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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /webrtc/legacy/RTCPeerConnection-createOffer-offerToReceive.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
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<title>Test legacy offerToReceiveAudio/Video options</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="../RTCPeerConnection-helper.js"></script>
'use strict';
* Configuration data extensions
* partial dictionary RTCOfferOptions
* offerToReceiveAudio of type boolean
* When this is given a non-false value, no outgoing track of type
* "audio" is attached to the PeerConnection, and the existing
* localDescription (if any) doesn't contain any sendrecv or recv
* audio media sections, createOffer() will behave as if
* addTransceiver("audio") had been called once prior to the createOffer() call.
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveAudio: true })
.then(offer1 => {
assert_equals(countAudioLine(offer1.sdp), 1,
'Expect created offer to have audio line');
// The first createOffer implicitly calls addTransceiver('audio'),
// so all following offers will also have audio media section
// in their SDP.
return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveAudio: false })
.then(offer2 => {
assert_equals(countAudioLine(offer2.sdp), 1,
'Expect audio line to remain in created offer');
}, 'createOffer() with offerToReceiveAudio should add audio line to all subsequent created offers');
* offerToReceiveVideo of type boolean
* When this is given a non-false value, and no outgoing track
* of type "video" is attached to the PeerConnection, and the
* existing localDescription (if any) doesn't contain any sendecv
* or recv video media sections, createOffer() will behave as if
* addTransceiver("video") had been called prior to the createOffer() call.
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveVideo: true })
.then(offer1 => {
assert_equals(countVideoLine(offer1.sdp), 1,
'Expect created offer to have video line');
return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveVideo: false })
.then(offer2 => {
assert_equals(countVideoLine(offer2.sdp), 1,
'Expect video line to remain in created offer');
}, 'createOffer() with offerToReceiveVideo should add video line to all subsequent created offers');
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return pc.createOffer({
offerToReceiveAudio: true,
offerToReceiveVideo: false
}).then(offer1 => {
assert_equals(countAudioLine(offer1.sdp), 1,
'Expect audio line to be found in created offer');
assert_equals(countVideoLine(offer1.sdp), 0,
'Expect video line to not be found in create offer');
return pc.createOffer({
offerToReceiveAudio: false,
offerToReceiveVideo: true
}).then(offer2 => {
assert_equals(countAudioLine(offer2.sdp), 1,
'Expect audio line to remain in created offer');
assert_equals(countVideoLine(offer2.sdp), 1,
'Expect video line to be found in create offer');
}, 'createOffer() with offerToReceiveAudio:true, then with offerToReceiveVideo:true, should have result offer with both audio and video line');
// Run some tests for both audio and video kinds
['audio', 'video'].forEach((kind) => {
const capsKind = kind[0].toUpperCase() + kind.slice(1);
const offerToReceiveTrue = {};
offerToReceiveTrue[`offerToReceive${capsKind}`] = true;
const offerToReceiveFalse = {};
offerToReceiveFalse[`offerToReceive${capsKind}`] = false;
// Start testing
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
const dummy = pc.createDataChannel('foo'); // Just to have something to offer
return pc.createOffer(offerToReceiveFalse)
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 0,
'Expect pc to have no transceivers');
}, `createOffer() with offerToReceive${capsKind} set to false should not create a transceiver`);
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return pc.createOffer(offerToReceiveTrue)
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 1,
'Expect pc to have one transceiver');
const transceiver = pc.getTransceivers()[0];
assert_equals(transceiver.direction, 'recvonly',
'Expect transceiver to have "recvonly" direction');
}, `createOffer() with offerToReceive${capsKind} should create a "recvonly" transceiver`);
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return pc.createOffer(offerToReceiveTrue)
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 1,
'Expect pc to have one transceiver');
const transceiver = pc.getTransceivers()[0];
assert_equals(transceiver.direction, 'recvonly',
'Expect transceiver to have "recvonly" direction');
.then(() => pc.createOffer(offerToReceiveTrue))
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 1,
'Expect pc to still have only one transceiver');
}, `offerToReceive${capsKind} option should be ignored if a non-stopped "recvonly" transceiver exists`);
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return getTrackFromUserMedia(kind)
.then(([track, stream]) => {
pc.addTrack(track, stream);
return pc.createOffer();
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 1,
'Expect pc to have one transceiver');
const transceiver = pc.getTransceivers()[0];
assert_equals(transceiver.direction, 'sendrecv',
'Expect transceiver to have "sendrecv" direction');
.then(() => pc.createOffer(offerToReceiveTrue))
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 1,
'Expect pc to still have only one transceiver');
}, `offerToReceive${capsKind} option should be ignored if a non-stopped "sendrecv" transceiver exists`);
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return getTrackFromUserMedia(kind)
.then(([track, stream]) => {
pc.addTrack(track, stream);
return pc.createOffer(offerToReceiveFalse);
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 1,
'Expect pc to have one transceiver');
const transceiver = pc.getTransceivers()[0];
assert_equals(transceiver.direction, 'sendonly',
'Expect transceiver to have "sendonly" direction');
}, `offerToReceive${capsKind} set to false with a track should create a "sendonly" transceiver`);
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
pc.addTransceiver(kind, {direction: 'recvonly'});
return pc.createOffer(offerToReceiveFalse)
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 1,
'Expect pc to have one transceiver');
const transceiver = pc.getTransceivers()[0];
assert_equals(transceiver.direction, 'inactive',
'Expect transceiver to have "inactive" direction');
}, `offerToReceive${capsKind} set to false with a "recvonly" transceiver should change the direction to "inactive"`);
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
return getTrackFromUserMedia(kind)
.then(([track, stream]) => {
pc.addTrack(track, stream);
return pc.createOffer();
.then((offer) => pc.setLocalDescription(offer))
.then(() => pc2.setRemoteDescription(pc.localDescription))
.then(() => pc2.createAnswer())
.then((answer) => pc2.setLocalDescription(answer))
.then(() => pc.setRemoteDescription(pc2.localDescription))
.then(() => pc.createOffer(offerToReceiveFalse))
.then((offer) => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 1,
'Expect pc to have one transceiver');
const transceiver = pc.getTransceivers()[0];
assert_equals(transceiver.direction, 'sendonly',
'Expect transceiver to have "sendonly" direction');
}, `subsequent offerToReceive${capsKind} set to false with a track should change the direction to "sendonly"`);
promise_test(t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc.close());
return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveAudio: true, offerToReceiveVideo: true })
.then(() => {
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers().length, 2,
'Expect pc to have two transceivers');
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers()[0].direction, 'recvonly',
'Expect first transceiver to have "recvonly" direction');
assert_equals(pc.getTransceivers()[1].direction, 'recvonly',
'Expect second transceiver to have "recvonly" direction');
}, 'offerToReceiveAudio and Video should create two "recvonly" transceivers');