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Test Info:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>localStorage: partitioned storage test</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
// Here's the set-up for this test:
// Step 1. (window) set up listeners for main window.
// Step 2. (window) set up load listener for same-site iframe.
// Step 3. (same-site iframe) loads, send it a message to createOrGet a "userID".
// Step 4. (same-site iframe) receives the message, creates the "userID".
// Step 5. (window) receives "storage got set" message from same-site iframe.
// Step 6. (window) opens cross-site window w/ shared (same-site to us currently) iframe.
// Step 7. (cross-site iframe) loads, sends back the userID key from the iframe.
// Step 8. (window) asserts that the IDs should be different, as they should have a different StorageKey.
async_test(t => {
let crossSiteWindow;
let crossSiteID;
let sameSiteID;
const iframe = document.getElementById("shared-iframe");
iframe.addEventListener("load", t.step_func(e => {
const payload = {
command: "create ID",
key: "userID",
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(payload, iframe.origin);
}), {once: true});
window.addEventListener("message", t.step_func(e => {
if ( === "ID created") {
sameSiteID =;
assert_true(typeof sameSiteID === "string");
if (location.origin !== altOrigin) {
crossSiteWindow =`${altOrigin}/webstorage/localstorage-basic-partitioned.sub.html`, "", "noopener=false");
t.add_cleanup(() => crossSiteWindow.close());
if ( === "cross-site window iframe loaded") {
crossSiteID =;
t.step(() => {
assert_true(typeof crossSiteID === "string");
assert_true(sameSiteID !== crossSiteID, "IDs pulled from two partitioned iframes are different.")
// clean up after ourselves.
crossSiteWindow.postMessage({command: "clearStorage"}, altOrigin);
}, "Simple test for partitioned localStorage");