abs.rs |
POSIX-style filesystem functions which operate on bare paths. |
10050 |
at.rs |
POSIX-style `*at` functions.
The `dirfd` argument to these functions may be a file descriptor for a
directory, the special value [`CWD`], or the special value [`ABS`].
[`CWD`]: crate::fs::CWD
[`ABS`]: crate::fs::ABS |
15485 |
constants.rs |
Filesystem API constants, translated into `bitflags` constants. |
199 |
copy_file_range.rs |
565 |
cwd.rs |
The `cwd` function, representing the current working directory.
# Safety
This file uses `AT_FDCWD`, which is a raw file descriptor, but which is
always valid. |
661 |
dir.rs |
`Dir` and `DirEntry`. |
91 |
fadvise.rs |
603 |
fcntl.rs |
The Unix `fcntl` function is effectively lots of different functions hidden
behind a single dynamic dispatch interface. In order to provide a type-safe
API, rustix makes them all separate functions so that they can have
dedicated static type signatures. |
3684 |
fcntl_apple.rs |
2243 |
fcopyfile.rs |
2623 |
fd.rs |
Functions which operate on file descriptors. |
11903 |
getpath.rs |
384 |
id.rs |
33 |
inotify.rs |
inotify support for working with inotify objects.
# Examples
use rustix::fs::inotify;
use rustix::io;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
# fn test() -> io::Result<()> {
// Create an inotify object. In this example, we use `NONBLOCK` so that the
// reader fails with `WOULDBLOCK` when no events are ready. Otherwise it
// will block until at least one event is ready.
let inotify = inotify::init(inotify::CreateFlags::NONBLOCK)?;
// Add a directory to watch.
// Generate some events in the watched directory…
// Loop over pending events.
let mut buf = [MaybeUninit::uninit(); 512];
let mut iter = inotify::Reader::new(inotify, &mut buf);
loop {
let entry = match iter.next() {
// Stop iterating if there are no more events for now.
Err(io::Errno::WOULDBLOCK) => break,
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok(entry) => entry,
// Use `entry`…
# Ok(())
# } |
7218 |
ioctl.rs |
Filesystem-oriented `ioctl` functions. |
5655 |
makedev.rs |
677 |
memfd_create.rs |
633 |
mod.rs |
Filesystem operations. |
5076 |
mount.rs |
Linux `mount`.
These have been moved to a new `rustix::mount` module. |
1696 |
openat2.rs |
613 |
raw_dir.rs |
`RawDir` and `RawDirEntry`. |
7386 |
seek_from.rs |
The following is derived from Rust's
library/std/src/io/mod.rs at revision
dca3f1b786efd27be3b325ed1e01e247aa589c3b. |
2236 |
sendfile.rs |
468 |
special.rs |
The `CWD` and `ABS` constants, representing the current working directory
and absolute-only paths, respectively.
# Safety
This file uses `AT_FDCWD`, which is a raw file descriptor, but which is
always valid, and `-EBADF`, which is an undocumented by commonly used
convention of passing a value which will always fail if the accompanying
path isn't absolute. |
2601 |
statx.rs |
Linux `statx`. |
4133 |
sync.rs |
347 |
xattr.rs |
6057 |