19992 | |
91648 | |
Types and routines specific to dense DFAs.
This module is the home of [`dense::DFA`](DFA).
This module also contains a [`dense::Builder`](Builder) and a
[`dense::Config`](Config) for building and configuring a dense DFA.
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15978 | |
A DFA that can return spans for matching capturing groups.
This module is the home of a [one-pass DFA](DFA).
This module also contains a [`Builder`] and a [`Config`] for building and
configuring a one-pass DFA.
132942 | |
A DFA-backed `Regex`.
This module provides [`Regex`], which is defined generically over the
[`Automaton`] trait. A `Regex` implements convenience routines you might have
come to expect, such as finding the start/end of a match and iterating over
all non-overlapping matches. This `Regex` type is limited in its capabilities
to what a DFA can provide. Therefore, APIs involving capturing groups, for
example, are not provided.
Internally, a `Regex` is composed of two DFAs. One is a "forward" DFA that
finds the end offset of a match, where as the other is a "reverse" DFA that
find the start offset of a match.
See the [parent module](crate::dfa) for examples.
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9958 | |
24954 | |
Types and routines specific to sparse DFAs.
This module is the home of [`sparse::DFA`](DFA).
Unlike the [`dense`](super::dense) module, this module does not contain a
builder or configuration specific for sparse DFAs. Instead, the intended
way to build a sparse DFA is either by using a default configuration with
its constructor [`sparse::DFA::new`](DFA::new), or by first configuring the
construction of a dense DFA with [`dense::Builder`](super::dense::Builder)
and then calling [`dense::DFA::to_sparse`](super::dense::DFA::to_sparse). For
example, this configures a sparse DFA to do an overlapping search:
use regex_automata::{
dfa::{Automaton, OverlappingState, dense},
HalfMatch, Input, MatchKind,
let dense_re = dense::Builder::new()
let sparse_re = dense_re.to_sparse()?;
// Setup our haystack and initial start state.
let input = Input::new("Samwise");
let mut state = OverlappingState::start();
// First, 'Sam' will match.
sparse_re.try_search_overlapping_fwd(&input, &mut state)?;
assert_eq!(Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 3)), state.get_match());
// And now 'Samwise' will match.
sparse_re.try_search_overlapping_fwd(&input, &mut state)?;
assert_eq!(Some(HalfMatch::must(0, 7)), state.get_match());
# Ok::<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>(())
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