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Test Info:
- This WPT test may be referenced by the following Test IDs:
- /trusted-types/set-attributes-require-trusted-types-default-policy.html - WPT Dashboard Interop Dashboard
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js" ></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="./support/namespaces.js"></script>
<script src="./support/attributes.js"></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="require-trusted-types-for 'script';">
// Create a default policy that check its arguments and transform its input.
const input_string = "unsafe_input";
const output_string = "safe_output";
let seenSinkName;
function resetSeenSinkName() {
seenSinkName = undefined;
function createTrustedType(type) {
return function(input, trustedTypeName, sinkName) {
assert_equals(input, input_string);
assert_equals(trustedTypeName, type);
assert_equals(seenSinkName, undefined);
seenSinkName = sinkName;
return output_string;
trustedTypes.createPolicy("default", {
createHTML: createTrustedType("TrustedHTML"),
createScript: createTrustedType("TrustedScript"),
createScriptURL: createTrustedType("TrustedScriptURL")
// Set an attribute for each testcase of trustedTypeDataForAttribute. The CSP
// rule will force the default policy for those corresponding to trusted
// type sinks.
attributeSetterData.forEach(setterData => {
trustedTypeDataForAttribute.forEach(testData => {
if (testData.attrNS && !setterData.acceptNS) return;
test(t => {
let element = testData.element();
setterData.runSetter(element, testData.attrNS, testData.attrName,
input_string, testData.type);
let value = element.getAttributeNS(testData.attrNS, testData.attrName);
if (testData.type != null) {
// This is a trusted type sink and default policy applies.
assert_equals(seenSinkName, testData.sink);
assert_equals(value, output_string);
} else {
// Otherwise, this works normally.
assert_equals(seenSinkName, undefined);
assert_equals(value, input_string);
}, `${setterData.api} \
${testData.type ? 'applies' : 'does not apply'} default policy for \
elementNS=${testData.element().namespaceURI}, \
element=${testData.element().tagName}, \
${testData.attrNS ? 'attrNS='+testData.attrNS+', ' : ''}\
// For attributes that are trusted type sinks, try setting them to a value
// that has the expected trusted type.
attributeSetterData.forEach(setterData => {
trustedTypeDataForAttribute.forEach(testData => {
if (testData.attrNS && !setterData.acceptNS) return;
if (!testData.type) return;
test(t => {
let element = testData.element();
let trustedInput = createTrustedOutput(testData.type, input_string);
setterData.runSetter(element, testData.attrNS, testData.attrName,
trustedInput, testData.type);
let value = element.getAttributeNS(testData.attrNS, testData.attrName);
if (setterData.acceptTrustedTypeArgumentInIDL) {
// Passing a trusted type should work normally.
assert_equals(seenSinkName, undefined);
assert_equals(value, input_string);
} else {
// TrustedType arguments will be converted to a string when passed
// to this setter, so the default policy applies.
assert_equals(seenSinkName, testData.sink);
assert_equals(value, output_string);
}, `${setterData.api} \
${!setterData.acceptTrustedTypeArgumentInIDL ? 'applies' : 'does not apply'} \
default policy for elementNS=${testData.element().namespaceURI}, \
element=${testData.element().tagName}, \
${testData.attrNS ? 'attrNS='+testData.attrNS+', ' : ''} \
attrName=${testData.attrName} and a ${testData.type} input.`);