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macro_rules! impl_error_chain_cause_or_source {
types {
foreign_links {
$( $foreign_link_variant:ident ( $foreign_link_error_path:path )
$( #[$meta_foreign_links:meta] )*; )*
) => {
#[allow(unknown_lints, renamed_and_removed_lints)]
#[allow(unused_doc_comment, unused_doc_comments)]
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&::std::error::Error> {
match self.1.next_error {
Some(ref c) => Some(&**c),
None => {
match self.0 {
$error_kind_name::$foreign_link_variant(ref foreign_err) => {
) *
_ => None
macro_rules! impl_error_chain_cause_or_source {
types {
foreign_links {
$( $foreign_link_variant:ident ( $foreign_link_error_path:path )
$( #[$meta_foreign_links:meta] )*; )*
) => {
#[allow(unknown_lints, renamed_and_removed_lints, bare_trait_objects)]
#[allow(unused_doc_comment, unused_doc_comments)]
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match self.1.next_error {
Some(ref c) => Some(&**c),
None => {
match self.0 {
$error_kind_name::$foreign_link_variant(ref foreign_err) => {
) *
_ => None
/// Conditional usage of deprecated Error::description
macro_rules! call_to_deprecated_description {
($e:ident) => {
macro_rules! call_to_deprecated_description {
($e:ident) => {
/// Prefer to use `error_chain` instead of this macro.
macro_rules! impl_error_chain_processed {
// Default values for `types`.
types {}
$( $rest: tt )*
) => {
impl_error_chain_processed! {
types {
Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;
$( $rest )*
// With `Result` wrapper.
types {
$error_name:ident, $error_kind_name:ident,
$result_ext_name:ident, $result_name:ident;
$( $rest: tt )*
) => {
impl_error_chain_processed! {
types {
$error_name, $error_kind_name,
$( $rest )*
/// Convenient wrapper around `std::Result`.
pub type $result_name<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, $error_name>;
// With `Msg` variant.
types {
$error_name:ident, $error_kind_name:ident, $($types:tt)*
links $links:tt
foreign_links $foreign_links:tt
errors { $($errors:tt)* }
) => {
impl_error_chain_processed! {
types {
$error_name, $error_kind_name, $($types)*
links $links
foreign_links $foreign_links
errors {
/// A convenient variant for String.
Msg(s: String) {
display("{}", s)
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for $error_kind_name {
fn from(s: &'a str) -> Self {
impl From<String> for $error_kind_name {
fn from(s: String) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a str> for $error_name {
fn from(s: &'a str) -> Self {
impl From<String> for $error_name {
fn from(s: String) -> Self {
// Without `Result` wrapper or `Msg` variant.
types {
$error_name:ident, $error_kind_name:ident,
links {
$( $link_variant:ident ( $link_error_path:path, $link_kind_path:path )
$( #[$meta_links:meta] )*; ) *
foreign_links {
$( $foreign_link_variant:ident ( $foreign_link_error_path:path )
$( #[$meta_foreign_links:meta] )*; )*
errors {
$( $error_chunks:tt ) *
) => {
/// The Error type.
/// This tuple struct is made of two elements:
/// - an `ErrorKind` which is used to determine the type of the error.
/// - An internal `State`, not meant for direct use outside of `error_chain`
/// internals, containing:
/// - a backtrace, generated when the error is created.
/// - an error chain, used for the implementation of `Error::cause()`.
pub struct $error_name(
// The members must be `pub` for `links`.
/// The kind of the error.
pub $error_kind_name,
/// Contains the error chain and the backtrace.
pub $crate::State,
impl $crate::ChainedError for $error_name {
type ErrorKind = $error_kind_name;
fn new(kind: $error_kind_name, state: $crate::State) -> $error_name {
$error_name(kind, state)
fn from_kind(kind: Self::ErrorKind) -> Self {
fn with_chain<E, K>(error: E, kind: K)
-> Self
where E: ::std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
K: Into<Self::ErrorKind>
Self::with_chain(error, kind)
fn kind(&self) -> &Self::ErrorKind {
fn iter(&self) -> $crate::Iter {
fn chain_err<F, EK>(self, error: F) -> Self
where F: FnOnce() -> EK,
EK: Into<$error_kind_name> {
fn backtrace(&self) -> Option<&$crate::Backtrace> {
$([$link_error_path, $(#[$meta_links])*])*);
impl $error_name {
/// Constructs an error from a kind, and generates a backtrace.
pub fn from_kind(kind: $error_kind_name) -> $error_name {
/// Constructs a chained error from another error and a kind, and generates a backtrace.
pub fn with_chain<E, K>(error: E, kind: K)
-> $error_name
where E: ::std::error::Error + Send + 'static,
K: Into<$error_kind_name>
$error_name::with_boxed_chain(Box::new(error), kind)
/// Construct a chained error from another boxed error and a kind, and generates a backtrace
#[allow(unknown_lints, bare_trait_objects)]
pub fn with_boxed_chain<K>(error: Box<::std::error::Error + Send>, kind: K)
-> $error_name
where K: Into<$error_kind_name>
$crate::State::new::<$error_name>(error, ),
/// Returns the kind of the error.
pub fn kind(&self) -> &$error_kind_name {
/// Iterates over the error chain.
pub fn iter(&self) -> $crate::Iter {
/// Returns the backtrace associated with this error.
pub fn backtrace(&self) -> Option<&$crate::Backtrace> {
/// Extends the error chain with a new entry.
pub fn chain_err<F, EK>(self, error: F) -> $error_name
where F: FnOnce() -> EK, EK: Into<$error_kind_name> {
$error_name::with_chain(self, Self::from_kind(error().into()))
/// A short description of the error.
/// This method is identical to [`Error::description()`](
pub fn description(&self) -> &str {
impl ::std::error::Error for $error_name {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
types {
foreign_links {
$( $foreign_link_variant ( $foreign_link_error_path )
$( #[$meta_foreign_links] )*; )*
impl ::std::fmt::Display for $error_name {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
::std::fmt::Display::fmt(&self.0, f)
impl From<$link_error_path> for $error_name {
fn from(e: $link_error_path) -> Self {
) *
impl From<$foreign_link_error_path> for $error_name {
fn from(e: $foreign_link_error_path) -> Self {
) *
impl From<$error_kind_name> for $error_name {
fn from(e: $error_kind_name) -> Self {
// The ErrorKind type
// --------------
impl_error_chain_kind! {
/// The kind of an error.
pub enum $error_kind_name {
$link_variant(e: $link_kind_path) {
display("{}", e)
) *
$foreign_link_variant(err: $foreign_link_error_path) {
display("{}", err)
) *
impl From<$link_kind_path> for $error_kind_name {
fn from(e: $link_kind_path) -> Self {
) *
impl From<$error_name> for $error_kind_name {
fn from(e: $error_name) -> Self {
// The ResultExt trait defines the `chain_err` method.
/// Additional methods for `Result`, for easy interaction with this crate.
pub trait $result_ext_name<T> {
/// If the `Result` is an `Err` then `chain_err` evaluates the closure,
/// which returns *some type that can be converted to `ErrorKind`*, boxes
/// the original error to store as the cause, then returns a new error
/// containing the original error.
fn chain_err<F, EK>(self, callback: F) -> ::std::result::Result<T, $error_name>
where F: FnOnce() -> EK,
EK: Into<$error_kind_name>;
impl<T, E> $result_ext_name<T> for ::std::result::Result<T, E> where E: ::std::error::Error + Send + 'static {
fn chain_err<F, EK>(self, callback: F) -> ::std::result::Result<T, $error_name>
where F: FnOnce() -> EK,
EK: Into<$error_kind_name> {
self.map_err(move |e| {
let state = $crate::State::new::<$error_name>(Box::new(e), );
$crate::ChainedError::new(callback().into(), state)
impl<T> $result_ext_name<T> for ::std::option::Option<T> {
fn chain_err<F, EK>(self, callback: F) -> ::std::result::Result<T, $error_name>
where F: FnOnce() -> EK,
EK: Into<$error_kind_name> {
self.ok_or_else(move || {
/// Internal macro used for reordering of the fields.
macro_rules! error_chain_processing {
({}, $($rest:tt)*)
types $content:tt
$( $tail:tt )*
) => {
error_chain_processing! {
($content, $($rest)*)
($a:tt, {}, $($rest:tt)*)
links $content:tt
$( $tail:tt )*
) => {
error_chain_processing! {
($a, $content, $($rest)*)
($a:tt, $b:tt, {}, $($rest:tt)*)
foreign_links $content:tt
$( $tail:tt )*
) => {
error_chain_processing! {
($a, $b, $content, $($rest)*)
($a:tt, $b:tt, $c:tt, {}, $($rest:tt)*)
errors $content:tt
$( $tail:tt )*
) => {
error_chain_processing! {
($a, $b, $c, $content, $($rest)*)
($a:tt, $b:tt, $c:tt, $d:tt, {}, $($rest:tt)*)
$( $tail:tt )*
) => {
error_chain_processing! {
($a, $b, $c, $d, {skip_msg_variant}, $($rest)*)
( ($a:tt, $b:tt, $c:tt, $d:tt, {$($e:tt)*},) ) => {
impl_error_chain_processed! {
types $a
links $b
foreign_links $c
errors $d
/// Macro for generating error types and traits. See crate level documentation for details.
macro_rules! error_chain {
( $($args:tt)* ) => {
error_chain_processing! {
({}, {}, {}, {}, {},)
/// Macro used to manage the `backtrace` feature.
/// See
/// for more details.
macro_rules! impl_extract_backtrace {
($error_name: ident
$error_kind_name: ident
$([$link_error_path: path, $(#[$meta_links: meta])*])*) => {
#[allow(unknown_lints, renamed_and_removed_lints, bare_trait_objects)]
#[allow(unused_doc_comment, unused_doc_comments)]
fn extract_backtrace(e: &(::std::error::Error + Send + 'static))
-> Option<$crate::InternalBacktrace> {
if let Some(e) = e.downcast_ref::<$error_name>() {
return Some(e.1.backtrace.clone());
$( #[$meta_links] )*
if let Some(e) = e.downcast_ref::<$link_error_path>() {
return Some(e.1.backtrace.clone());
) *