Name Description Size 501 ELF file parser. This provides a class ``ELFFile`` that parses an ELF executable in a similar interface to ``ZipFile``. Only the read interface is implemented. Based on: ELF header: 3266 Primary implementation of glibc_version_string using os.confstr. 8926 PEP 656 support. This module implements logic to detect if the currently running Python is linked against musl, and what musl version is used. 2524 Handwritten parser of dependency specifiers. The docstring for each __parse_* function contains ENBF-inspired grammar representing the implementation. 10194 1431 The provided source text could not be parsed correctly. 5292 An invalid marker was found, users should refer to PEP 508. 8208 A dictionary of raw core metadata. Each field in core metadata maps to a key of this dictionary (when data is provided). The key is lower-case and underscores are used instead of dashes compared to the equivalent core metadata field. Any core metadata field that can be specified multiple times or can hold multiple values in a single field have a key with a plural name. Core metadata fields that can be specified multiple times are stored as a list or dict depending on which is appropriate for the field. Any fields which hold multiple values in a single field are stored as a list. 16397
py.typed 0 An invalid requirement was found, users should refer to PEP 508. 3287 .. testsetup:: from packaging.specifiers import Specifier, SpecifierSet, InvalidSpecifier from packaging.version import Version 39206 A representation of the tag triple for a wheel. Instances are considered immutable and thus are hashable. Equality checking is also supported. 18106 An invalid wheel filename was found, users should refer to PEP 427. 4355 .. testsetup:: from packaging.version import parse, Version 16326