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import pytest
HERO_MSG = "load succ"
SHIP_TO_CSS = "[class*=ship-to--menuItem--]"
CURRENT_FLAG_CSS = "[class*=ship-to--menuItem--] [class*=country-flag-]"
async def is_flag_correct_height(client):
# the site applies extra CSS as the page loads which causes the problem,
# so we first wait for a console message which appears after that point.
await client.navigate(URL, await_console_message=HERO_MSG)
client.await_css(SHIP_TO_CSS, is_displayed=True).click()
flag = client.await_css(CURRENT_FLAG_CSS, is_displayed=True)
return client.execute_script(
const flag = arguments[0];
const style = getComputedStyle(flag);
return parseFloat(style.height) * parseFloat(style.zoom) == flag.getBoundingClientRect().height
async def test_enabled(client):
assert await is_flag_correct_height(client)
async def test_disabled(client):
assert not await is_flag_correct_height(client)