Name Description Size Byte order-aware numeric primitives. This module contains equivalents of the native multi-byte integer types with no alignment requirement and supporting byte order conversions. For each native multi-byte integer type - `u16`, `i16`, `u32`, etc - and floating point type - `f32` and `f64` - an equivalent type is defined by this module - [`U16`], [`I16`], [`U32`], [`F64`], etc. Unlike their native counterparts, these types have alignment 1, and take a type parameter specifying the byte order in which the bytes are stored in memory. Each type implements the [`FromBytes`], [`AsBytes`], and [`Unaligned`] traits. These two properties, taken together, make these types useful for defining data structures whose memory layout matches a wire format such as that of a network protocol or a file format. Such formats often have multi-byte values at offsets that do not respect the alignment requirements of the equivalent native types, and stored in a byte order not necessarily the same as that of the target platform. Type aliases are provided for common byte orders in the [`big_endian`], [`little_endian`], [`network_endian`], and [`native_endian`] submodules. # Example One use of these types is for representing network packet formats, such as UDP: ```rust,edition2021 # #[cfg(feature = "derive")] { // This example uses derives, and won't compile without them use zerocopy::{AsBytes, ByteSlice, FromBytes, FromZeroes, Ref, Unaligned}; use zerocopy::byteorder::network_endian::U16; #[derive(FromZeroes, FromBytes, AsBytes, Unaligned)] #[repr(C)] struct UdpHeader { src_port: U16, dst_port: U16, length: U16, checksum: U16, } struct UdpPacket<B: ByteSlice> { header: Ref<B, UdpHeader>, body: B, } impl<B: ByteSlice> UdpPacket<B> { fn parse(bytes: B) -> Option<UdpPacket<B>> { let (header, body) = Ref::new_from_prefix(bytes)?; Some(UdpPacket { header, body }) } fn src_port(&self) -> u16 { self.header.src_port.get() } // more getters... } # } ``` 38866 343743 Utilities used by macros and by `zerocopy-derive`. These are defined here `zerocopy` rather than in code generated by macros or by `zerocopy-derive` so that they can be compiled once rather than recompiled for every invocation (e.g., if they were defined in generated code, then deriving `AsBytes` and `FromBytes` on three different types would result in the code in question being emitted and compiled six different times). 32051 18558 Code that should fail to compile during the post-monomorphization compiler pass. Due to [a limitation with the `trybuild` crate][trybuild-issue], we cannot use our UI testing framework to test compilation failures that are encountered after monomorphization has complated. This module has one item for each such test we would prefer to have as a UI test, with the code in question appearing as a rustdoc example which is marked with `compile_fail`. This has the effect of causing doctests to fail if any of these examples compile successfully. This is very much a hack and not a complete replacement for UI tests - most notably because this only provides a single "compile vs fail" bit of information, but does not allow us to depend upon the specific error that causes compilation to fail. [trybuild-issue]: 4444
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