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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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import os
import re
import itertools
from compare_locales import mozpath
# Android uses non-standard locale codes, these are the mappings
# back and forth
'he': 'iw',
'id': 'in',
'yi': 'ji'
legacy: standard
for standard, legacy in ANDROID_LEGACY_MAP.items()
class Matcher:
'''Path pattern matcher
Supports path matching similar to mozpath.match(), but does
not match trailing file paths without trailing wildcards.
Also gets a prefix, which is the path before the first wildcard,
which is good for filesystem iterations, and allows to replace
the own matches in a path on a different Matcher. compare-locales
uses that to transform l10n and en-US paths back and forth.
def __init__(self, pattern_or_other, env={}, root=None, encoding=None):
'''Create regular expression similar to mozpath.match().
parser = PatternParser()
real_env = {k: parser.parse(v) for k, v in env.items()}
self._cached_re = None
if root is not None:
# make sure that our root is fully expanded and ends with /
root = mozpath.abspath(root) + '/'
# allow constructing Matchers from Matchers
if isinstance(pattern_or_other, Matcher):
other = pattern_or_other
self.pattern = Pattern(other.pattern)
self.env = other.env.copy()
if root is not None:
self.pattern.root = root
self.encoding = other.encoding
self.env = real_env
pattern = pattern_or_other
self.pattern = parser.parse(pattern)
if root is not None:
self.pattern.root = root
self.encoding = encoding
def with_env(self, environ):
return Matcher(self, environ)
def prefix(self):
subpattern = Pattern(self.pattern[:self.pattern.prefix_length])
subpattern.root = self.pattern.root
prefix = subpattern.expand(self.env)
if self.encoding is not None:
prefix = prefix.encode(self.encoding)
return prefix
def match(self, path):
'''Test the given path against this matcher and its environment.
Return None if there's no match, and the dictionary of matched
variables in this matcher if there's a match.
m = self._cached_re.match(path)
if m is None:
return None
d = m.groupdict()
if self.encoding is not None:
d = {key: value.decode(self.encoding) for key, value in d.items()}
if 'android_locale' in d and 'locale' not in d:
# map android_locale to locale code
locale = d['android_locale']
# map legacy locale codes, he <-> iw, id <-> in, yi <-> ji
locale = re.sub(
lambda legacy: ANDROID_STANDARD_MAP[],
locale = re.sub(r'-r([A-Z]{2})', r'-\1', locale)
locale = locale.replace('b+', '').replace('+', '-')
d['locale'] = locale
return d
def _cache_regex(self):
if self._cached_re is not None:
pattern = self.pattern.regex_pattern(self.env) + '$'
if self.encoding is not None:
pattern = pattern.encode(self.encoding)
self._cached_re = re.compile(pattern)
def sub(self, other, path):
Replace the wildcard matches in this pattern into the
pattern of the other Match object.
m = self.match(path)
if m is None:
return None
env = {}
(key, Literal(value if value is not None else ''))
for key, value in m.items()
path = other.pattern.expand(env)
if self.encoding is not None:
path = path.encode(self.encoding)
return path
def concat(self, other):
'''Concat two Matcher objects.
The intent is to create one Matcher with variable substitutions that
behaves as if you joined the resulting paths.
This doesn't do path separator logic, though, and it won't resolve
parent directories.
if not isinstance(other, Matcher):
other_matcher = Matcher(other)
other_matcher = other
other_pattern = other_matcher.pattern
if other_pattern.root is not None:
raise ValueError('Other matcher must not be rooted')
result = Matcher(self)
result.pattern += other_pattern
if self.pattern.prefix_length == len(self.pattern):
result.pattern.prefix_length += other_pattern.prefix_length
return result
def __str__(self):
return self.pattern.expand(self.env)
def __repr__(self):
return '{}({!r}, env={!r}, root={!r})'.format(
type(self).__name__, self.pattern, self.env, self.pattern.root
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __eq__(self, other):
'''Equality for Matcher.
The equality for Matchers is defined to have the same pattern,
and no conflicting environment. Additional environment settings
in self or other are OK.
if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
return NotImplemented
if self.pattern != other.pattern:
return False
if self.env and other.env:
for k in self.env:
if k not in other.env:
if self.env[k] != other.env[k]:
return False
if self.encoding != other.encoding:
return False
return True
def expand(root, path, env):
'''Expand a given path relative to the given root,
using the given env to resolve variables.
This will break if the path contains wildcards.
matcher = Matcher(path, env=env, root=root)
return str(matcher)
class MissingEnvironment(Exception):
class Node:
'''Abstract base class for all nodes in parsed patterns.'''
def regex_pattern(self, env):
'''Create a regular expression fragment for this Node.'''
raise NotImplementedError
def expand(self, env):
'''Convert this node to a string with the given environment.'''
raise NotImplementedError
class Pattern(list, Node):
def __init__(self, iterable=[]):
list.__init__(self, iterable)
self.root = getattr(iterable, 'root', None)
self.prefix_length = getattr(iterable, 'prefix_length', None)
def regex_pattern(self, env):
root = ''
if self.root is not None:
# make sure we're not hiding a full path
first_seg = self[0].expand(env)
if not os.path.isabs(first_seg):
root = re.escape(self.root)
return root + ''.join(
child.regex_pattern(env) for child in self
def expand(self, env, raise_missing=False):
root = ''
if self.root is not None:
# make sure we're not hiding a full path
first_seg = self[0].expand(env)
if not os.path.isabs(first_seg):
root = self.root
return root + ''.join(self._expand_children(env, raise_missing))
def _expand_children(self, env, raise_missing):
# Helper iterator to convert Exception to a stopped iterator
for child in self:
yield child.expand(env, raise_missing=True)
except MissingEnvironment:
if raise_missing:
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not super().__eq__(other):
return False
if other.__class__ == list:
# good for tests and debugging
return True
return (
self.root == other.root
and self.prefix_length == other.prefix_length
class Literal(str, Node):
def regex_pattern(self, env):
return re.escape(self)
def expand(self, env, raise_missing=False):
return self
class Variable(Node):
def __init__(self, name, repeat=False): = name
self.repeat = repeat
def regex_pattern(self, env):
if self.repeat:
return f'(?P={})'
return f'(?P<{}>{self._pattern_from_env(env)})'
def _pattern_from_env(self, env):
if in env:
# make sure we match the value in the environment
return env[].regex_pattern(self._no_cycle(env))
# match anything, including path segments
return '.+?'
def expand(self, env, raise_missing=False):
'''Create a string for this Variable.
This expansion happens recursively. We avoid recusion loops
by removing the current variable from the environment that's used
to expand child variable references.
if not in env:
raise MissingEnvironment
return env[].expand(
self._no_cycle(env), raise_missing=raise_missing
def _no_cycle(self, env):
'''Remove our variable name from the environment.
That way, we can't create cyclic references.
if not in env:
return env
env = env.copy()
return env
def __repr__(self):
return f'Variable(name="{}")'
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
return False
return ( ==
and self.repeat == other.repeat
class AndroidLocale(Variable):
'''Subclass for Android locale code mangling.
Supports ab-rCD and b+ab+Scrip+DE.
Language and Language-Region tags get mapped to ab-rCD, more complex
Locale tags to b+.
def __init__(self, repeat=False): = 'android_locale'
self.repeat = repeat
def _pattern_from_env(self, env):
android_locale = self._get_android_locale(env)
if android_locale is not None:
return re.escape(android_locale)
return '.+?'
def expand(self, env, raise_missing=False):
'''Create a string for this Variable.
This expansion happens recursively. We avoid recusion loops
by removing the current variable from the environment that's used
to expand child variable references.
android_locale = self._get_android_locale(env)
if android_locale is None:
raise MissingEnvironment
return android_locale
def _get_android_locale(self, env):
if 'locale' not in env:
return None
android = bcp47 = env['locale'].expand(self._no_cycle(env))
# map legacy locale codes, he <-> iw, id <-> in, yi <-> ji
android = bcp47 = re.sub(
lambda standard: ANDROID_LEGACY_MAP[],
if re.match(r'[a-z]{2,3}-[A-Z]{2}', bcp47):
android = '{}-r{}'.format(*bcp47.split('-'))
elif '-' in bcp47:
android = 'b+' + bcp47.replace('-', '+')
return android
class Star(Node):
def __init__(self, number):
self.number = number
def regex_pattern(self, env):
return f'(?P<s{self.number}>[^/]*)'
def expand(self, env, raise_missing=False):
return env['s%d' % self.number]
def __repr__(self):
return type(self).__name__
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if other.__class__ is not self.__class__:
return False
return self.number == other.number
class Starstar(Star):
def __init__(self, number, suffix):
self.number = number
self.suffix = suffix
def regex_pattern(self, env):
return f'(?P<s{self.number}>.+{self.suffix})?'
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not super().__eq__(other):
return False
return self.suffix == other.suffix
PATH_SPECIAL = re.compile(
r'(?P<variable>{ *(?P<varname>[\w]+) *})'
class PatternParser:
def __init__(self):
# Not really initializing anything, just making room for our
# result and state members.
self.pattern = None
self._stargroup = self._cursor = None
self._known_vars = None
def parse(self, pattern):
if isinstance(pattern, Pattern):
return pattern
if isinstance(pattern, Matcher):
return pattern.pattern
# Initializing result and state
self.pattern = Pattern()
self._stargroup = itertools.count(1)
self._known_vars = set()
self._cursor = 0
for match in PATH_SPECIAL.finditer(pattern):
if match.start() > self._cursor:
if self.pattern.prefix_length is None:
self.pattern.prefix_length = len(self.pattern)
return self.pattern
def handle(self, match):
self._cursor = match.end()
def variable(self, match):
varname ='varname')
# Special case Android locale code matching.
# It's kinda sad, but true.
if varname == 'android_locale':
self.pattern.append(AndroidLocale(varname in self._known_vars))
self.pattern.append(Variable(varname, varname in self._known_vars))
def wildcard(self, match):
# wildcard found, stop prefix
if self.pattern.prefix_length is None:
self.pattern.prefix_length = len(self.pattern)
wildcard = next(self._stargroup)
# *
# **