Name Description Size 0 A container for configuration affecting transforms. The `config` argument to transforms is an instance of this class. 5155 Iterate image tasks in an order where parent tasks come first. 2743 `chunk` can be used to split one task into `total-chunks` tasks, substituting `this_chunk` and `total_chunks` into any fields in `substitution-fields`. 2592 Add soft dependencies and configuration to code-review tasks. 712 7509 10635 Transforms used to create tasks based on the kind dependencies, filtering on common attributes like the ``build-type``. These transforms are useful when follow-up tasks are needed for some indeterminate subset of existing tasks. For example, running a signing task after each build task, whatever builds may exist. 8911 Transforms used to split one task definition into many tasks, governed by a matrix defined in the definition. 3445 Add notifications to tasks via Taskcluster's notify service. See for more information. 6020
run These transformations take a task description and turn it into a TaskCluster task definition (along with attributes, label, etc.). The input to these transformations is generic to any kind of task, but abstracts away some of the complexities of worker implementations, scopes, and treeherder annotations. 52967 `task-context` can be used to substitute values into any field in a task with data that is not known until `taskgraph` runs. This data can be provided via `from-parameters` or `from-file`, which can pull in values from parameters and a defined yml file respectively. Data may also be provided directly in the `from-object` section of `task-context`. This can be useful in `kinds` that define most of their contents in `task-defaults`, but have some values that may differ for various concrete `tasks` in the `kind`. If the same key is found in multiple places the order of precedence is as follows: - Parameters - `from-object` keys - File That is to say: parameters will always override anything else. 4171