = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_COOKIES_BLOCKED_FOREIGN;
return false;
// The channel has been allowlisted. We can return from here.
if (loadInfo->GetStoragePermission() ==
nsILoadInfo::StoragePermissionAllowListed) {
return true;
behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER ||
behavior ==
uint32_t blockedReason =
// Not a tracker.
nsCOMPtr<nsIClassifiedChannel> classifiedChannel =
if (behavior == nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER) {
if (classifiedChannel) {
if (!classifiedChannel->IsThirdPartyTrackingResource()) {
LOG(("Our channel isn't a third-party tracking channel"));
return true;
uint32_t classificationFlags =
if (classificationFlags & nsIClassifiedChannel::ClassificationFlags::
blockedReason =
} else if (behavior ==
if (classifiedChannel &&
classifiedChannel->IsThirdPartyTrackingResource()) {
// fall through, but remember that we're partitioned for trackers if
// it's instructed by the pref.
if (!StaticPrefs::network_cookie_cookieBehavior_trackerCookieBlocking()) {
blockedReason =
} else if (AntiTrackingUtils::IsThirdPartyChannel(aChannel)) {
LOG(("We're in the third-party context, storage should be partitioned"));
// fall through but remember that we're partitioning.
blockedReason = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_COOKIES_PARTITIONED_FOREIGN;
} else {
LOG(("Our channel isn't a third-party channel, storage is allowed"));
return true;
} else {
"This should be an exhaustive list of cookie behaviors possible "
RefPtr<BrowsingContext> targetBC;
rv = loadInfo->GetTargetBrowsingContext(getter_AddRefs(targetBC));
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
LOG(("Failed to get the channel's target browsing context"));
return false;
// If we cannot get the target browsing context from the loadInfo, the
// channel could be a fetch request from a worker scope. In this case, we
// get the target browsing context from the worker associated browsing
// context instead.
if (!targetBC) {
rv = loadInfo->GetWorkerAssociatedBrowsingContext(getter_AddRefs(targetBC));
// We could have no target BC for the channel if it's for loading the script
// for remote workers, i.e. shared workers and service workers. In this
// case, we also don't have document, so we can skip the sandbox and the
// document check.
if (!targetBC) {
LOG(("No browsing context is available for the channel."));
if (targetBC &&
Document::StorageAccessSandboxed(targetBC->GetSandboxFlags())) {
LOG(("Our document is sandboxed"));
*aRejectedReason = blockedReason;
return false;
// Let's see if we have to grant the access for this particular channel.
// UsingStorageAccess only applies to channels that load
// documents, for sub-resources loads, just returns the result from
// loadInfo.
bool isDocument = false;
if (targetBC && isDocument) {
nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> inner =
if (inner && inner->UsingStorageAccess()) {
LOG(("Permission stored in the window. All good."));
return true;
bool allowed =
loadInfo->GetStoragePermission() != nsILoadInfo::NoStoragePermission;
if (!allowed) {
*aRejectedReason = blockedReason;
return allowed;
bool ShouldAllowAccessFor(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsICookieJarSettings* aCookieJarSettings) {
uint32_t access =
detail::CheckCookiePermissionForPrincipal(aCookieJarSettings, aPrincipal);
if (access != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DEFAULT) {
return access != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DENY;
int32_t behavior = CookiesBehavior(aPrincipal, aCookieJarSettings);
return behavior != nsICookieService::BEHAVIOR_REJECT;
/* static */
bool ApproximateAllowAccessForWithoutChannel(
nsPIDOMWindowInner* aFirstPartyWindow, nsIURI* aURI) {
("Computing a best guess as to whether window %p has access to URI %s",
aFirstPartyWindow, _spec),
Document* parentDocument =
if (NS_WARN_IF(!parentDocument)) {
LOG(("Failed to get the first party window's document"));
return false;
if (!CookiesBehaviorRejectsThirdPartyContexts(parentDocument)) {
LOG(("Disabled by the pref (%d), bail out early",
return true;
if (ContentBlockingAllowList::Check(aFirstPartyWindow)) {
return true;
if (!AntiTrackingUtils::IsThirdPartyWindow(aFirstPartyWindow, aURI)) {
LOG(("Our window isn't a third-party window"));
return true;
uint32_t cookiePermission = detail::CheckCookiePermissionForPrincipal(
parentDocument->CookieJarSettings(), parentDocument->NodePrincipal());
if (cookiePermission != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DEFAULT) {
("CheckCookiePermissionForPrincipal() returned a non-default access "
"code (%d), returning %s",
cookiePermission != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DENY ? "success"
: "failure"));
return cookiePermission != nsICookiePermission::ACCESS_DENY;
nsIPrincipal* parentPrincipal = parentDocument->NodePrincipal();
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = BasePrincipal::CreateContentPrincipal(
aURI, parentPrincipal->OriginAttributesRef());
nsAutoCString type;
AntiTrackingUtils::CreateStoragePermissionKey(principal, type);
return AntiTrackingUtils::CheckStoragePermission(
parentPrincipal, type, parentDocument->IsInPrivateBrowsing(), nullptr, 0);
} // namespace mozilla