Name Description Size
basic.https.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests 883
getStats.https.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests - getStats 1339
h264.https.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests 1312
negotiation-encodings.https.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests - negotiation/encodings 22277
rid-manipulation.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests - RID manipulation 1683
setParameters-active.https.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests - setParameters/active 4178
setParameters-encodings.https.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests - setParameters/encodings 19258
simulcast.js Helper functions to munge SDP and split the sending track into separate tracks on the receiving end. This can be done in a number of ways, the one used here uses the fact that the MID and RID header extensions which are used for packet routing share the same wire format. The receiver interprets the rids from the sender as mids which allows receiving the different spatial resolutions on separate m-lines and tracks. 10353
vp8.https.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests 1128
vp9-scalability-mode.https.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests 1740
vp9.https.html RTCPeerConnection Simulcast Tests 1128