Name Description Size ! Implementations for `BlockContext` methods. 147046 4848 ! Generating SPIR-V for image operations. 48502 ! Bounds-checking for SPIR-V output. 25051 37246 6827 ! Backend for [SPIR-V][spv] (Standard Portable Intermediate Representation). [spv]: 32040 ! Generating SPIR-V for ray query operations. 22401 ! Reusing collections' previous allocations. 2381 ! Generate SPIR-V conditional structures. Builders for `if` structures with `and`s. The types in this module track the information needed to emit SPIR-V code for complex conditional structures, like those whose conditions involve short-circuiting 'and' and 'or' structures. These track labels and can emit `OpPhi` instructions to merge values produced along different paths. This currently only supports exactly the forms Naga uses, so it doesn't support `or` or `else`, and only supports zero or one merged values. Naga needs to emit code roughly like this: ```ignore value = DEFAULT; if COND1 && COND2 { value = THEN_VALUE; } // use value ``` Assuming `ctx` and `block` are a mutable references to a [`BlockContext`] and the current [`Block`], and `merge_type` is the SPIR-V type for the merged value `value`, we can build SPIR-V for the code above like so: ```ignore let cond = Selection::start(block, merge_type); // ... compute `cond1` ... cond.if_true(ctx, cond1, DEFAULT); // ... compute `cond2` ... cond.if_true(ctx, cond2, DEFAULT); // ... compute THEN_VALUE let merged_value = cond.finish(ctx, THEN_VALUE); ``` After this, `merged_value` is either `DEFAULT` or `THEN_VALUE`, depending on the path by which the merged block was reached. This takes care of writing all branch instructions, including an `OpSelectionMerge` annotation in the header block; starting new blocks and assigning them labels; and emitting the `OpPhi` that gathers together the right sources for the merged values, for every path through the selection construct. When there is no merged value to produce, you can pass `()` for `merge_type` and the merge values. In this case no `OpPhi` instructions are produced, and the `finish` method returns `()`. To enforce proper nesting, a `Selection` takes ownership of the `&mut Block` pointer for the duration of its lifetime. To obtain the block for generating code in the selection's body, call the `Selection::block` method. 9928 8408 97672