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//! inotify support for working with inotify objects.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use rustix::fs::inotify;
//! use rustix::io;
//! use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
//! # fn test() -> io::Result<()> {
//! // Create an inotify object. In this example, we use `NONBLOCK` so that the
//! // reader fails with `WOULDBLOCK` when no events are ready. Otherwise it
//! // will block until at least one event is ready.
//! let inotify = inotify::init(inotify::CreateFlags::NONBLOCK)?;
//! // Add a directory to watch.
//! inotify::add_watch(
//! &inotify,
//! "/path/to/some/directory/to/watch",
//! inotify::WatchFlags::ALL_EVENTS,
//! )?;
//! // Generate some events in the watched directory…
//! // Loop over pending events.
//! let mut buf = [MaybeUninit::uninit(); 512];
//! let mut iter = inotify::Reader::new(inotify, &mut buf);
//! loop {
//! let entry = match {
//! // Stop iterating if there are no more events for now.
//! Err(io::Errno::WOULDBLOCK) => break,
//! Err(e) => return Err(e),
//! Ok(entry) => entry,
//! };
//! // Use `entry`…
//! }
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
use super::inotify;
pub use crate::backend::fs::inotify::{CreateFlags, ReadFlags, WatchFlags};
use crate::backend::fs::syscalls;
use crate::fd::{AsFd, OwnedFd};
use crate::ffi::CStr;
use crate::io;
use crate::io::{read_uninit, Errno};
use core::mem::{align_of, size_of, MaybeUninit};
use linux_raw_sys::general::inotify_event;
#[deprecated(note = "Use `inotify::add_watch`.")]
pub use add_watch as inotify_add_watch;
#[deprecated(note = "Use `inotify::init`.")]
pub use init as inotify_init;
#[deprecated(note = "Use `inotify::remove_watch`.")]
pub use remove_watch as inotify_remove_watch;
/// `inotify_init1(flags)`—Creates a new inotify object.
/// Use the [`CreateFlags::CLOEXEC`] flag to prevent the resulting file
/// descriptor from being implicitly passed across `exec` boundaries.
#[doc(alias = "inotify_init1")]
pub fn init(flags: inotify::CreateFlags) -> io::Result<OwnedFd> {
/// `inotify_add_watch(self, path, flags)`—Adds a watch to inotify.
/// This registers or updates a watch for the filesystem path `path` and
/// returns a watch descriptor corresponding to this watch.
/// Note: Due to the existence of hardlinks, providing two different paths to
/// this method may result in it returning the same watch descriptor. An
/// application should keep track of this externally to avoid logic errors.
#[doc(alias = "inotify_add_watch")]
pub fn add_watch<P: crate::path::Arg>(
inot: impl AsFd,
path: P,
flags: inotify::WatchFlags,
) -> io::Result<i32> {
path.into_with_c_str(|path| syscalls::inotify_add_watch(inot.as_fd(), path, flags))
/// `inotify_rm_watch(self, wd)`—Removes a watch from this inotify.
/// The watch descriptor provided should have previously been returned by
/// [`inotify::add_watch`] and not previously have been removed.
#[doc(alias = "inotify_rm_watch")]
pub fn remove_watch(inot: impl AsFd, wd: i32) -> io::Result<()> {
syscalls::inotify_rm_watch(inot.as_fd(), wd)
/// An inotify event iterator implemented with the read syscall.
/// See the [`RawDir`] API for more details and usage examples as this API is
/// based on it.
/// [`RawDir`]: crate::fs::raw_dir::RawDir
pub struct Reader<'buf, Fd: AsFd> {
fd: Fd,
buf: &'buf mut [MaybeUninit<u8>],
initialized: usize,
offset: usize,
impl<'buf, Fd: AsFd> Reader<'buf, Fd> {
/// Create a new iterator from the given file descriptor and buffer.
pub fn new(fd: Fd, buf: &'buf mut [MaybeUninit<u8>]) -> Self {
Self {
buf: {
let offset = buf.as_ptr().align_offset(align_of::<inotify_event>());
if offset < buf.len() {
&mut buf[offset..]
} else {
&mut []
initialized: 0,
offset: 0,
/// An inotify event.
pub struct InotifyEvent<'a> {
wd: i32,
events: ReadFlags,
cookie: u32,
file_name: Option<&'a CStr>,
impl<'a> InotifyEvent<'a> {
/// Returns the watch for which this event occurs.
pub fn wd(&self) -> i32 {
/// Returns a description of the events.
#[doc(alias = "mask")]
pub fn events(&self) -> ReadFlags {
/// Returns the unique cookie associating related events.
pub fn cookie(&self) -> u32 {
/// Returns the file name of this event, if any.
pub fn file_name(&self) -> Option<&CStr> {
impl<'buf, Fd: AsFd> Reader<'buf, Fd> {
/// Read the next inotify event.
/// This is similar to `[Iterator::next`] except that it doesn't return an
/// `Option`, because the stream doesn't have an ending. It always returns
/// events or errors.
/// If there are no events in the buffer and none ready to be read:
/// - If the file descriptor was opened with
/// [`inotify::CreateFlags::NONBLOCK`], this will fail with
/// [`Errno::AGAIN`].
/// - Otherwise this will block until at least one event is ready or an
/// error occurs.
pub fn next(&mut self) -> io::Result<InotifyEvent<'_>> {
if self.is_buffer_empty() {
match read_uninit(self.fd.as_fd(), self.buf).map(|(init, _)| init.len()) {
Ok(0) => return Err(Errno::INVAL),
Ok(bytes_read) => {
self.initialized = bytes_read;
self.offset = 0;
Err(e) => return Err(e),
let ptr = self.buf[self.offset..].as_ptr();
// - This data is initialized by the check above.
// - Assumption: the kernel will not give us partial structs.
// - Assumption: the kernel uses proper alignment between structs.
// - The starting pointer is aligned (performed in `Reader::new`).
let event = unsafe { &*ptr.cast::<inotify_event>() };
self.offset += size_of::<inotify_event>() + usize::try_from(event.len).unwrap();
Ok(InotifyEvent {
wd: event.wd,
events: ReadFlags::from_bits_retain(event.mask),
cookie: event.cookie,
file_name: if event.len > 0 {
// SAFETY: The kernel guarantees a NUL-terminated string.
Some(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr( })
} else {
/// Returns true if the internal buffer is empty and will be refilled when
/// calling [`next`]. This is useful to avoid further blocking reads.
/// [`next`]: Self::next
pub fn is_buffer_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.offset >= self.initialized