active-processing.js |
@class ActiveProcessingTester
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class sends a message to its AudioWorkletNodew whenever the
number of channels on the input changes. The message includes the actual
number of channels, the context time at which this occurred, and whether
we're done processing or not.
1785 |
add-offset.js |
@class AddOffsetProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
Just adds a fixed value to the input
893 |
array-check-processor.js |
@class ArrayFrozenProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
2713 |
channel-count-processor.js |
@class ChannelCountProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
409 |
construction-port-new-after-new.js |
453 |
construction-port-new-after-super.js |
393 |
construction-port-singleton.js |
484 |
construction-port-super-after-new.js |
439 |
denormal-test-processor.js |
379 |
dummy-processor-globalthis.js |
253 |
dummy-processor.js |
@class DummyProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class demonstrates the bare-bone structure of the processor.
380 |
dynamic-register-processor.js |
438 |
error-processor.js |
@class ConstructorErrorProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
886 |
gain-processor.js |
@class GainProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class demonstrates the bare-bone structure of the processor.
964 |
input-count-processor.js |
@class CountProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class just looks at the number of input channels on the first
input and fills the first output channel with that value.
502 |
input-length-processor.js |
@class InputLengthProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class just sets the output to the length of the
input array for verifying that the input length changes when the
input is disconnected.
741 |
invalid-param-array-processor.js |
@class InvalidParamArrayProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor intentionally returns an array with an invalid size when the
processor's getter is queried.
1367 |
one-pole-processor.js |
@class OnePoleFilter
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
A simple One-pole filter.
1235 |
option-test-processor.js |
@class OptionTestProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class demonstrates the option passing feature by echoing the
received |nodeOptions| back to the node.
446 |
param-size-processor.js |
@class ParamSizeProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor is a source node which basically outputs the size of the
AudioParam array for each render quantum.
656 |
port-processor.js |
@class PortProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class demonstrates the message port functionality.
759 |
process-getter-test-instance-processor.js |
@class ProcessGetterTestInstanceProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class tests that a 'process' getter on an
AudioWorkletProcessorConstructor instance is called at the right times.
1564 |
process-getter-test-prototype-processor.js |
@class ProcessGetterTestPrototypeProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class tests that a 'process' getter on
AudioWorkletProcessorConstructor is called at the right times.
1932 |
process-parameter-test-processor.js |
@class ProcessParameterTestProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class forwards input and output parameters to its
453 |
promise-processor.js |
@class PromiseProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor creates and resolves a promise in its `process` method. When
the handler passed to `then()` is called, a counter that is global in the
global scope is incremented. There are two copies of this
AudioWorkletNode/Processor, so the counter should always be even in the
process method of the AudioWorklet processing, since the Promise completion
handler are resolved in between render quanta.
After a few iterations of the test, one of the worklet posts back the string
"ok" to the main thread, and the test is considered a success.
1222 |
register-processor-typeerrors.js |
974 |
sharedarraybuffer-processor.js |
@class SharedArrayBufferProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class demonstrates passing SharedArrayBuffers to and from
863 |
timing-info-processor.js |
@class TimingInfoProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor class is to test the timing information in AWGS.
523 |
zero-output-processor.js |
@class ZeroOutputProcessor
@extends AudioWorkletProcessor
This processor accumulates the incoming buffer and send the buffered data
to the main thread when it reaches the specified frame length. The processor
only supports the single input.
1223 |
zero-outputs-check-processor.js |
Returns true if a given AudioPort is completely filled with zero samples.
"AudioPort" is a short-hand for FrozenArray<FrozenArray<Float32Array>>.
@param {FrozenArray<FrozenArray<Float32Array>>} audioPort
@returns bool
2296 |