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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /trusted-types/trusted-types-duplicate-names-without-enforcement.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
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const policy = { createHTML: a => a };
test(t => {
// The spec demands that duplicate policies are allowed when TT is not
// enforced in the CSP.
let a = trustedTypes.createPolicy("duplicatename", policy);
let b = trustedTypes.createPolicy("duplicatename", policy);
assert_not_equals(a, b);
assert_true(a instanceof TrustedTypePolicy);
assert_true(b instanceof TrustedTypePolicy);
}, "createPolicy - duplicate policies are allowed when Trusted Types are not enforced.");
test(t => {
// The spec demands that duplicate "default" policy creation fails, even
// when TT is not enforced.
let p = trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", policy);
assert_true(p instanceof TrustedTypePolicy);
// The second instance should throw:
assert_throws_js(TypeError, _ => trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", policy));
}, "createPolicy - duplicate \"default\" policy is never allowed.");