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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>WebAuthn navigator.credentials.create() clientData test</title>
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standardSetup(function() {
"use strict";
const options = {
rp: {name: "Acme"},
user: {id: new Uint8Array(1), name: "name", displayName: ""},
pubKeyCredParams: [{type: "public-key", alg: -7}],
attestation: "none",
challenge: new Uint8Array([0xff]),
promise_test(async t => {
const cred = await navigator.credentials.create({publicKey: options});
// WebAuthn specifies a precise, JSON-compatible serialization for the
// clientDataJSON. See
const expectedPrefix =
const clientData = new TextDecoder().decode(cred.response.clientDataJSON);
"The clientData (" + clientData +
") should have the prefix: " + expectedPrefix);
// Skip over the origin value by finding the closing quote.
const originEnd = clientData.indexOf('"', expectedPrefix.length);
assert_not_equals(originEnd, -1, "Should find the closing quote for origin");
const expectedRemainder = `","crossOrigin":false`;
"The clientData (" + clientData +
") should have the following after the origin: " +
}, "navigator.credentials.create() has valid clientData");