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Convert a run description into a task description.
Run descriptions are similar to task descriptions, but they specify how to run
the task at a higher level, using a "run" field that can be interpreted by
run-using handlers in `taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/run`.
import copy
import json
import logging
from voluptuous import Exclusive, Extra, Optional, Required
from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence
from taskgraph.transforms.cached_tasks import order_tasks
from taskgraph.transforms.task import task_description_schema
from taskgraph.util import path as mozpath
from taskgraph.util.python_path import import_sibling_modules
from taskgraph.util.schema import Schema, validate_schema
from taskgraph.util.taskcluster import get_artifact_prefix
from taskgraph.util.workertypes import worker_type_implementation
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Fetches may be accepted in other transforms and eventually passed along
# to a `task` (eg: from_deps). Defining this here allows them to reuse
# the schema and avoid duplication.
fetches_schema = {
Required("artifact"): str,
Optional("dest"): str,
Optional("extract"): bool,
Optional("verify-hash"): bool,
# Schema for a build description
run_description_schema = Schema(
# The name of the task and the task's label. At least one must be specified,
# and the label will be generated from the name if necessary, by prepending
# the kind.
Optional("name"): str,
Optional("label"): str,
# the following fields are passed directly through to the task description,
# possibly modified by the run implementation. See
# taskcluster/taskgraph/transforms/ for the schema details.
Required("description"): task_description_schema["description"],
Optional("priority"): task_description_schema["priority"],
Optional("attributes"): task_description_schema["attributes"],
Optional("task-from"): task_description_schema["task-from"],
Optional("dependencies"): task_description_schema["dependencies"],
Optional("soft-dependencies"): task_description_schema["soft-dependencies"],
Optional("if-dependencies"): task_description_schema["if-dependencies"],
Optional("requires"): task_description_schema["requires"],
Optional("deadline-after"): task_description_schema["deadline-after"],
Optional("expires-after"): task_description_schema["expires-after"],
Optional("routes"): task_description_schema["routes"],
Optional("scopes"): task_description_schema["scopes"],
Optional("tags"): task_description_schema["tags"],
Optional("extra"): task_description_schema["extra"],
Optional("treeherder"): task_description_schema["treeherder"],
Optional("index"): task_description_schema["index"],
Optional("run-on-projects"): task_description_schema["run-on-projects"],
Optional("run-on-tasks-for"): task_description_schema["run-on-tasks-for"],
Optional("run-on-git-branches"): task_description_schema["run-on-git-branches"],
Optional("shipping-phase"): task_description_schema["shipping-phase"],
Optional("always-target"): task_description_schema["always-target"],
Exclusive("optimization", "optimization"): task_description_schema[
Optional("needs-sccache"): task_description_schema["needs-sccache"],
# The "when" section contains descriptions of the circumstances under which
# this task should be included in the task graph. This will be converted
# into an optimization, so it cannot be specified in a run description that
# also gives 'optimization'.
Exclusive("when", "optimization"): {
# This task only needs to be run if a file matching one of the given
# patterns has changed in the push. The patterns use the mozpack
# match function (python/mozbuild/mozpack/
Optional("files-changed"): [str],
# A list of artifacts to install from 'fetch' tasks.
Optional("fetches"): {
str: [
# A description of how to run this task.
"run": {
# The key to a run implementation in a peer module to this one
"using": str,
# Base work directory used to set up the task.
Optional("workdir"): str,
# Any remaining content is verified against that run implementation's
# own schema.
Extra: object,
Required("worker-type"): task_description_schema["worker-type"],
# This object will be passed through to the task description, with additions
# provided by the task's run-using function
Optional("worker"): dict,
transforms = TransformSequence()
def rewrite_when_to_optimization(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
when = task.pop("when", {})
if not when:
yield task
files_changed = when.get("files-changed")
# implicitly add task config directory.
if task.get("task-from") and task["task-from"] != "kind.yml":
# "only when files changed" implies "skip if files have not changed"
task["optimization"] = {"skip-unless-changed": files_changed}
assert "when" not in task
yield task
def set_implementation(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
impl, os = worker_type_implementation(config.graph_config, task["worker-type"])
if os:
task.setdefault("tags", {})["os"] = os
if impl:
task.setdefault("tags", {})["worker-implementation"] = impl
worker = task.setdefault("worker", {})
assert "implementation" not in worker
worker["implementation"] = impl
if os:
worker["os"] = os
yield task
def set_label(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
if "label" not in task:
if "name" not in task:
raise Exception("task has neither a name nor a label")
task["label"] = "{}-{}".format(config.kind, task["name"])
if task.get("name"):
del task["name"]
yield task
def add_resource_monitor(config, tasks):
for task in tasks:
if task.get("attributes", {}).get("resource-monitor"):
worker_implementation, worker_os = worker_type_implementation(
config.graph_config, task["worker-type"]
# Normalise worker os so that linux-bitbar and similar use linux tools.
if worker_os:
worker_os = worker_os.split("-")[0]
if "win7" in task["worker-type"]:
arch = "32"
arch = "64"
task.setdefault("fetches", {})
task["fetches"].setdefault("toolchain", [])
if worker_implementation == "docker-worker":
artifact_source = "/builds/worker/monitoring/resource-monitor.json"
artifact_source = "monitoring/resource-monitor.json"
task["worker"].setdefault("artifacts", [])
"name": "public/monitoring/resource-monitor.json",
"type": "file",
"path": artifact_source,
# Set env for output file
task["worker"].setdefault("env", {})
task["worker"]["env"]["RESOURCE_MONITOR_OUTPUT"] = artifact_source
yield task
def get_attribute(dict, key, attributes, attribute_name):
"""Get `attribute_name` from the given `attributes` dict, and if there
is a corresponding value, set `key` in `dict` to that value."""
value = attributes.get(attribute_name)
if value:
dict[key] = value
def use_fetches(config, tasks):
artifact_names = {}
aliases = {}
extra_env = {}
if config.kind in ("toolchain", "fetch"):
tasks = list(tasks)
for task in tasks:
run = task.get("run", {})
label = task["label"]
get_attribute(artifact_names, label, run, "toolchain-artifact")
value = run.get(f"{config.kind}-alias")
if value:
aliases[f"{config.kind}-{value}"] = label
for task in config.kind_dependencies_tasks.values():
if task.kind in ("fetch", "toolchain"):
get_attribute(extra_env, task.label, task.attributes, f"{task.kind}-env")
value = task.attributes.get(f"{task.kind}-alias")
if value:
aliases[f"{task.kind}-{value}"] = task.label
artifact_prefixes = {}
for task in order_tasks(config, tasks):
artifact_prefixes[task["label"]] = get_artifact_prefix(task)
fetches = task.pop("fetches", None)
if not fetches:
yield task
task_fetches = []
name = task.get("name", task.get("label"))
dependencies = task.setdefault("dependencies", {})
worker = task.setdefault("worker", {})
env = worker.setdefault("env", {})
prefix = get_artifact_prefix(task)
for kind in sorted(fetches):
artifacts = fetches[kind]
if kind in ("fetch", "toolchain"):
for artifact in sorted(
artifacts, key=lambda a: a if isinstance(a, str) else a["artifact"]
# Convert name only fetch entries to full fledged ones for
# easier processing.
if isinstance(artifact, str):
artifact = {
"artifact": artifact,
fetch_name = artifact["artifact"]
label = f"{kind}-{fetch_name}"
label = aliases.get(label, label)
if label not in artifact_names:
raise Exception(
f"Missing fetch task for {config.kind}-{name}: {fetch_name}"
if label in extra_env:
path = artifact_names[label]
dest = artifact.get("dest", None)
extract = artifact.get("extract", True)
verify_hash = artifact.get("verify-hash", False)
dependencies[label] = label
fetch = {
"artifact": path,
"task": f"<{label}>",
"extract": extract,
if dest is not None:
fetch["dest"] = dest
if verify_hash:
fetch["verify-hash"] = verify_hash
if kind not in dependencies:
raise Exception(
f"{name} can't fetch {kind} artifacts because "
f"it has no {kind} dependencies!"
dep_label = dependencies[kind]
if dep_label in artifact_prefixes:
prefix = artifact_prefixes[dep_label]
dep_tasks = [
for label, task in config.kind_dependencies_tasks.items()
if label == dep_label
if len(dep_tasks) != 1:
raise Exception(
"{name} can't fetch {kind} artifacts because "
"there are {tasks} with label {label} in kind dependencies!".format(
"no tasks"
if len(dep_tasks) == 0
else "multiple tasks"
prefix = get_artifact_prefix(dep_tasks[0])
def cmp_artifacts(a):
if isinstance(a, str):
return a
return a["artifact"]
for artifact in sorted(artifacts, key=cmp_artifacts):
if isinstance(artifact, str):
path = artifact
dest = None
extract = True
verify_hash = False
path = artifact["artifact"]
dest = artifact.get("dest")
extract = artifact.get("extract", True)
verify_hash = artifact.get("verify-hash", False)
fetch = {
"artifact": f"{prefix}/{path}",
"task": f"<{kind}>",
"extract": extract,
if dest is not None:
fetch["dest"] = dest
if verify_hash:
fetch["verify-hash"] = verify_hash
task_artifact_prefixes = {
for fetch in task_fetches
if not fetch["artifact"].startswith("public/")
if task_artifact_prefixes:
# Use taskcluster-proxy and request appropriate scope. For example, add
# 'scopes: [queue:get-artifact:path/to/*]' for 'path/to/artifact.tar.xz'.
worker["taskcluster-proxy"] = True
for prefix in sorted(task_artifact_prefixes):
scope = f"queue:get-artifact:{prefix}/*"
if scope not in task.setdefault("scopes", []):
env["MOZ_FETCHES"] = {
"task-reference": json.dumps(task_fetches, sort_keys=True)
env.setdefault("MOZ_FETCHES_DIR", "fetches")
yield task
def make_task_description(config, tasks):
"""Given a build description, create a task description"""
# import plugin modules first, before iterating over tasks
for task in tasks:
# always-optimized tasks never execute, so have no workdir
if task["worker"]["implementation"] in ("docker-worker", "generic-worker"):
task["run"].setdefault("workdir", "/builds/worker")
taskdesc = copy.deepcopy(task)
# fill in some empty defaults to make run implementations easier
taskdesc.setdefault("attributes", {})
taskdesc.setdefault("dependencies", {})
taskdesc.setdefault("soft-dependencies", [])
taskdesc.setdefault("routes", [])
taskdesc.setdefault("scopes", [])
taskdesc.setdefault("extra", {})
# give the function for on this worker implementation a
# chance to set up the task description.
config, task, taskdesc, task["worker"]["implementation"]
del taskdesc["run"]
# yield only the task description, discarding the task description
yield taskdesc
# A registry of all functions decorated with run_task_using
registry = {}
def run_task_using(worker_implementation, run_using, schema=None, defaults={}):
"""Register the decorated function as able to set up a task description for
tasks with the given worker implementation and `run.using` property. If
`schema` is given, the task's run field will be verified to match it.
The decorated function should have the signature `using_foo(config, task, taskdesc)`
and should modify the task description in-place. The skeleton of
the task description is already set up, but without a payload."""
def wrap(func):
for_run_using = registry.setdefault(run_using, {})
if worker_implementation in for_run_using:
raise Exception(
f"run_task_using({run_using!r}, {worker_implementation!r}) already exists: {for_run_using[worker_implementation]!r}"
for_run_using[worker_implementation] = (func, schema, defaults)
return func
return wrap
"always-optimized", "always-optimized", Schema({"using": "always-optimized"})
def always_optimized(config, task, taskdesc):
def configure_taskdesc_for_run(config, task, taskdesc, worker_implementation):
Run the appropriate function for this task against the given task
This will raise an appropriate error if no function exists, or if the task's
run is not valid according to the schema.
run_using = task["run"]["using"]
if run_using not in registry:
raise Exception(f"no functions for run.using {run_using!r}")
if worker_implementation not in registry[run_using]:
raise Exception(
f"no functions for run.using {run_using!r} on {worker_implementation!r}"
func, schema, defaults = registry[run_using][worker_implementation]
for k, v in defaults.items():
task["run"].setdefault(k, v)
if schema:
"In using {!r}/{!r} for task {!r}:".format(
task["run"]["using"], worker_implementation, task["label"]
func(config, task, taskdesc)