Name Description Size
color-mix-crashtest.html Interpolation of a color-mix function with currentcolor should not crash 965
get-computed-timing-crash.html GetComputedTiming on an animation without an execution context, timeline or playback rate 716
get-keyframe-fontsize-crash.html 579
infinite-active-duration.html Various test cases producing infinite active duration 2361
partially-overlapping-animations-one-not-current-001.html CSS Test (Animations): Reparenting an element with a web animation on the compositor 701
reparent-animating-element-001.html CSS Test (Animations): Reparenting an element with a web animation on the compositor 1036
reparent-animating-element-002.html CSS Test (Animations): Reparenting an element with a web animation on the compositor 1266