Name Description Size 3322 17297 These modules show an example of code generated by the macro. **IT MUST NOT BE USED OUTSIDE THIS CRATE**. This is the basic error structure. You can see that `ErrorKind` has been populated in a variety of ways. All `ErrorKind`s get a `Msg` variant for basic errors. When strings are converted to `ErrorKind`s they become `ErrorKind::Msg`. The "links" defined in the macro are expanded to the `Inner` variant, and the "foreign links" to the `Io` variant. Both types come with a variety of `From` conversions as well: `Error` can be created from `ErrorKind`, `&str` and `String`, and the `links` and `foreign_links` error types. `ErrorKind` can be created from the corresponding `ErrorKind`s of the link types, as well as from `&str` and `String`. `into()` and `From::from` are used heavily to massage types into the right shape. Which one to use in any specific case depends on the influence of type inference, but there are some patterns that arise frequently. 1419 15491 27130 1802